Accomplishment Thread


#1 Flyfish Hater
Oct 24, 2016
Hey everyone, let's start a thread to show off anything you're proud of accomplishing in Salmon Run! High scores, improvement, anything you've learned in achieving your feats.

I'll start with my improvement in Big Run. The first Big Run I could barely tread water in Eggsecutive VP and was just a few eggs shy of top 20%. This past Big Run I accomplished top 1% for the first time and defeated a few Triumvirates along the way! It really helps to have even just one other person to consistently play with, and I would say was one of the biggest factors in my improvement.

wahoo world.jpeg

P.S. Did you know Maws is the only boss that can count for multiple people?


Senior Squid
Apr 29, 2024
Mossdeep City
Top 1% is astounding congrats!!


I was able to get the bronze map badges for jammin' salmon junction and spawning grounds not too long ago on a regular random rotation. I usually begin to struggle at higher eggsecutive vp levels because of how crowded it can get and how high the quotas are, but it feels like I'm getting more accustomed to playing at that level. I hope I can achieve eggsec 999 at some point and clear a hazard level max shift too!


#1 Flyfish Hater
Oct 24, 2016
Top 1% is astounding congrats!!

View attachment 14219
I was able to get the bronze map badges for jammin' salmon junction and spawning grounds not too long ago on a regular random rotation. I usually begin to struggle at higher eggsecutive vp levels because of how crowded it can get and how high the quotas are, but it feels like I'm getting more accustomed to playing at that level. I hope I can achieve eggsec 999 at some point and clear a hazard level max shift too!
Very nice! Spawning grounds is the hardest map in my opinion. Died to flyfish and stingers spawning out by the grates on high tide too many times.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Getting top 5% in Eggstra Work in the last two hours before the rotation ended is definitely one of my SR highlights.
I didn't have an insane grind session or anything, I actually had quite the opposite as my internet kept disconnecting me from @Grushi and @Aiko.Octo.
I just think it's funny that I got into top 5% from my first Eggstra Work match of the last day which was in solo and I didn't even play Machine despite being in rotation.

Another highlight would be getting top 7% and actually bothering to reach EVP 999 in the "last" Big Run on Grand Splatlands Bowl.
At this point I would barely play SR, mostly because I didn't care enough about the mode to grind it for hours but I had enough fun here and did well enough to finish off my Big Run stats with this.
Yes, it's not technically the last Big Run but the reruns don't matter to me at all.

Lastly, my favorite achievement would be getting my first HLM and EVP 999 on the first Bonerattle Arena rotation.
Similar to what I said before, I don't care enough about SR to reach these higher EVP levels but Bonerattle Arena felt AMAZING the first time I played it.
The mobility options thanks to the ink rails and the map layout itself felt so free compared to everything else in SR so playing multiple matches for hours didn't feel like a chore.


#1 Flyfish Hater
Oct 24, 2016
Getting top 5% in Eggstra Work in the last two hours before the rotation ended is definitely one of my SR highlights.
I didn't have an insane grind session or anything, I actually had quite the opposite as my internet kept disconnecting me from @Grushi and @Aiko.Octo.
I just think it's funny that I got into top 5% from my first Eggstra Work match of the last day which was in solo and I didn't even play Machine despite being in rotation.
View attachment 14236

Another highlight would be getting top 7% and actually bothering to reach EVP 999 in the "last" Big Run on Grand Splatlands Bowl.
At this point I would barely play SR, mostly because I didn't care enough about the mode to grind it for hours but I had enough fun here and did well enough to finish off my Big Run stats with this.
Yes, it's not technically the last Big Run but the reruns don't matter to me at all.
View attachment 14237

Lastly, my favorite achievement would be getting my first HLM and EVP 999 on the first Bonerattle Arena rotation.
Similar to what I said before, I don't care enough about SR to reach these higher EVP levels but Bonerattle Arena felt AMAZING the first time I played it.
The mobility options thanks to the ink rails and the map layout itself felt so free compared to everything else in SR so playing multiple matches for hours didn't feel like a chore.
View attachment 14238
Hey salmon run isn't for everybody haha. I feel the opposite way about pvp, salmon run is almost all that I play. It definitely feels like a chore sometimes when the weapons are bad, but I have the most fun playing splatoon reaching hlm with friends. I would agree that bonerattle is really fun! It also has three areas that you can splat flyfish with just one bomb which is always satisfying (and super helpful when 5+ flyfish spawn on one wave).


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Hey salmon run isn't for everybody haha. I feel the opposite way about pvp, salmon run is almost all that I play. It definitely feels like a chore sometimes when the weapons are bad, but I have the most fun playing splatoon reaching hlm with friends. I would agree that bonerattle is really fun! It also has three areas that you can splat flyfish with just one bomb which is always satisfying (and super helpful when 5+ flyfish spawn on one wave).
I still think it's a fun mode and I even used to play it a lot in my first year with S3 but my focus has largely shifted towards pvp since then.
I at least did get the chance to play with a full team for the Undertow Big Run and that was really fun even though I didn't like how that map was basically a Flyfish zoo.

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