Hey! I'm one of maybe two squids who use a charger, and I would like to find a way to consistently improve my aiming. I use a lot of motion controls, but I am open to trying out the classic full-stick method (but I would prefer to stick with motion). So what are your tips for learning how to aim precisely and consistently?
I did a little write-up
here that should get you started.
first thing you want to do is fix your sensitivity. go into the firing range and just practice trying to hit the test dummies with flick shots. you don't need to be that good at flickshotting to hit them; what you want to do is take note of where your shots land and adjust accordingly. start with your current sensitivity and work up or down until you are hitting the targets, then go one step further and see if you hit more often.
second, you need to find a comfortable seating position. how you sit
really matters when using motion controls with a charger. even something as simple as crossing your legs differently can throw off your aim by just a few pixels (I have to sit with my legs crossed left-over-right at the knees or my aim simply does not exist). learn charger in a comfortable position so that you don't end up in my situation where I have to sit in a weird position just to keep my gamepad steady and my aim remotely around the people I'm shooting at.
third, go for shots. aim to "not miss"; even if you are slightly off on a shot, you can get people stuck in your ink, making the follow-up shot super easy. of course, you want to be aiming to hit 100% of your shots, but the fact is that with something as jittery as gyro controls, misses do happen and you need to be prepared for that. going on tilt can completely kill your aim and your confidence in taking shots.
fourth, go for shots. just shoot things. shoot enemy ink, shoot seekers, shoot bubblers, shoot things. every shot you don't take cannot possibly get a kill, and when you take these shots, sometimes you're rewarded with the kill that sways the game in your favour. not only that, but you start to learn what your limits are as a player and you start to get positive reinforcement on your shot timings (I got a kill the last three times I shot here at this time, maybe I'll get another one?), which turns those lucky kills into planned kills.
fifth, learn how to hit people who are jumping. people jump way too much in this game in an attempt to be evasive but all it does against chargers is set you up with a whole second to line your shot up. learn how jump trajectories work and aim where people are going to land, then just pop them as soon as they enter your crosshairs. it's very satisfying and even more effective.