@ competitively-active high/top level ppl -- how do you plan on using SB?


Pro Squid
Jan 29, 2024
title, basically

on one hand, flc's comments during his discussion with grey about how in japan, they have wikis and message boards n stuff where people are just sharing info all the time -- i wish we had that

on the other, based on some people i've talked to, I don't think people at the upper levels of the game really discuss with each other much at all?
and despite lots of hype and rt's abt how we should move back it seems like there isn't a lot of activity/like it's a fad to some extent

which would be a shame

so I'm curious how people think they'll use this site, if at all
cuz I don't see a lot of names I recognize


Full Squid
Feb 3, 2019
Switch Friend Code
I love discussing the game but I can never think of what to start a thread about. It is a little bit discouraging that there is a lack of high level players here as well (I'm bishop btw I think on mobile it doesn't show the signatures or something like that)

Being off twitter I've been pretty disconnected from what public discussion even exists of the game, was hoping this place could become an active hub where people could talk specifically about the game but yeah I'm not sure people are really sticking at all.


Pro Squid
Jan 29, 2024
I love discussing the game but I can never think of what to start a thread about. It is a little bit discouraging that there is a lack of high level players here as well (I'm bishop btw I think on mobile it doesn't show the signatures or something like that)

Being off twitter I've been pretty disconnected from what public discussion even exists of the game, was hoping this place could become an active hub where people could talk specifically about the game but yeah I'm not sure people are really sticking at all.


Pro Squid
Jan 29, 2024
but also im sure we could healthy discussion even with a relatively small circle of ppl
ig it'd make the most sense to just ping ppl we think could help to chime in or something

as for what to make threads about, i feel like just random stuff you find yourself/your team stuck on or observations you make can become rly interesting threads, even if it's relatively short

personally i have hope for some of the discussions here so i keep a squidboards tab permanently pinned

Mr Sark

Inkster Jr.
Jan 31, 2024
I think high and top level are the reason those types of discussions aren't common place. There's definitely a portion of high level that shuts down discussion from the "established" meta or what works for the sole reason of coming across as them being above that and "why are you try harding in a kids game" mindset.
There's also been times where a high level players opinion has been challenged weather on stream or twitter replies and there egos can't handle it and they make fun of the person which in turn leads to ratios and quote retweets from there followers calling them dumb followed by a skull emoji.

This has been the norm for years and it's trickled down too mid and low level.

Also a lot of high and top level aren't super enthusiastic about sharing info and such, weather that be because they've just been a splatoon player for so long and aren't excited at that level anymore, or because they don't think they have anything to add, or because of what I stated above.
I remember back during ghost gamings run in s2, I would try to watch Dude or sendou's stream and they would be so disinterested in those kind of questions, basically giving quick short answers. Sorin was one of the few top players that would actually interact with viewers of any level and give real answers and perspective on things like weapon picks, specials, etc.


Pro Squid
Jan 29, 2024
I think high and top level are the reason those types of discussions aren't common place. There's definitely a portion of high level that shuts down discussion from the "established" meta or what works for the sole reason of coming across as them being above that and "why are you try harding in a kids game" mindset.
There's also been times where a high level players opinion has been challenged weather on stream or twitter replies and there egos can't handle it and they make fun of the person which in turn leads to ratios and quote retweets from there followers calling them dumb followed by a skull emoji.

This has been the norm for years and it's trickled down too mid and low level.

Also a lot of high and top level aren't super enthusiastic about sharing info and such, weather that be because they've just been a splatoon player for so long and aren't excited at that level anymore, or because they don't think they have anything to add, or because of what I stated above.
I remember back during ghost gamings run in s2, I would try to watch Dude or sendou's stream and they would be so disinterested in those kind of questions, basically giving quick short answers. Sorin was one of the few top players that would actually interact with viewers of any level and give real answers and perspective on things like weapon picks, specials, etc.
not to be annoying but i think blaming top level for the lack of discussion is kinda wild, i would argue that it's more like the vast majority of people, at all levels, are not so much interested in a discussion as much as being right

and who could blame them

if you're not sure whether you're better or worse than the other person, very rarely does the other side have credentials you feel that you ought to believe/listen to, so you're very unlikely to change your position

and even if you know that you're better or that you're worse, people attach the greatest confidence to the things that they themselves have done and think works. it's very rare that they actually consider someone else's opinion, unless the skill gap is huge
but in that case, people tend to not think critically and just take what the higher level person said as gospel and without nuance

also, the truth of the matter is, the vast majority of questions lower level people tend to ask are kinda...misguided? and also very frequently unoriginal so it gets kind of annoying to be asked the same (largely useless) question many times

like you can ask me what gear im running or what comp i think is best but like brother that is not going to change your life, unless it's some very specific niche thing like "hey maybe run ninja squid on roller" or "run stealth jump on frontlines"


it's hard for me to explain
it's not an ego thing, I don't think, it's more like a total disconnect on what affects the outcomes of games at different levels of comp, and i think people don't really recognize or acknowledge that

in any case, i'm not trying to shut down discussion — you'll notice that i comment in a lot of threads from ppl that play at a different level than i do, or at least am trying to
and i also try not to be sanctimonious about it bc like, if it works for you it works for you and my job is NOT to convince you to listen to me, that's up to you to decide — but also, you're not going to convince me of anything unless your results are compelling or your logic is really, really sound and aligns with the way i think about the game

but at the same time, it'd be nice to have a discussion space with the people whose problems are similar to mine, because the things preventing you from performing better are absolutely, utterly different for different levels of the game, and i think it's fairly delusional to think that I'm going to place the same weight on a suggestion from someone who plays the game at a lower level than me as I am on someone who's as good or better than me

because the stuff people suggest simply does not work when you (and more importantly, your opponents) are better

Mr Sark

Inkster Jr.
Jan 31, 2024
not to be annoying but i think blaming top level for the lack of discussion is kinda wild, i would argue that it's more like the vast majority of people, at all levels, are not so much interested in a discussion as much as being right

and who could blame them

if you're not sure whether you're better or worse than the other person, very rarely does the other side have credentials you feel that you ought to believe/listen to, so you're very unlikely to change your position

and even if you know that you're better or that you're worse, people attach the greatest confidence to the things that they themselves have done and think works. it's very rare that they actually consider someone else's opinion, unless the skill gap is huge
but in that case, people tend to not think critically and just take what the higher level person said as gospel and without nuance

also, the truth of the matter is, the vast majority of questions lower level people tend to ask are kinda...misguided? and also very frequently unoriginal so it gets kind of annoying to be asked the same (largely useless) question many times

like you can ask me what gear im running or what comp i think is best but like brother that is not going to change your life, unless it's some very specific niche thing like "hey maybe run ninja squid on roller" or "run stealth jump on frontlines"


it's hard for me to explain
it's not an ego thing, I don't think, it's more like a total disconnect on what affects the outcomes of games at different levels of comp, and i think people don't really recognize or acknowledge that

in any case, i'm not trying to shut down discussion — you'll notice that i comment in a lot of threads from ppl that play at a different level than i do, or at least am trying to
and i also try not to be sanctimonious about it bc like, if it works for you it works for you and my job is NOT to convince you to listen to me, that's up to you to decide — but also, you're not going to convince me of anything unless your results are compelling or your logic is really, really sound and aligns with the way i think about the game

but at the same time, it'd be nice to have a discussion space with the people whose problems are similar to mine, because the things preventing you from performing better are absolutely, utterly different for different levels of the game, and i think it's fairly delusional to think that I'm going to place the same weight on a suggestion from someone who plays the game at a lower level than me as I am on someone who's as good or better than me

because the stuff people suggest simply does not work when you (and more importantly, your opponents) are better
Yeah why would you take advice from low level if you're playing at high level. My main point was that discussions and such don't happen because of the reasons I stated.

People are sheep? If high/top players actively had a discussion space like you want them it'd be so, it'd be something embedded in the comp community.

I'm not saying it's their duty to do so, I'm just saying that's why I think it doesn't happen


Full Squid
Feb 3, 2019
Switch Friend Code
LMAO I figured 😭 If only I could change my username here


Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
i was hoping to use this website as an alternative to squidboards, but seeing as it’s slowed down decently, hopefully we can put a lot of guides on here to make advice and entry into comp more accessible. that’s how i think squidboards can be used to its strengths


Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
title, basically

on one hand, flc's comments during his discussion with grey about how in japan, they have wikis and message boards n stuff where people are just sharing info all the time -- i wish we had that

on the other, based on some people i've talked to, I don't think people at the upper levels of the game really discuss with each other much at all?
and despite lots of hype and rt's abt how we should move back it seems like there isn't a lot of activity/like it's a fad to some extent

which would be a shame

so I'm curious how people think they'll use this site, if at all
cuz I don't see a lot of names I recognize
I currently am just using Squidboards as a way to get infomation that I know at least out there to hopefully just be common knowledge at one point but it is unfortuntate that most people are already going back to Twitter as quick as everyone went to Squidboards. My problem with not sharing my knowledge is that I have only been in comp since 2022 and thats what is mentally holding me back from just sharing everything I know along with not being able to sit on twitter or a fourm 24/7 since I am in my last semster in college as I dont have the free time that I used to but if you wanna know anything about Ballpoint Splatling I am your guy.

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