Any good Weapons or strats for Rainmaker mode?

The Salamander King

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Site Moderator
Jun 23, 2016
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Like in my last post about Tower Controll, I kinda suck at ranked (except Splat Zones) any tips?


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Depends. What role(s) do you often find yourself in during a Rainmaker match? Preferred weapon type or usage style?

Best if we narrow down a few particulars to provide you with some optimal advice instead of just infodumping on you.

The Salamander King

Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Jun 23, 2016
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Depends. What role(s) do you often find yourself in during a Rainmaker match? Preferred weapon type or usage style?

Best if we narrow down a few particulars to provide you with some optimal advice instead of just infodumping on you.
Well, I guess I like to play support. I usually play one of the longer range shooters (Squelchers, pros, .96) or occasionally the mini splatling.


Pro Squid
Apr 8, 2016
Well, I guess I like to play support. I usually play one of the longer range shooters (Squelchers, pros, .96) or occasionally the mini splatling.
The Krak-On is my go-to weapon for support in Rainmaker. Since it greatly benefits from Swim Speed Up gear, you can carry the Rainmaker pretty efficiently (and probably should in situations where a short-range weapon is useless at escorting the carrier, such as on Hammerhead Bridge’s mesh). The Beakons are amazing at pressuring the enemy team. Once you’re advancing inside their base and Beakons start popping up everywhere, it makes it that much harder for them to recover from your team’s push. In general, the mobility that Beakons provide is invaluable in Rainmaker mode.

For example, on Camp Triggerfish, the Krak-On is terrible at pushing on the left side with the ropes because of its short range and useless Special. Staying behind and placing Beakons allows your team to immediately come back from being splatted, keeping the pressure up and the push alive until the Rainmaker is (hopefully) dunked.

On top of that, the main weapon and Special make this roller really good at stopping the opponents’ advance—all you need to do is hide on the Rainmaker holder’s path and wait for them to pass by, or even better, build up your Special gauge and unleash the Kraken! Though that type of playstyle is going to put a lot of pressure on you, because I can’t count the number of times it was up to me to stop the enemies’ advance because everyone on my team had gotten splatted.

You seem to like long range weapons; the Krak-On isn’t that, of course, but the Rainmaker is. And if used well, it can be devastating. Rainmaker mode is all about creating opportunities for the carrier to move ahead in relative safety, but the carrier themself can assist with that by firing charged shots and denying access to entire chunks of the map while their allies work to splat most/all of the opponents. Krak-On/Rainmaker in Rainmaker mode is one of the most fun things about Splatoon for me, and it pretty reliably wins me S rank matches on certain maps (Port Mackerel, Camp Triggerfish, and to a lesser extent Arowana Mall).


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
I should probably hammer out an essay or something one day to collect all my Rainmaker thoughts rather than tossing out piecemeal advice...

Anyway~, a few quickie tips
  • Keep track of the rainmaker at all times—no matter who has it, whether or not it's on the move, no matter where you are on the map—have a general idea of where the rainmaker is at all times
  • Try to keep tabs on the other team using both the screen and gamepad—especially flankers and long range users, both can be the most troublesome during a push and counterpush
  • Repeatedly use the Recon Mode during a Rainmaker rotation to wander around the maps—learning how far your weapon can reach from a location, learning the different pathways and chokepoints, learning the different perches, learning hiding spots, etc. etc. etc.
  • Learn how to delay the other team from popping the shield—shooting in brief spurts and quickly refilling to delay the other team from making a successful push while your team gathers their momentum
  • Don't focus on splats if you're playing support—instead be the lookout, chase off enemies, provide paths, deliver suppressing fire, stall whenever possible

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