Any tips for the E-Litre or the Sloshing Machine?


Aug 24, 2015
I would really appreciate tips because I have always wanted to get better with these!


May 1, 2015
I started using the Custom E-Liter 3K recently, so here are a few tips.

Wear gear with Damage Up. Three main DUs can kill with about 3/4 of a charge, and even if you miss, the enemy may step in the ink you just shot, which reduces his/her health.

Snap your snipes--charge up facing a nearby wall or obstacle so the enemy can't see the charge line, then quickly aim and take them out.

Place all three Squid Beakons in somewhat hidden locations--and sometimes, you can catch a distracted enemy shooting at one and take advantage of the situation.

Save the Kraken for opportune/last resort situations. I often take out at least two enemies when I use it.

On some maps, rushing to take the center or more right at the start works out. On Port Mackerel, get on top of the enemy's forklift thing and camp with your team (hopefully) close behind.


Jan 24, 2016
I main the E-liter and I personally use ink recovery up on all my gear. That's just me though. But on most chargers, damage up works quite well, so be sure to use that. Especially since the e-liter has burst bombs. Don't rely on those though! I can't tell you how many times I've seen e-liter users go down and try to kill enemies with just only burst bombs. Although some successfully pull it off, it's really risky and can leave you in a bad position. So only use them when an enemy is hurt. Learn sniping locations on various maps to know where to get clear shots. I wouldn't recommend staying in the exact same location, because enemies will know where you are after being splatted by you and avoid going near you. So switch it up a bit and move to different spots.

I don't use the Custom e-liter too often but some things I realized with the custom e-liter is the use of squid beacons.
You can use beacons as shields. This can be very useful especially if you are going up against another charger. The enemy charger would have to destroy your beacon and charge up again in order to splat you. This will give you a chance to splat them as they try to charge up again. You just need one beacon (or two if you feel like you need another one) and the rest of the other beacons can be placed wherever you feel necessary to help your team out. The only down side to this is the excessive use of ink. So if you can, maybe wear some ink recovery or sub saver.

As for the sloshing machine, maybe wear some bomb range up and special charge up. This would be really great for getting your bomb rush quicker to cover ground and having a longer bomb range on enemies. I believe the sloshing machine works similar to a blaster? So be sure to practice on your directs. I'm not sure if it works well but if you want you can try using some damage up to create more damage on your blast radius. The Sloshing Neo has a point sensor so make full use of that. It not only helps your team locate enemies, but makes it somewhat easier to land your hits since the sensor gives you a precise location of the enemy. And well inkzooka is inkzooka. Dip every time you shoot and activate your zooka behind an obstacle so enemies don't see you flinging it out. The point sensor helps make those very few zooka shots count as well!


Inkster Jr.
Sep 26, 2015
You want at least the equivalent of three Damage Ups on the E-Litre for it to shine, but preferably not more than four, and some Ink Recovery. Cold Blooded is very welcome too. The biggest mistake I see a lot of E-Litres do is depend way too much on Burst Bombs. Many of them just rush to the enemy and spam Burst Bombs. E-Litres aren't meant for short range, they're only built to counter people approaching them. Don't get into dangerous situations, don't challenge people constantly because you're either gonna die or at best trade with them when they have the initiative
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Feb 8, 2016
you should try and figure out strategies for each map. if you don't know that map that you're playing on well then it'll be hard to find a good sniping post. plus you should chose gear that applies to your weapons needs. if you for example are using a weapon that has beacons as a sub then why would you use bomb range up. i hope these tips helped!! good luck friend!! :bombrush:

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