Cloud Nine: Get Your Head in the Clouds! (Now recruiting NA members!)

The Claw

Inkster Jr.
Jun 17, 2014
Howdy guys, The Claw here, I'm happy to see you reading this! What we are is a laid back squad that strives to improve while having fun.

As of now we have 17 members. The skill levels here varies between us. Most of our members here just like to have fun and play Splatoon while making new friends to talk to.

What about the more serious player you might ask? Well, currently we only have about a few members right now who play the game everyday and take it very seriously while still communicating with the other members and making new friends.

Some quick things about us (and a couple rules):

1. We accept all weapons and skill types. Whether you're a beginner or an experience splatter, you can find something enjoyable here.

2. We use Skype for communications, but we're going to be testing Discord whiten the next couple weeks of this post.

3. I cannot stress this enough, please be an active member in the squad. School/Study Obligations and Personal reasons are accepted as reasons for inactivity. I'm pretty lenient on this matter, but inactivity can get you kicked out of the Squad if it's not the above reasons.

Communication is key: Please talk with the other members in the chat if you have the time. It'll grow our relationship with each other and make everything a much more enjoyable experience. I also highly advise that you communicate during voice calls wither you're a casual or serious player.

No bullying: Please don't be a butt! : ) We accept sarcasm and teasing, but please tell the others that you're just joking around.

No Double Agents: When you choose to join this Squad, you make a commitment to the Squad. Should you choose to leave, a simple heads up and a reason why will be sufficient.
Other than these, it's a pretty straightforward, chill place : ) You can find the group here ( We have a short application to fill out (, other than that, there's not much to it.

You can communicate with Makayla or Me if you're interested in joining or if you have any comments or concerns.
The Claw's Skype:
Makayla's Skype: makaylatheawsome

The most important part are the members, they are what keep the squad alive. We can't do it without you.

This is The Claw, see you guys next time.
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