It probably is the charm of the unpolishness. The colors are more flat, for example. Another aspect is the music. Splatoon 1 has a punk-esque kind of music, whereas Splatoon 2 is more mixed, but I preferred it. The storymode is also better in Splatoon 1, IMO(But Octo Expansion is definitely the best one). The hub area is larger and more interesting in Splatoon 1 as well, there are multiple floors as opposed to the square in Splatoon 2. That's not to say Splatoon 2 doesn't have it's charms, for instance, the splatfest stages were better there IMO. It could also be the experience of both games. Not just that Splatoon 1 of course felt more fresh at the time, but that the world felt bigger because we knew less about it. Octolings were still kind of "mysterious" in a way.Personally I felt like Splatoon 2 really developed the quirky atmosphere present in Splatoon! But I do have this complaint with other series (Animal Crossing... >_>). I'm curious what you feel is missing, do you think it's graphics-related? Story-related? I think Splatoon had a charming unpolished look compared to Splatoon 2, which IMO still carries the same vibe but makes everything sleeker. It's most apparent in the lobby designs of the two games:
True re: the music! I've seen people theorizing there will be more rock/punk-ish music in Splatoon 3, I wonder if you'll enjoy that music more? I also see what you mean with the hub, I remember I used to enjoy going up a floor and jumping off onto the ground over and over again XDSplatoon 1 has a punk-esque kind of music, whereas Splatoon 2 is more mixed, but I preferred it. ... The hub area is larger and more interesting in Splatoon 1 as well, there are multiple floor as opposed to the square in Splatoon 2.
Yeah I probaby will enjoy that music a whole lot more. Seems like it'll be the best of both worlds, judging by how the story mode looks. The aesthetic similar to 1 and the story mode as fleshed out as Octo Expansion.True re: the music! I've seen people theorizing there will be more rock/punk-ish music in Splatoon 3, I wonder if you'll enjoy that music more? I also see what you mean with the hub, I remember I used to enjoy going up a floor and jumping off onto the ground over and over again XD
Yeah, the chaotic nature of Splatoon 1 definitely had its charms.I don't know if it is because of the polish but compared to now, I remember Splatoon 1 to be a lot more chaotic and less harmonious. At that point it seemed like a bunch of ideas thrown together where some worked better than others but it was enjoyable. The stages were different shapes and called for very different strategies. It was hard to have a weapon that could triumph on any rotation. Some stages were a small square some where long but stretch and others were very open.
The clothes where also a delight because of the crossovers. I honestly miss having more crossover items from different franchises. A lot was up in the air and left to interpretation, so there was a lot of bonding by sharing out our conjectures and theories of different aspects the inklings and their society.
Maybe is just me, but the jump of each game into a different, more important suburb was felt as each game got more players joining. So for me Splatoon 1 was like a smaller 'hood than Splatoon 2, and now on the Splatlands you can really feel the big city vibe. It is also neat seeing the online posts and recognizing some usernames that have been joining with tips or strips ever since back then. Yet, I feel even that is polished as most drawings that make the plaza nowadays are more to do with the popularity of the poster, I feel like drawings used to be of a a lot more varied skill levels back then. Nowadays I feel too intimidated to even draw because everyone on my plaza is just too damn good, hahah.