Ahh yeah, i get what you mean there, maybe it was an exaggeration to call it a "complete overhaul". It's just timing your shots as well as managing your ink can get a little heavy on the brain at times, especially in the midst of a firefight.
You're actually correct in one way: the L-3D at least allows for a more aggressive playstyle since it moves fast, kills fast and turfs fast. The H-3 is much more strict with the kinds of playstyles it allows. In other words, if you came from an L-3D to any of the H-3s, you would indeed have to rethink how you want to play :D
The only thing i can think about Cold blooded users, is that they have a disadvantage of not having a Main ability slot to raise their Run speed/Swim speed etc. But the ability to cut down "tracking time" to the other team would make it worth it i suppose.
IMO there is no disadvantage besides not being able to use the other Clothing-specific abilities such as Haunt, Recon and Ninja Squid. I'm in the midst of personally thinking through how to counter cold-blooded and whether or not it's current mechanics (eg. amount of reduction) can be properly overcome.
[QUOTE="Yellowkirbyguy, post: 146313, member: 8991]"As for Echolocator, yeah, instant refills are what i usually do. Some times i like to do a double Suction bomb (one with a full tank, then one immediately after echolocator). It doesn't do much at all xD. But usually the need for echolocator can be reduced if you keep an eye on key points right? Like the mid flanks at Wall eye. Though it's really helpful on large stages like Museum and Moray.
But almost always, i think Echolocator is more of a benefit to my team than myself, since the times i usually like it are when people are climbing up walls to my location (Like on Bluefin. Those spots are nice for burst kills xD). or checking out where Chargers are currently so i can act accordingly or even checking to see if anyone has sneaked up behind my team. I'm not to sure if that's what everyone does with Echolocator since i don't use it all that often outside the H-3.[/QUOTE]
Double suction bomb is something I love doing too! In the right situations, it allows you to trap an opponent tight by sealing off two paths (unless they've got Bubbler or Kraken ready...as usual -_-) Although sometimes in the heat of battle I simply can't wait for my ink tank to refill to throw the first suction bomb so I'll just go ahead and Echolocate first.
For me Echolocator is sort of an all-round pressure tool which works best if you have team mates who can capitalize on the hunt as well as sort of an insta-update on where the enemies are at that very moment. I won't say I'm an Echolocating expert yet though, I feel there are a few creative approaches with it that I haven't explored yet.
[QUOTE="Yellowkirbyguy, post: 146313, member: 8991]Hrmm, yeah, i get what you mean, most Long ranged weapons are virtually useless when ambushed or sneaked up upon (unless if they've got a panic special ready paired with good reflexes). Against Splatterscopes my current strategy against them is throw a suction bomb to make them move or just play it safe and get out of their range. They just give me trouble approaching, if i could get close enough while their distracted, taking them out becomes much easier.
Chargers that or perched on high places are troublesome, again i tend to use a suction bomb to get them away temporarily but just trying to throw it there could mean death if that charger is close to their teammates (this usually happens on Splatzones).[/QUOTE]
These past few days I've been learning the Kelp Splatterscope (with the release of Ancho-V) and I can say that it's pretty decent at close range if I chose the right location to put a sprinkler as backup. You sure as hell won't be winning much if you're dealing with a scope that's moving around under a constant rain of sprinkler ink.
In general the suction bomb is your best friend at getting any charger to relocate for a good amount of time. If you managed to get up to a charger who is unaware then you ought to be able to kill them fast enough with a steady aim. That said, I still have a long way to go with the H-3 so please remember these are just my own personal views and approaches :)
[QUOTE="Yellowkirbyguy, post: 146313, member: 8991]Yeah i thought so xD, challenging them just doesn't work out at all, i mean, the H-3 can out range the 96 Gals, but i think the tail end of the shot brings the H-3 to a 2 burst splat. Considering the 96 can almost always reliably splat you in 2 shots it's just not worth taking one on unless they're distracted or you've ambushed them or something. As for the Deco with it's wall's i've had a moment where i threw a Suction bomb, then a 96 deco threw his wall straight on top of it and ended up dying to the blast xD I'll keep that in mind for future encounters with the 96 Deco.
Thank you for all your advice! I dropped down to B+ with the weapon from A, but then i soared right back into A+ after a day or two of training, So i really appreciate it![/QUOTE]
It's generally tough unless you got the jump on them (basically like what Happybear said, an assassin weapon is more or less what the H-3 can be), that's also why the gals are so strong because they can switch between these roles easily (assassin or frontline, no problem).
You're giving me too much credit for the results of your own training and performance. Although I honestly think from A+ onwards is where it gets really tough for the H-3 :x
[QUOTE="Yellowkirbyguy, post: 146313, member: 8991]Bomb range up eh? Hmm, it sounds like a very good plan. I never thought i needed such ability cause i never relied on it. But when i get the chance i'll try it out sometime!
But i know what you mean about Long ranged weapons with Echolocators. E-litres (specifically the scoped ones, the normal one doesn't see much use compared to the scope), vanilla 96 gals, those two are a thorn on my side. Though i don't reeeeeaaally want to run cold blooded at the moment since i'd prefer to have a main ability that can back up my mistakes like Quick respawn. Once i get confident in lowering my death rate, i'll start running cold blooded.
If you'd like to know this is the set i run now a days with the H-3
Fugu Bell Hat (AKA Blowfish bell hat) :


(Have i told anyone that i LOVE this hat? It's hilariously cool and it's got a great main ability to boot. Oh and the re-roll was a fluke xD)
Traditional apron:


Squid girl Shoes:


(I forgot the last one, but i think it might of been


or even

Phew, sorry for the wall of text. Though i don't know how i could of shortened all that. I hope that's okay to read xD[/QUOTE]
Bomb range up is essential on Moray Towers if you're to harass chargers with your suction bombs. Otherwise you stand no chance at all (I grinded that map for maybe 2 hours against E-Liters a few months back with the H-3 and that was my conclusion), the more members on your team that can harass the snipers the better; don't count on your random team mates having those abilities...
Also, to add on to what @HappyBear801 said, you might want to utilize Cold Blooded. It is arguably the most valuable clothing ability you can have as a H-3; getting located means 10 seconds of not being able to approach with your weapon, maybe just suction bomb spam.
Personally ink-recharge up for me is mainly to aid in suction bomb spam, the main weapon itself is very efficient in terms of turfing. With that said, I want to point out that quick respawn is great to get you back in the action, but having the extra seconds 'respawning' also gives you some 'proper' down time to analyze the map and plan your next move (that's just the faux-optimist in me speaking :D)