Breath of the Wild, breathin' in that wilderness.(Spoilers)


Splatoon subreddit & discord Mod
Community Ambassador
Jul 9, 2016
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So who here got The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and for those who did, what'cha think of it so far?

Personally, I'm 105 hours in and maybe halfway through the story, and I gotta say it is really good. I don't think I could say it's the 10/10 experience everyone is on about, but it's definitely a strong entry into the next generation for Nintendo and will probably define in part how they approach games going forward. I wouldn't say I like it more than Splatoon but the two are difficult comparisons as they are entirely different experiences.

I really love all of the small mechanics, they definitely add a feeling that "Things make sense" in this world, even if they are largely simplified iterations of real world counterparts, such as the mechanics of chopping wood. You can shoot a fruit out of a tree and watch it spin to the ground with the force from the arrow and that is seriously impressive.

Similarly, the sense of scale this game has. I'm impresssed with the draw distance (At least for large objects and terrain) Ninty managed to pump out of a Wii U. ANd not just visually, but getting around the map has a very complete illusion of massive size. Much like in real life, things that look near are not quite so much of the time,a nd it can actually take quite a bit to get some one where to another.

The big thing I don't like so far is weapon durability. Even high grade weapons break like all the time. And event hough the game scales with you a bit to deliver better weapons as you proceed, it just doesn't feel good knowing the next good thing you get will be gone within two minutes of you actually using it at all. ****s sake, even the Master Sword will break albeit impermanently. In general witht heir only be select armor, consumable weapons/items, there doesn't feel to be much progression in BotW. This in comparison to any other zelda title where acquiring a new tool/weapon wea a clear indication of progress. I have a stack of fancy weapons and max upgraded armor but I still don't feel like I've really got much. Furthermore, I might have this +12 damage royal greatsword but damn me if I'm going to use it on anything that's not a Lynel because it, like most of the weapons in this game, is too good to use. I'm afraid to use anything better than a knights broadsword because everything is so god damn fragile or at least costs an arm and a leg to be reforged. There are a handful of complaints I have about the game, and most are small, but this one is just the big stickler for me.

Anyway, really surprised this wasn't a thing yet but here it is. Some things to provoke your thoughts if you don't have anything on hand.

How much have you played so far?
How far in the story are you/do you think you are?
Favourite thing?
Least favourite thing?
Favourite moment (Like say, solving a puzzle in way it clearly wasn't meant to be solved or beating an enemy in a silly way)

Also, I beat a Savage Lynel, AMA v(▼ω▼メ)ゞ


#1 Flyfish Hater
Oct 24, 2016
I also have botw but I have the Switch version. I would have to say that I really like having the motions controls in the pro controller. I find it's much easier and more accurate and I don't have to sacrifice using a traditional controller. So far I've done all main quests except defeat ganon. So pretty much done with the whole story. I'm just procrastinating fighting ganon by hunting for shrines :p. My favorite thing besides exploring about the game would have to be flurry rushes or deflecting Guardian beams back at the guardians. The precise timing for that makes it fun and challenging. My least favorite thing is when the frame rate drops significantly for a period of time:(. Probably my favorite moment was when I tried to teleport away from a guardian at the same time it shot at me and I got hit after I chose a place to fast travel to. Or maybe when I accidentally discovered the place where Dinraal gets close enough to hit and get scales from


Inkling Fleet Admiral
May 10, 2015
I have spend 125 hours and already completed the story. I am kinda disappointed by the lack of a post-game even though the DLC is coming. What I do like about this game is the amount of exploration that is provided. I keep finding myself in unknown territories despite thinking I've been to every corner of the world. Other favorite things include are parrying Guardian beams and fighting Lynels. (Savage Lynel weapons ftw!)

I get people don't like the weapon durability, but it didn't bother me that much. You would think a blacksmith would be in a game like this or have the ability to repair your own weapons since that would make up for the durability complaint. I think my least favorite thing would be the lack of music. I get that they want you to immerse you into the world with environmental sounds, but it's just too quiet imo. The only good music in this game are when you're in dungeons or towns/stables.

My favorite moment would have to be the Eventide Island challenge. I thought it was so much fun to play survivor and have you figure out how to get off the island and get your items back. Figuring it how to defeat the Hinox there was fun too. What I did was use a boulder from the high cliff of where the Bokoblins and electric Chuchus were camping and kept launching it with Stasis until it was dead. It did a lot of damage too.


#1 Flyfish Hater
Oct 24, 2016
In regards to the Eventide island shrine, I actually didn't defeat the Hinox to get the ball. I ended up getting a flurry rush fighting it and cut the ball off of the necklace. Then I ran away and came back to steal the ball that was now on the ground. That's something I love about the game. Everyone can find their own different solutions to the same puzzle!


Splatoon subreddit & discord Mod
Community Ambassador
Jul 9, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Yeah I actually intentionally stole the ball the first time. I was a bit disappointed to realise you can still use Sheikah powers and I already had plenty of health so it wasn't much of a challenge in the end but it was a super interesting shrine challenge all the same.

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