Common mistakes at certain X powers or ranks (question)


Jul 1, 2023
Switch Friend Code
I am a player at 2K XP struggling to break the barrier, and I feel like at certain powers there are mistakes that top players will see very commonly while the players there do not notice. Are there any examples of this?

To be clear, I am not asking for strategies but rather things to look out for. I know how I would work to fix the mistakes. I am just struggling to find what the errors actually are.


Inkster Jr.
Oct 26, 2018
Switch Friend Code
Not a top player but from my experience, common mistakes I tend to see when I play in X rank are:

Enemy beakons not being dealt with- reason for this could be down to the player tunnel visioning and not having the spare capacity or awareness to check the map. I always assumed once splatted, you'd naturally check the map, see a squid beakon and deal with it (especially if it's near your side of the map) but I've seen players just swim right past them.​
Understanding game states- There will be times where we have the man advantage but we don't advance and take the appropriate space in unison (e.g capped the zone but don't push ahead) or do the objective (e.g ride the tower/pick up the rainmaker) quickly enough. At times, you'll have a single player try to force the issue with a particular action that ends up being detrimental to the team (Pushing tower with all 4 enemies alive and in key positions or a player camping under the enemy basket in clams hoping for a counter push when the opposition in question are railing your basket in a 4v3 situation).

Squid Jumping- This feels even worse than it was in 2 and I'm not sure how it got this bad. You can probably point to some things like the state of the maps and how quickly the game is played compared to 2, but it doesn't explain why people continuously try to jump to teammates who aren't in the best position to receive jumps, get splatted easily and thus prolonging the disadvantage state.​
One thing to look for other than general awareness is to keep in mind what your team and enemy team comps comprise of. It can give you a general idea of how the match can potentially play out assuming everyone in the lobby plays the weapon and their kits naturally.​



Fruity Pink Inkling
Jan 30, 2024
Mahi Mahi Resort
Switch Friend Code
I think the most common mistake is just... not painting enough? Most of the time I find my teammates to be capable of killing the enemy, but they can't paint for themselves so they need a bit of help.

When I play I also find that my teammates aren't aggressive enough despite having aggressive weapons, so picking up on that early and making your team play at a better pace is good (but never forget about having paint and specials!!)
Speaking of specials though, specials being popped at bad times or positions happens a lot, really using specials correctly helps way more than you think, even wavebreaker and reef yk?


Pro Squid
Jul 2, 2023
Switch Friend Code
The top complaint i see from playing and watching my co-captain play is ppl arent aggro enough. There will be an obvious advantage and players just.... dont go forward, or instead of superjumping in, they walk in slowly. Splatoon is a fast game especially with coolers now. Ive seen playing recklessly get rewarded far more then playing cautiously and safely (note: this is in lower x rank like 2000 power)
Mar 26, 2024
Switch Friend Code
VOD REVIEW is one of the best ways to see your mistakes. Usually what I do for solo vod reviews is find a place when I die in a match and then go about 15 seconds backwards to see what mistakes I made.

Reborn NA has really great tutorials about less talked about parts of the game as well.
Makes really great content once you find the specific thing you're having trouble with.

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