Former iK member looking for a competitive squad.


Pro Squid
May 13, 2015
Not where you are
Edit-I have found a squad. Thanks to all who messaged me, but I am no longer looking for any squads.

Hello! My name is Typhlosion09 but if you have ever played with me, you have probably seen me use the name iK|Tyflo. Unfortunately due to complications I had to leave iK splash but I am still friends and in contact with them. Right now I am looking for a competitive squad that will strive to do their best and try to become as great as they can be. There's isnt too much fun in losing is there? Anyway some things you should probably know about me:
-----I am currently S 34
-----I am pretty young (not even 14)
-----I main the N-Zap 85
-----My NNID, Skype, everything is Typhlosion09
-----I live in the EST
-----Once school starts (August 31st) I will only be able to play on Fridays Saturdays and Sundays
-----I'm into all Nintendo games so maybe we could play smash too or anything else Nintendo related

Anyway that's pretty much everything, I am looking forward to working with my future squad soon!
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