Dealing with inhuman abilities stacks


Sep 3, 2016
Suffolk, VA
During the time I started getting into this game, ( which was a week ago) I was getting the hang of competitive matches. So far I'm at B rank at lvl 26. However, the more I climbed, the more OP abilities I come across, and I get my clock cleaned almost every match. For example: one squid I came across had like 9 damage up stacks, and another one with 4 swim speed, 4 defense up, and 4 special duration. How on earth that's even possible? was it the luck of the draw, or some kind of system I'm not aware of?


Inkster Jr.
Apr 27, 2016
New York
Switch Friend Code
For example: one squid I came across had like 9 damage up stacks, and another one with 4 swim speed, 4 defense up, and 4 special duration. How on earth that's even possible? was it the luck of the draw, or some kind of system I'm not aware of?
Lots of people use save scumming in order to get multiple of the same ability. It's a tedious process but it does pay off for getting the abilities you want.
Or its just luck or apart of the programming-- I got three Run Speed Ups on a pair of Moto Boots, but I think that's because what they commonly have a chance of dishing out.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
As a rule of thumb, if you see someone with a piece of gear that has the same Main as all three Subs, a.k.a. a pure roll, it's either been save scummed, gear edited or ordered, directly or indirectly, from someone who used a method like that. Like, personally, I don't use any methods unintended by the game to get Sub abilities but I still have a handful of very unlikely pieces of gear because they're very commonly seen at middle-to-high levels of play, such as :head_hbd002: :ability_damage:|:ability_damage::ability_damage::ability_damage:, and so are easy to order from Spyke.

Otherwise, gear like :shoes_sht004: :ability_damage:|:ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery: is most likely to be a 'natural roll': broadly speaking, the sub ability represented is 5× more likely to appear when levelling the gear up or rerolling it via Spyke, and you've got a 1/36 chance of getting a natural roll each time you try, meaning that you'll probably end up with a couple of them just from levelling up gear even before you get into rerolling much. If you want to know what ability a piece of gear is likely to roll, consult this page.

Crazy stacking of gear abilities (like 3 Mains and 3 Subs of :ability_damage:) that isn't possible via natural rolls never gives very significant advantages in battles and often is inferior to using a greater variety. As Judd will tell you, the more you use a single ability, the less the increases in its effects, and there are even hard caps in place for :ability_damage:, so it's impossible to reduce the number of shots you need to splat an opponent using it (e.g. the Aerospray starts at 24.5 damage per shot and will very quickly max out at 24.9, so it always takes at least 5 hits).

So it's possible to create most useful sets with natural rolls alone, and you don't even strictly need those - you have half of your abilities in Mains alone. If I were to name one significant exception, it'd be :ability_defenseup:, where it's really useful to have at least one pure roll to get the maximum effect.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Also from what I've noticed if you win multiple matches in a row you do have a higher chance of getting favored abilities

For me I haven't save scammed any abilities but I do have a Anchored LS with all run speed up, honestly it sometime boils down to the luck of the draw.

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
EDIT: I think this thread is supposed to be in multiplayer section instead of e-sports.

The source? They dun haxord sun. =000000 (CALL DA POE-LEASE!)

I am 90% certain that 90% of all the pure gear (gear with three same subs as the main ability)

is either save edited(basic hacking), save scum re-rolled(still save editing, only it's you are using save states to reset your money after a bunch of unsuccessful rolls), or ordered through Spyke from one of the two previous sources.

Official consensus on if this is O.K.?

"Meeeeeh, it would be nice if you didn't use it in tournaments? Not like we can prove you did, let alone do anything about it.
Ah who really cares, do w/e the heck ya want. Anyways, back to the matter at hand, *ahem*


And to answer your question in the title, how to combat it?

Tentatek splattershots, neo luna blasters, dynamo rollers...

*transmission cut*

Also from what I've noticed if you win multiple matches in a row you do have a higher chance of getting favored abilities.
I think it's just random, but then again I haven't unlocked gear abilities for eons now so...


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
EDIT: I think this thread is supposed to be in multiplayer section instead of e-sports.

The source? They dun haxord sun. =000000 (CALL DA POE-LEASE!)

I am 90% certain that 90% of all the pure gear (gear with three same subs as the main ability)

is either save edited(basic hacking), save scum re-rolled(still save editing, only it's you are using save states to reset your money after a bunch of unsuccessful rolls), or ordered through Spyke from one of the two previous sources.

Official consensus on if this is O.K.?

"Meeeeeh, it would be nice if you didn't use it in tournaments? Not like we can prove you did, let alone do anything about it.
Ah who really cares, do w/e the heck ya want. Anyways, back to the matter at hand, *ahem*


And to answer your question in the title, how to combat it?

Tentatek splattershots, neo luna blasters, dynamo rollers...

*transmission cut*

I think it's just random, but then again I haven't unlocked gear abilities for eons now so...
Actually I promise that I have never save scummed and I have ended up with an all run speed up anchored LS from a very patient rerolling match with Spike:clothes_tly005::p


Inkling Commander
Jan 6, 2016
Tokyo, Japan
It is important to remember as @Cuttleshock mentioned that people with full sets of one ability upgrade are not necessarily any more or less of a threat, though they may look intimidating. Think about all the things they are lacking and potential they are wasting. Furthermore, even people with the most optimized gear for their weapon do not have that much of an upperhand. When it comes down to it, abilities are nice but they are not a necessity. I don't customize my gear that extremely between weapons, nor do I have many pure sets. I pick a few things that look like they will do well with my weapon and roll with it, but I've never scummed and I've never dumped millions of coins in a rolling spree. I'm S+ and I'm happy with my modest gear because at the end of the day its your skill that decides your win or loss against an opponent.


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
You either get really lucky (1 in 4500 chance per single peice of gear with an off-brand triple), or you use Splathax to set the abilities to whatever you want.

Kowai Yume

Semi-Pro Squid
Jul 24, 2015
This is why we can't have anything nice. People will always find exploits to give them an edge. I really hope abilities are taken out in the next installment. It will probably make people better at the game.


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
This is why we can't have anything nice. People will always find exploits to give them an edge. I really hope abilities are taken out in the next installment. It will probably make people better at the game.
The right thing to do in Splat 2 is to make it possible for anyone to get whatever gear they desire. Make it fair. The community hacks because Spyke is broken to the point where hacking is the only thing that's fair. Even save scumming didn't provide an even playing field. Just because the word "hack" is used doesn't make it a bad thing.

Side note, a person hacking or not hacking has nothing to do with how good they are at the game.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
The right thing to do in Splat 2 is to make it possible for anyone to get whatever gear they desire. Make it fair. The community hacks because Spyke is broken to the point where hacking is the only thing that's fair. Even save scumming didn't provide an even playing field. Just because the word "hack" is used doesn't make it a bad thing.

Side note, a person hacking or not hacking has nothing to do with how good they are at the game.
I have to agree ability stacks give you a slight edge
But, when you know what abilities they have, or what abilities are gear favored that edge without skill is just a pretty logo you night see once or twice
With skill on the other hand the abilities you have can give you even more of an edge against opponents or help you better use a weapon you might have difficulty with.


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
I have to agree ability stacks give you a slight edge
But, when you know what abilities they have, or what abilities are gear favored that edge without skill is just a pretty logo you night see once or twice
With skill on the other hand the abilities you have can give you even more of an edge against opponents or help you better use a weapon you might have difficulty with.
I don't understand how this relates to how people get their gear and if unfair advantages are okay or not okay.


Site Moderator
Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Sorry went a little off topic XD


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
It's okay lol. It's true that the most important thing is being good at the game =P


May 25, 2016
Canberra, Australia
Well, first off you need to get the facts straight:

1. Gear does not make someone significantly better or worse with a weapon, especially in Solo Queue (I've used Custom JR with all Damage Up for laughs and Aeros pray RG with all Bomb Range for laughs - still won 9/10 games I played because why?)
2. Because SKILL always defeats gear, I think it says enough that competitive streamers such as PixelatedCody, Dude, and FLC all destroy people with cruddy weapons and gear when alternate accounting.
3. Gear is meant to provide people with the capacity to edit their playstyle as they want to.

With these points in mind, my advice is:

1. Don't be intimidated by perfect gear squids. No amount of gear is going to make an A+ better than an S+, if there's like a 1-3% skill gap between you and your opponent then maybe it will, but not to the point where a game is won.
2. Focus on developing skills with your practice and solo queue time. Learn how to do bomb techniques, where to position in Splat Zones, when to push RM and how to use the RM to move, learn to track and aim properly etc. - these are the things that make you a great player, not good gear.
3. Gear is meant to provide personality and a touch of your own style to the weapon e.g. if you love Bombs then use Ink Saver Sub or Ink Recovery to use them more often, or if you like being Sanic then equip tons of Run Speed to outmaneuver your enemies etc. - don't judge people who have 5-8 hours a week to game for hacking their gear, they use that little time to get better and have fun, not waste their weekend rolling gear and raging in solo q to get money for rolls aka making the game tedious.

Kowai Yume

Semi-Pro Squid
Jul 24, 2015
Skill is always important, I'm not gonna lie. The only small beef I have is that if I hit someone 3 time with the splattershot at point-blank range, I expect them to die. It shouldn't take ten hits to kill someone. Or speed buffs, especially if I'm facing someone far away. Lag is gonna make it even harder to hit them since they're moving so fast and it's gonna take a longer time to register hit/miss and what not. Then there's quick respawn, I want to feel conferrable when pushing. It's hard to do that when the enemy come up one second later and it takes like 2-3 seconds to get to the battlements.


Inkling Commander
Apr 1, 2016
A quick defence of gear abilities that I'd put forward is along the lines of the following. The Sloshing Machine is my favourite weapon. However, it becomes a whole host less fun for me to play if I lack a couple of perks. One is :ability_swimspeed:, although that applies for every weapon - I feel sluggish without at least one Main. Another is a combination of :ability_inksaversub: and :ability_inkrecovery:, for two reasons. One echoes the sluggishness argument, as these greatly reduce downtime between attacks. The other is that one of the SM's most powerful assets, in my experience, is its ability effectively to take enemies down in one hit less thanks to damage from an indirect bomb explosion, which, for greater success rate, requires that you have a lot of shots left over after rolling a Splat Bomb. I have fun defeating squids in that manner, and a lot more success, too. The SM would not be as fun without the perks afforded by gear. All said, this is achievable with only Mains (one of each listed ability); but adding more just amplifies the effect.

By the same token, one might have more fun if one doesn't get taken out quite so quickly by Shooters and so feel justified in stacking :ability_defenseup:. Perhaps one plays aggressively and hates downtime, so packs on :ability_quickrespawn:. And maybe one loves the security of a reserve Bubbler, to ensure which one would carry :ability_specialcharge:. This isn't just about being more likely to win: it's about making the game that much more enjoyable for oneself.

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