best gear?


Jun 14, 2015
rn, i'm using a few different guns, but mainly the jet squelcher and aerospray mg. i have a ninja squid shrit, tenacity mask, and ink resistance shoe.

im just wondering if i should swap one of these out? would having a quick respawn. swim speed up or an ink saver be a better main ability? or should i just save those for the sub abilities? basically what im asking is are the main abilities i have now worth it, and how much of a difference does a main respawn/ink saver/swim speed vs. a sub respawn/ink saver/swim speed make?


Inkster Jr.
Jun 15, 2015
Winnipeg, MB
If you have those all with 3* abilities Id say you have a great set up to go with the AeroSpray. I'd play around with your masks, it's the only one Im iffy about.


Inkling Commander
Apr 24, 2015
I think that ink resistance and ninja squid are good choices.
I'm not sure about tenacity, since I've not used it myself. It sounds somewhat situational: if your team has fewer active players than the opposing team (and they're inactive simply if they're waiting to respawn) then your special gauge will charge automatically. So if you find yourself in that situation a lot, and you find you make good use of the specials - that's the inkstrike and the inkzooka I guess? - it could be worth having. But depending on how the teams are balanced, you might find you don't get much general use out of it, but then it could also be a game changer in a pinch. Another one to consider, particularly if you're using the aerospray, and so are liable to be at a combat disadvantage, is defence up.

3 x 1 sub ability = 1 main ability, and depending on the brand of your gear, certain sub abilities are more or less likely to appear. Aiming for swim speed up as a sub might be useful, as it could compensate for the slight knock that you get from ninja squid. Ink saver/Ink recovery up are also pretty useful.

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