Inkster Jr.
Hello there! I am Sly Snivy, and you can call me Sly. I have been with the Splatoon series for awhile, and it has become one of my favorite game franchises. I am a Slosher player through and through, as I have played them ever since they came out in Splatoon 1, and they now comprise most of my mains in Splatoon 3. I'm also partial to Dualies, but mainly the more midline range ones. Right now, my weapon pool is Slosher Deco, Slosher, Glooga Dualies, and Neo Machine with some experimenting with Custom Douser Dualies. Despite how long I've played the game, I've only recently started getting into the competitive scene, participating in tournaments with a skill cap with a team I helped form. If you've got any tips for getting more into comp, I'd love to hear from the comp players among you as to what would you have done differently when you first started playing in that team environment. That's all I've got, and while I don't anticipate being crazy active, I appreciate having another way to interact with the Splatoon community!