Grim range blaster discussion and opinions


Jun 12, 2016
I was hyped for this weapon because of how sick it looked, so I practiced with other blasters until its release. I now love the blaster class as well as brushes.

This weapon has zero skill curve. It's just learning how to use burst bombs to cover some of the blaster's obvious weaknesses, like covering turf, scaling walls, and getting a quick TTK without a direct hit. You don't even have to aim too well to be effective, because both burst bombs and the blaster shot do area damage. I go against everything sheldon said about this weapon. While he says you should only play this weapon if you have a good feel for ranged blasters, I say that this is the weapon anyone who is interested in this class should start on because it's so forgiving and easy to play. Sheldon also identifies this weapon as an aggresive weapon, but I think it shines on a defensive role. So what do you guys think? Post your opinion and rate it on the following scale:

Really good
Really bad

I'd rate this weapon as: good.

Also, sorry for any weird spelling mistakes, my auto-correct is turned off.


Pro Squid
Sep 16, 2015
I hit S+99 with the custom range some months ago. I didn't have much time to try it yet but it should be at least good.

Though I would say that, as for any blaster (and well, for some other weapons too), playing at your best distance is awfully important. Even with this one, being at the right place will help a lot. If you're too far or too near, if the opponent has defense up,... Being a bit too careless will result in a death.

Anyway, I personnally would say that the vanilla is the support/defensive one, the custom is the power one, and this one is flexible. As you said the burst give him a nice way to paint walls and some areas or small zones. Though the thing about TTK is kinda wrong. If you need to kill fast, the direct hit is the fastest way of course. Killing with two burst bombs or one hit one burst is taking some amount of ink and you can't be sure you'll succeed. So in some occasions, it's very possible to just lose ink and have an opponent still alive, taking the chance to kill you. While if you're at the right distance, the burst isn't needed and your ink tank will stay high.

But anyway burst on a blaster is interesting. I first thought it was OP, but that was when the burst were cheaper. I guess it's not OP now, but still a really good thing to have. Especially on the range class, sonce they lack a bit of flexibility, and are a bit expensive on ink too.

For someone wanting to play solo with range blasters, I would advice custom on RM, grim on TC, and either one of the three on DDZ depending of the maps. Though obviously everything is possible. The custom one having kraken is still probably the easiest way to rank up, as it allows you some powerplay.

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