Finding use for the most obscure weapons


Pro Squid
Apr 30, 2016
Some weapons are so underused that they're nearly forgotten. These weapons usually have a counterpart with a better kit, but sometimes the main weapon as a whole is just underused. In this thread, note a weapon that barely sees use in ranked at all, with a build that really works for you. The key is to note weapons that actually have niches or quirky strategies that somewhat justifies their use, not to note a weapon that is utterly outclassed and is obscure for a reason, like the Inkbrush nouveau.

:wst_shot_quicklong01: ( :squidbeacon: :killerwail:)

:head_hat001: :ability_inksavermain: :ability_inksaversub::ability_inksaversub::ability_inksaversub:
:clothes_tes014: :ability_quicksuperjump: :ability_specialcharge::ability_specialcharge::ability_specialcharge:
:shoes_slp001::ability_quicksuperjump: :ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed:

This thing is the only weapon with beakons that I really like. It has a very dynamic playstyle, despite being a backup/support type weapon. Try setting beakons on both sides of the map. You can jump back and forth to spray ink pretty much anywhere on the map, which makes this weapon awesome at suppressing zones, especially given it's good range and ink efficiency. The wail only adds to this. Overall, I think this weapon is an excellent pressure tool.

I think you'll get the idea now.


Inkling Cadet
Aug 31, 2016
I really like the Tri-slosher Nouveau, it has excellent mobility with Seekers, and its good for support with it's Echolocator. It's very cumbersome but with Ink Saver Subs it's a hidden gem if you ask me. I like the vanilla Tri-slosher as well, but it's range is worse and the medium depletion can hurt it a lot.


...........Oops! I fell asleep!
Jun 25, 2015
Octo Valley
i'd say the L-3 Nozzlenoses. i've been a big fan of them since they were released, but they've never been that popular. probably because they're high risk and little reward, but i find the change of pace really nice.

i'm a fan of semi-automatic weapons in general (all my best weapons are semi-automatic, not counting the wasabi) so the nozzlenose kinda fills that weird niche i'm fond of. i like the control, even if timing it gets kinda tricky at times. the nozzlenose also has pretty impressive ink coverage for what it is. 2HKO is pretty good if you get the hang of aiming with it, it's pretty great for strafing and circling around your opponents, especially with run speed up, because the short period between shots allows you to get some speed in. i think it's a pretty unexpected harassing weapon, people don't really know how to counter it because it's so rare! the range isn't half bad, either.

the L-3 Nozzlenose D has a great set-up too, burst bombs and kraken - literally my fav sub and special! you can burst cancel and surprise enemies with kraken, you could probably defend a tower pretty dang well if you were good enough.

as for set-ups, i just think run speed up, some ink recovery/saver and maaybe a tiny bit of damage up is pretty alright.

i know there's weapons that can achieve what the L-3 does much easier, but i find L-3's very specific niche to be right up my alley. it's just pure fun to play and really satisfying when you get kills in. the 96 gal could be argued to be a better solution, but it's firing time and weird accuracy is far too slow and weird for me. the control with the L-3 is something you have to tame, but it works in your favour i think.


Full Squid
Apr 29, 2016
I like to use RapidBlasterProDeco, not a lot of people use it but it can be so useful for tower control, the range is so good and it's such a great defensive weapon along with forge pro that I love, also I barely see people use Cutom Splattershot JRs. And I can see why, it has very little range and not much to make up for it, disrupters are great, I love them. But they do very little when you just have to get right in their face to kill someone. Echo is again, a great special but for the custom it's useless, it's not helping with its range at all, which is what it lacks.


Pro Squid
Jun 10, 2014
I really like the 96. Gal.

It retains the two-shot kill the Deco has, but it gets a massive boost in turfing and special building due to the Sprinkler, so that it can keep up the Echo.

Turf your own side, kill people, get Echo, kill more people, get more turf, kill more people, get more Echo.
Also Echo


Pro Squid
Apr 30, 2016
I really like the 96. Gal.

It retains the two-shot kill the Deco has, but it gets a massive boost in turfing and special building due to the Sprinkler, so that it can keep up the Echo.

Turf your own side, kill people, get Echo, kill more people, get more turf, kill more people, get more Echo.
Also Echo
I have always wanted to make the 96. Gal work, but I have absolutely no idea what abilities to use with it.

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
What's this? The greenwaffle's weapon review thread? I'm pretty sure that is what the title says.

I learned all about the weapons of splatoon yesterday afternoon when I stood next to an enemy sprinkler while trying to position my killer wail.
Thus, as a self proposed expert in hipster weapons of splatoon, I can say that I am 100% certain that I am 90% certain that I know every weapon's strong suite AND SO, if you know how to press these advantages, you can too can use any weapon in any rank and be successful!

I'll spare the poor souls who decide to read this post and only do one weapon for now

INKBRUSH NEEEEWWVOOH (kinda because the OP said it was terribleitkindais)

It's.... it's an inferior splattershot jr. (

Similarities between the two?
-Great ink covering capabilities (inkbrush ever so slightly better at floor coverage
i think)
-slow time to kill (almost exclusively sneak kills)


Differences? (aka, what the inkbrush has and thus the reasons you would pick the inkbrush)
- Ink mines for sneak/bait kills
- NO splat bombs, so... you lose a LOT of offensive spacing/zoning power
- Zoom zoom rolling out of danger(also make the enemy charger hate your squid guts)
- You look really funny when you go swishswishswishswishmudaMUDAMUDA!

- Don't ink up walls, unless you want to be like Michelangelo painting the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel...
(You'll be there FOREVER and will damage your health) only do it while falling down.

- it looks cooler =P(Splat jr. got NUTHIN' without its starfish sticker m8)

-pick the splattershot jr. if you want the extremely versatile splat bombs (actual splat potential) OR you simply cannot learn to use ink mines(no judgement, I suck horribly with seekers)
-pick the inkbrush nouveau if you are more-familiar/want-to-get-better with inkbrushes/ink-mines (it's not for everyone, but what weapon is, really?
no one asked you
tentatek >_>)

EDIT: oh carp, a build xD forgot that
I use tenacity/special saver black glasses, dmg up/ink saver main blue striped long sleeve shirt thing(I forget the name)
and ink resist plus swim speed red hit top shoes. But if you feel so inclined, you can swap out any of these abilities to make way for further boosting any of the other ones (except tenacity, but only because you literally can't boost it more, derp)


Pro Squid
Jun 10, 2014
I have always wanted to make the 96. Gal work, but I have absolutely no idea what abilities to use with it.
The good thing is, anything goes really.
There's Ink Recovery, Special Charge, Swim Speed, Damage Up, Saver Main, Special Saver, Tenacity.

Ink Saving's most important, though one main is enough really.
Special-related quirks are great to make Echo surprisingly spammable, but a bit gimmicky.
Damage Up is tricky, since the weapon falls apart against any weapon that has enough Defense, but people tend to stack Defense leaving no room for other gear.
Swim Speed stays the versatile ability it always is.

Some builds:
Sprinkler Spam: 1 Damage Up Main, 2 Ink Recovery Mains, 2 Special Charge Mains
Defense Up my butt: 3 Damage Up Mains, 2 Main Special Charge
Special Save: 2 Special Saver mains, 1 Swim Speed main, 1 Damage Up Main
Sprinkle the Special: Tenacity, 2 Mains Special Charge, 1 Main Damage Up
Defense Up: 2 Damage Up Mains, 1 Special Charge Up Mains, 2 Mains Defense Up
Last edited:

The Meme Lord

Inkster Jr.
Aug 30, 2016
For me, the obscure is the Heavy Splatling Remix. It's good, believe me, but its sub and special, Sprinkler and Killer Wail, are overshadowed by the Vanilla's set of Splash Wall and Inkstrike. I like to put on Special Charge Up and Ink Recovery Up on the Remix. I set down a Sprinkler whenever I can throughout a match and that gives me quite a few specials to use.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 7, 2015
I really like the Tri-slosher Nouveau, it has excellent mobility with Seekers, and its good for support with it's Echolocator. It's very cumbersome but with Ink Saver Subs it's a hidden gem if you ask me. I like the vanilla Tri-slosher as well, but it's range is worse and the medium depletion can hurt it a lot.
I love the Tri-Slosher Nouveau too, I used the vanilla one for a long time without even considering the Nouveau. I tried it for ****s and giggles and actually loved it and found it suits my playstyle way better than the vanilla slosher for some reason. Probably just cause I love seekers.

My kit for it is basically :ability_inkrecovery::ability_damage: and if it's a particularly good map for seekers then I swap in some :ability_inksaversub:

Green Waffles

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Apr 18, 2016
. . .
It is time.

The H3 Nozzlenose! (mainly cherry)

The main weapon is the special cousin of the splattershot pro and .96 gal.

ie: It has difficulty grasping just about every aspect of splatoon EXCEPT it has one talent that it does amazingly at for some weird genetic reason, piano painting (or as we call it, turfing).

-ALMOST the same range as splattershot pro and .96 gal (H3 ties with dual squelch at 68)
-Effective at splatting when used by squids with great aim(I know what you are thinking, just hang on) THUS

Differences (what makes the H3 the H3)
-Extremely ink efficient in both ink per bullets and ink for turf covered(you won't be outdoing dynamos, but you can bury opposing mid range guns in this catagory)
-HORRENDOUS time to splat if you don't land all three bullets in your first attempt(you can stop hanging on now)
-Painting up walls takes a bit of practice**

Reasons to use the H3?
You want mid range ink suppresion, but are against using splatlings or dynamos for one reason or another
You want to play a mid range front line like weapon, are very confident in your aim, AND are looking for a little more reward for more risk
You want to be a difficult to oust front line squid through use of splash wall bubbler splash wall abuse.


You want to play a spattershot pro-esque playstyle but want a handicap for your teammates to blame if you do less than stellar =p
(I know I went 0/7 and cost us the match, but it's not my fault! My sibling / Hitler is forcing me to play with this terrible weapon!)

After playing with the H3 long enough, I've gotten surprisingly good at it. Most of the time it feels like I catch people off guard with how often I splat them and we win, but I also have an excuse outside of me just being a terrible player for when we lose =]

I've gone full blown splash wall abuse builds with almost pure ink efficiency abilities and a touch of swim speed
I've gone tenacity, special saver and defense up for more fearless bubbler-juggernaut plays
-both- with great success.
So I would imagine a bubbler abuse build would work very nicely as well.

These builds are just for Cherry H3 though. I have not touched the other two since my fall from S+
If you are interested in builds for the normal and D variants for some estranged reason, then I'd check out splattershot pro and 96 gal builds for a start
or check out @Shun_one 's posts. That insane squit(bless their heart) mained the H3 all the way to S+ before the cherry H3 released, and I think they divulged their H3 clothing setups somewhere....


Inkling Commander
Nov 19, 2015
United Kingdom
For me, the obscure is the Heavy Splatling Remix. It's good, believe me, but its sub and special, Sprinkler and Killer Wail, are overshadowed by the Vanilla's set of Splash Wall and Inkstrike. I like to put on Special Charge Up and Ink Recovery Up on the Remix. I set down a Sprinkler whenever I can throughout a match and that gives me quite a few specials to use.
I personally find the Remix to be way better than the vanilla Heavy. The Sprinkler acts as mini Inkstrikes and can be thrown whenever and wherever, and the special is infinitely more useful in Ranked than the Inkstrike (with the possible exception of Zones), it's great at shutting down areas of maps and pressuring enemies into revealing themselves in awkward places. The Remix can do a better job at support/map control with the Sprinkler, weapon range and special. The build I use for the Heavy Remix is 1 x :ability_damage:, 1 x :ability_specialduration:, 2 x :ability_runspeed: and 2 x :ability_swimspeed:. The Damage is to help keep the 4 hit splat in case people are stacking lots of Defence (not actually necessary), the Duration gets me out of the Killer Wail cool down faster and the Run/Swim is pretty much standard Heavy build movement. The vanilla can't do much with the wall because those get torn down so fast and Inkstrike is too cumbersome for Ranked most of the time (not to say it's bad, can be used well in Ranked). You don't even need Special Charge as Wail is the fastest charging special at 160p, and with Sprinkler and the good turf coverage the Heavy has you can get Wail so fast and so easily (I get loads of Wails on the Kelp and that's a charger) so you can keep up a constant barrage of Wails to pressure opponents. Of course the Heavy Deco is the best Heavy, but Remix is viable as well, just the vanilla has nothing going for it. If you prefer the Vanilla and do better with it than keep with it, but in terms of the kits, the Remix pretty much wins imo, also that colour scheme it has is great, it's the best colour scheme bar Soda Slosher (which is the best looking weapon ever).

The Meme Lord

Inkster Jr.
Aug 30, 2016
I personally find the Remix to be way better than the vanilla Heavy. The Sprinkler acts as mini Inkstrikes and can be thrown whenever and wherever, and the special is infinitely more useful in Ranked than the Inkstrike (with the possible exception of Zones), it's great at shutting down areas of maps and pressuring enemies into revealing themselves in awkward places. The Remix can do a better job at support/map control with the Sprinkler, weapon range and special. The build I use for the Heavy Remix is 1 x :ability_damage:, 1 x :ability_specialduration:, 2 x :ability_runspeed: and 2 x :ability_swimspeed:. The Damage is to help keep the 4 hit splat in case people are stacking lots of Defence (not actually necessary), the Duration gets me out of the Killer Wail cool down faster and the Run/Swim is pretty much standard Heavy build movement. The vanilla can't do much with the wall because those get torn down so fast and Inkstrike is too cumbersome for Ranked most of the time (not to say it's bad, can be used well in Ranked). You don't even need Special Charge as Wail is the fastest charging special at 160p, and with Sprinkler and the good turf coverage the Heavy has you can get Wail so fast and so easily (I get loads of Wails on the Kelp and that's a charger) so you can keep up a constant barrage of Wails to pressure opponents. Of course the Heavy Deco is the best Heavy, but Remix is viable as well, just the vanilla has nothing going for it. If you prefer the Vanilla and do better with it than keep with it, but in terms of the kits, the Remix pretty much wins imo, also that colour scheme it has is great, it's the best colour scheme bar Soda Slosher (which is the best looking weapon ever).
I don't really like the HS Deco. The Point Sensor is good, but the Kraken is pretty easy to counter and/or run away from. It doesn't really fit my playstyle of spreading ink while being a sniper. I usually find the Splash Wall to be one of the best subs on snipers, because you're safe from other snipers and you can block off close range weapons while you run away or readjust.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
My beloved Jet Squelcher :wst_shot_long00: probably applies. The vanilla one, anyway. The Custom is a top-tier weapon, and rightfully so. Still, the Vanilla has extreme power in two modes: Turf War and Splat Zones. Here's what I like to use with it!

:ability_quickrespawn::ability_quickrespawn:, :ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery:, :ability_specialcharge::ability_specialcharge:. This is a set designed for supporting from the back and annoying the other team. Ink recovery lets you fire all day, special charge makes for VERY frequent inkstrikes, and quick respawn ensures that the enemy gains little from actually taking you out.

The Jet actually has phenomenal inking ability. People usually look at the fire rate and dismiss it, but that "slow" fire rate covers the length of a football field, in the right scenario a Squelcher of any kind can fill their special gauge as fast as an Aerospray. Well, maybe that's exaggerating a little, but you get my point :P The vanilla doesn't work as well in other modes, but it still has some utility because that range allows for some hardcore zoning.


Inkling Commander
Jun 7, 2016
My beloved Jet Squelcher :wst_shot_long00: probably applies. The vanilla one, anyway. The Custom is a top-tier weapon, and rightfully so. Still, the Vanilla has extreme power in two modes: Turf War and Splat Zones. Here's what I like to use with it!

:ability_quickrespawn::ability_quickrespawn:, :ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery:, :ability_specialcharge::ability_specialcharge:. This is a set designed for supporting from the back and annoying the other team. Ink recovery lets you fire all day, special charge makes for VERY frequent inkstrikes, and quick respawn ensures that the enemy gains little from actually taking you out.

The Jet actually has phenomenal inking ability. People usually look at the fire rate and dismiss it, but that "slow" fire rate covers the length of a football field, in the right scenario a Squelcher of any kind can fill their special gauge as fast as an Aerospray. Well, maybe that's exaggerating a little, but you get my point :p The vanilla doesn't work as well in other modes, but it still has some utility because that range allows for some hardcore zoning.
Coverage and inkstrike spam sounds fun.

I tend to use the vanilla Jet Squelcher as an anti-sniper weapon. Is that the intended use? Walls really help stay alive long enough to finish the splat. Best for use on the snipe-happy maps like Arowana, Moray, and Triggerfish. Use the inkstrike to push the sniper into the open, then choot em.
My gear is one :ability_inkrecovery: and one :ability_damage: and then any type of ink saving or recovery. The Jets are very lenient gear-wise so I get to pick really fresh outfits.

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