Black Tar. (Sign up)


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
"It never ends..." A female Inkling said laying down on the ground with a splattershot in her hand. The rain pouring on her face. She closed her eyes and a memory came to her. Fighting off what was once her comrades and friends were now her enemies. She was the last of her platoon and it seemed like there will be none left. She opened her eyes and winced at the pain in her left leg. "That one got me good." The inkling said softly rubbing her leg as if it will heal when she does that, but sadly it didn't. She sighed then closed her eyes once more. The thought of her turning into those things made her scared. She didn't want to be like them. "Please...someone stop this." That was her lasts words until her skin began to turn into a inky black substance. One week earlier...

Heya everyone! This is my first time making a RP for a LONG while. It's like a slice of life, adventure, action, horror, romance, etc. Whatever you want it to be. Just come in and chill and have tons of fun with your OC(s). Now if you read the top part then you know this is going to be a grim story. Nothing too serious or too graphic, but I do like having suspense. Will you survive in this apocalyptic world full of whatever these creatures are? Well it all depends on how fresh you are. The setting will take place in Inkopolis Splatlands.

Here is the link to the RP:

Sign up sheet

Appearance: (Send image if you like)
How much freshness you do you have on a scale of 0/10?


Name: Alkali Macintosh
Species: Chum (Salmonid)
Age: 14
alkali talking picture.jpeg
Just a normal Chum but as you can see his hair is shorter. He likes to carry a backpack around because he likes to bring food or equipment whenever he is in a pinch.
Personality: He is a kind, sweet guy, but he is very shy when meeting new people. Very smart, but is quick to doubt himself if he thinks the problem isn't correct. He LOVES machines and his favorite machine is the autobomb. He finds it very cute to play with, except when it explodes all over him. A upcoming tinker that will bring his devices to the field of battle whenever needed. Does not like to be confrontational because he feels as if people will view him as a bad guy. He just likes to chill and have fun and make friends.
Bio: Little is known about his past. All he can remember was that he lived with a family of Inklings in Inkopolis Plaza. Growing up he was always bullied by other kids for being different and some of the grownups viewed him as a monster because he is a Salmonid. Depression and loneliness almost claimed him, but his big brother, Pug, always made sure that he was alright. He loves to train with his brother, though he rather do something else. His first fascination of robotics was when he was watching Turfwar on the big screen of Inkopolis Plaza. Seeing the robot follow it's opponent and explode on contact even though the opposing team was under ink. The soon to be tinker found inspiration and decided to make his own little machine. At the age of 14 and with the help from his family, he was able to complete his automaton. He felt accomplished, but it seemed like there was something missing in his soul. Every time he looks into the mirror he wonders if there are others like him out there. Awaiting for his return to be with them.
Other: "Eh. I'm a Chum. I don't think freshness counts for me."
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Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
A darker plot? Sounds like an opportunity to finally use my edgy OC!

Name: Shark

Species: Octoling (Ringed Octoling)


Shark is an Elite Octoling, he wears a bandana with shark teeth as its graphic, a camo jacket of sorts, and non-slip boots. None of his gear aside from his E-Liter matches what is typically seen during the sporty ink battles.

Shark has a silent splatter personality, he stays quiet when he's aiming at his target, usually an enemy that managed to get through a splatoon of Octarians defending the Octarian neighborhood where he and his wife live.

Shark had a troubled past, he was one of the Ringed Octoling children who were taken from their parents by the Crimson Octolings. He was treated harshly for slight failures like not having the right posture. Once he found out he was a Ringed Octoling, he caused an uprising that freed the Ringed Octoling children, who are now adults, and instead joined General Anemone's army, of which he became the leader of the male-exclusive Elite Octoling division known as the Octospartans, whose purpose is to guarantee the defense of important places and people, often clashing with other armies' Elites in a brutal fight of attrition. Once Shark made it to the surface, he planned to have a normal life, with guarding duties as his day job while he spent his free time with his wife. The recent peace treaty and reunification between the Crimson Octarians and Ringed Octarians allowed him to stop focusing on the past and instead focus on what's in the present.

"Freshness is irrelevant when Octarian lives are in danger."


Inkster Jr.
Aug 17, 2017
Switch Friend Code
//Sorry it took so long. I suddenly got busy. And I will be busy again tomorrow. You are accepted btw :D


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
That's okay, I will be busy playing a bit of Splatoon 3 anyways. And thank you for accepting me.

Deleted member

Seems neat! Well, here’s my submission!
Name: Meshi Hydra
Species: Octoling

Meshi has an upbeat and excited personality, being friendly with a lot of hid fellow Inklings/Octolings. However, he becomes more serious in battle.
Bio: Meshi was a skilled battler in both Turf War and Anarchy Battles. However, their overconfidence eventually lead to them losing their rank. With new resolve, they trained for 2 years to get better, and has now returned to reclaim his title.
Other: Freshness: 7/10!


Full Squid
Jun 8, 2022
The abyss
Switch Friend Code
This seems fun, let’s do this-!!
Name: Coral
Species: Octoling
she is a metro escapee, commonly found wearing all neo gear with the N’zap 89
Coral is more of a silent bypasser who isn’t willing to speak to much of anyone without reasons. She can and does get fairly violent when feeling threatened or purely uncomfortable but is extremely kind and loyal to those she befriends.
Coral had a rough past, living in the metro for the first few years of her life. Her parents never managed to escape like she did, leaving her to inkopolis on her own. She eventually befriended a fellow bypasser, Mocha, but the toxic friendship faded once she returned to the metro. Once again finding herself escaping afterwards, now partially sanitized, she avoids any contact with the alley and mentions of it. She still mourns her parents though she can barely remember them, and stays away from most people
How much freshness you do you have on a scale of 0/10? 7/10

Deleted member

species: crimson octoling
age: 19
Aperrence: a medical doctor that tries his best to cure any disease and loves playing turf war.

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