Create your own Splatoon weapon!


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Oct 19, 2015
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So since so many people have been playing splatoon and understand the meta of this game I wanted to ask about which weapon idea you'd like to see in Splatoon as well as suggests a few of my own

(This was is my personal idea)

Weapon: Splat whip

Design: It is Literally just a giant sponge with a rope on it

Mechanics: So how it would work is simple, when you tap zr button you will swing it halfway around your body before arcing it over your head and slaming it down (which if in the sponge is a instant KO), pressing the zr buttom again quickly will allow you to flick up ink from the sponge. However this won't cover area or KO opponents like this, so comes the next step

So this is where the uniqueness of this tool comes in, by continuously taping the zr button you can spin this weapon like a flail around your body and leave a circle of ink in the process, however this circle will change depending on how quickly you tap the button. The quicker you press the button the smaller the inked area is covered, the slower you press it the the wider the wider and slower the ink area is covered.

Issues/ Patches:
A big problem with this tool is that player will try to break the weapon and quickly squid tech and swing the tool to "swing cancel" or something this tool, so the beginning animation will have starting lag to prevent this, similar to the startup lag for a slosher

Quick spins will act like a barrier to the inkling and could prove unfair so this weapon will take 5 to 6 hits to splat {3 with damge up} with quick spins and 2 to 3 to splat {1 hit KO with damage up} with the wider and slower spins (encourages players to mix up usage of tool and give other short range tools a chance to splat this weapon)

Lastly sub weapons that would work well with this weapon are spinklers or ink mines, since it lack a good close range and coverage that other long range weapons have, and lastly should have kraken or killer wail special to make this tool a support or attack heavy weapon to be reckoned with

(share your idea's for tool in the comments below)


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
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Inkster Jr.
Mar 4, 2016
What if there was a spray paint or spray can weapon? If we did, wouldn't it work like a flamethrower?


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
I'd like to see Splatoon go the route of Monster Hunter, which has all sorts of unlikely and creative weapon categories available. It's admittedly harder to come up with stuff that still fits the themes of Splatoon's world, though.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
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Well since this page is back up I'll give you guys my idea for a new special weapons

Special Splat board: This weapons allows you to quickly over large area of turf with a surf board while riding a small wave of ink, you can still get splatted, but got the same speed you would have if you were with 2 run speed up mains while on it. While in the midst of the special enemies will get KO'd roller style by getting stuck undereath the wave
However by stay on the surf board without being splatted for the duration of the special you will launch a tidal wave of ink at the opponents which will splat enemies as well as push allies along flat areas, areas behind cover will remain unaffected.

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