After all the confirmed future updates, what do you think the game needs?


Oct 5, 2014
This is out there, but I'd love to see a map that has walls and ceilings you can walk on, similar to the anti-gravity mechanic MK8 had. Perhaps have maps in space, or some other low-gravity scenario where the ink shot from your guns fly in a straight path, instead of in an arc like it usually does. You can jump like usual, but there can be a separate button to propel yourself in a straight towards where you're currently aiming to get on walls and ceilings.
That sounds pretty epic. There could be sticky paint to deal with ceilings.

As much as I hate grates, it'd be cool do have a race for the balloon-type of goal, traveling on blocks that alternate between grates and paintable walls forcing you to wall jump.


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
This is out there, but I'd love to see a map that has walls and ceilings you can walk on, similar to the anti-gravity mechanic MK8 had. Perhaps have maps in space, or some other low-gravity scenario where the ink shot from your guns fly in a straight path, instead of in an arc like it usually does. You can jump like usual, but there can be a separate button to propel yourself in a straight towards where you're currently aiming to get on walls and ceilings.
Honestly mechanics like that thrown into a shooter that wasn't designed for them are pretty gimmicky and are rarely fun for public matches. It would be sweet if we got awesome custom games a'la Halo, but I wouldn't want to see stuff like that in public games.


But yeah, private matches with spectator mode is what I'd like to see most.
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jul 28, 2014
Switch Friend Code
Oh, yeah, like an MVM kinda thing I guess? The only issue is the computer AI is just so ***, if you ever do the VS Octling missions, they don't really pose much of a threat past being moving targets with bombs. But mixing the Single player elements with multiplayer is a very good idea, though i'm not holding my breath for it.
MvM AI isn't anything special either. The challenge comes from their strength in numbers, and the limited time before the bomb reaches the hatch.

Anyway, what I'd really like is a built-in speedrun mode for Octo Valley. Having to set up a separate profile, wipe it for each run, and disconnect from the internet to skip the Callie/Marie announcements is a bit of a hassle. Would be nice if you could start a fresh run from your existing profile without erasing anything, and add a built-in timer for both individual levels and the full run. Just don't patch the world 4 skip though!


Pro Squid
Jun 8, 2015
Will they release a custom room for friends? I mean this game could be competitive but it can't be without a mode where you can invite people from your friend list like in mario kart or smash.
If that's not in the leak,make it happen in future hopefully.


Inkling Commander
May 4, 2015
Surrey, UK
LAN support and a spectator mode for sure. Splatoon may be super-fun now, but I don't think it'll have a huge lifespan unless it gets made tournament-friendly.
Will they release a custom room for friends?
Yes, that's the main feature of the big August update. (That was announced in May.)


Inkster Jr.
Aug 23, 2014
The current rotation consists of 9 stages and we know another stage is on its way, we honestly need more than that.


I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar.
Dec 15, 2011

Nintendo needs to have it so that it prioritizes trying to pair you up with people near you first before it reaches out to a more global search. But if you are being matched with people globally, you are going to get lag, due to the distance between you and other players.

As for what this game needs, it needs that one weapon that just clicks for me. And maps. Any shooter needs more maps.


The Artist
Site Moderator
Apr 23, 2015
yo. what if they add on more single player content and had an online mode where you could fight waves of octarians with friends!!!


I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar.
Dec 15, 2011
yo. what if they add on more single player content and had an online mode where you could fight waves of octarians with friends!!!
Hopefully they would improve the AI, because the Octarians are rather stupid right now.


Semi-Pro Squid
Jun 8, 2015
1) Spectating - friend matches, ranked A+ matches, team matches(after August update). Ability to have FREE Camera control and upload replays on Youtube.
2) More commands on D-Pad - "Follow me", "Fall Back", "Hold Position", "Booyaaa" would be far better options than the current ones.
3) Having Two Weapon and Gear Load-outs which you can switch inside Lobby
4) Octarians as playable characters in the different online modes
5) New Maps should include some of the platforming features of the Single Player - such as rotating areas, sponges, tubes
6) More game modes:

4 Person Free For All - the goal is to color the most area during designated time, each player is penalized heavily if he kills one of the other players while inking up the place. This will provide a different mechanic where certain players will focus on trying to ink up the environment while others try to get hit on purpose. Players see score in real time thus 3 people are able to group against one and try to get him penalized by trying to get hit by his ink.

Traversal Trials - Pretty much capture the flag in a randomly generated environment, where the different traversal mechanics are introduced and whoever captures the flag first/arrives at a particular check point wins. Since we have seen some additional environments and elements in the SP, those should be used here(pipes, obstacles, platforming). People are able to get hit and restart the course, but only long range weapons which require multiple hits for a kill are permitted.

Maze Mode - Randomly generated maze where the opponents need to get to the center and retrieve an item. Once they have the item they need to return to an entrance in order to win. But you can only traverse ground you've already inked yourself and cannot ink while carrying the item. All players are able to see the maze and colors during the game unless they are inside the center/carrying the item. You can drop the item in order to fight or ink the maze path, but when you pick it up again the map/coloring of the map dissapears - so you have no way of knowing if someone is approaching you while caring the item.

Hide and Seek - One person is able to shoot during this mode, but they have limited ink. The map starts in the color of the person who is searching. Other players are able to color the terrain as they move through it but the person searching is able to view the whole map and its is colored. So if you run into the person who is searching while coloring in squid mode you're toast, but if you color some parts and than hide further behind they might shoot into nothing. The people hiding have a 10 second head start to color some of the terrain before the person searching is deployed.

Shirma Akayaku

Pro Squid
Apr 23, 2015
A stray asteroid
1) Spectating - friend matches, ranked A+ matches, team matches(after August update). Ability to have FREE Camera control and upload replays on Youtube.
2) More commands on D-Pad - "Follow me", "Fall Back", "Hold Position", "Booyaaa" would be far better options than the current ones.
3) Having Two Weapon and Gear Load-outs which you can switch inside Lobby
4) Octarians as playable characters in the different online modes
5) New Maps should include some of the platforming features of the Single Player - such as rotating areas, sponges, tubes
6) More game modes:

4 Person Free For All - the goal is to color the most area during designated time, each player is penalized heavily if he kills one of the other players while inking up the place. This will provide a different mechanic where certain players will focus on trying to ink up the environment while others try to get hit on purpose. Players see score in real time thus 3 people are able to group against one and try to get him penalized by trying to get hit by his ink.

Traversal Trials - Pretty much capture the flag in a randomly generated environment, where the different traversal mechanics are introduced and whoever captures the flag first/arrives at a particular check point wins. Since we have seen some additional environments and elements in the SP, those should be used here(pipes, obstacles, platforming). People are able to get hit and restart the course, but only long range weapons which require multiple hits for a kill are permitted.

Maze Mode - Randomly generated maze where the opponents need to get to the center and retrieve an item. Once they have the item they need to return to an entrance in order to win. But you can only traverse ground you've already inked yourself and cannot ink while carrying the item. All players are able to see the maze and colors during the game unless they are inside the center/carrying the item. You can drop the item in order to fight or ink the maze path, but when you pick it up again the map/coloring of the map dissapears - so you have no way of knowing if someone is approaching you while caring the item.

Hide and Seek - One person is able to shoot during this mode, but they have limited ink. The map starts in the color of the person who is searching. Other players are able to color the terrain as they move through it but the person searching is able to view the whole map and its is colored. So if you run into the person who is searching while coloring in squid mode you're toast, but if you color some parts and than hide further behind they might shoot into nothing. The people hiding have a 10 second head start to color some of the terrain before the person searching is deployed.
I think that the command "Follow Me" should be labeled as "Come to me!" instead. It sounds better because...

A. You can use it like "Follow Me" near teammates during the start of the match
B. You can use it from far away, so teammates can go to you via Super Jump. Telling when to Super Jump is much better since you'll be in a better position than randomly Super Jumping.

As for "Hold Position" I'm not sure how effective that would be. I feel like if everyone's doing something all the time (in Turf War) there's not much reason to say "Hold Position". I could see it being useful in Ranked Battles though.

Anyways, I completely want 1 through 5 to happen so badly (I'd really want Ink Rails to be in multiplayer). I don't know about your number 6 idea. I'd have to think about it.


Jun 18, 2015
I think sound is REALLY important. There countless times where I have been able to take out an enemy because I could hear them swimming from behind a wall (like the choke points in urchin underpass) so I didn't have to be standing directly in the path of an enemy to see them coming. I really wish we could have an option to adjust the music volume or turn it off period. Similar to how you experience the game in recon mode where it's just the sounds of your footsteps, weapons, and ink.

I know a lot of the people really love the music, but I would like a few more song options in turf wars and splatzones. Whenever I hear that mock heavy metal song where it is just some guy screaming "Braw braw braw braw braw, braw braw braw" I cringe and it's hard to get really immersed in the game. Some more good pump up songs would be really nice!


Semi-Pro Squid
Jun 8, 2015
I think sound is REALLY important. There countless times where I have been able to take out an enemy because I could hear them swimming from behind a wall (like the choke points in urchin underpass) so I didn't have to be standing directly in the path of an enemy to see them coming. I really wish we could have an option to adjust the music volume or turn it off period. Similar to how you experience the game in recon mode where it's just the sounds of your footsteps, weapons, and ink.

I know a lot of the people really love the music, but I would like a few more song options in turf wars and splatzones. Whenever I hear that mock heavy metal song where it is just some guy screaming "Braw braw braw braw braw, braw braw braw" I cringe and it's hard to get really immersed in the game. Some more good pump up songs would be really nice!

Totally agree with this - but for other reasons I would like to have sound effects but I prefer to listen to some Metal while gaming.


Jun 18, 2015
I think that the command "Follow Me" should be labeled as "Come to me!" instead. It sounds better because...
I completely agree. In the US it's "C'mon!" which to me sounds like "C'mon step up your game" or like "Awe man!! C'mon!" when we're losing. I still use it when somebody is tapping to superjump me to say that it is safe to do so. If it was "come to me" it's more of a support role than an expression or a command. Follow me sounds like "tag along" but "come to me" can mean "it's safe here" "This is a place where we are easily suppressing the enemy" or "I need help!"


Inkster Jr.
Jun 3, 2015
The option for regional matchmaking. Laggy Japanese roller players were funny at first, but jeez, being a victim of them often in ranked blows. It'll slow matchmaking down a bit, but more functional battles is a good trade off imo.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 23, 2014
Most of things have been mentioned on what i feel like are needed improvements.

Server maintenance/improvement.
Saved load outs, 2 or 3 of them to quickly switch outfits with weapon set up
More outfits / Ability to change main ability. I like the who ability part of outfits ... but the issue is if you like the look of a particular item, but it has determined abilities and influential sub abilities. Maybe a way to change/pay to switch out main abilities with Spyke for a fee/secret sea snail.


Splatin' through Inkopolis with my woes....
Jun 1, 2015
-I would just be happy if they fixed their lag issue. I have killed/been killed by too many invisible enemies.

-I would love a better local 2v2 or 4v4 turf war, then splatoon wouldn't feel like such a one player game when I have friends over.

-Ability to switch weapon/see what weapon other players are using before we join. Being on a team with 2-3 E-liters or 2-3 inkbrushes is not fun. If people saw the possibility of what weapons they could have on their teams and switch out it would be more competitive.

-Of course higher levels. It would make more sense if the cap was 50 now. I'm sure I've played enough games to be level 80 if not 100.

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