Home-made Tactics


Inkling Commander
Nov 3, 2015
I usually play Heavy Splat or Charger, so I spend a lot of time drawing routes to the center of the map in ranked. A lot of people don't do this, they just run towards the objective. Taking a few seconds to set up two or three alternate routes helps if your team gets overrun in the center.

Also, find the right balance between being close enough to your teammates to help them, but far enough away that you all don't get wiped out at the same time. I've seen people huddle up and get taken out by an Inkzooka/Rain Maker, giving the other team free reign until everyone respawns. Know the range of your weapon, and keep your teammates around the outside limits of your reach if you're planning a team rush.

The classic Rommel's blitzkrieg: race to a good defensible position and wait for your teammates to catch up. Engage the other team from a position of strength. When you've weakened or scattered the other team enough, rush to the next defensible position and wait for your team to catch up. Too many people charge ahead to the center and don't think about how they're going to defend it from the other team while their own team is still trying to get there. Make sure the position you rush to is a position you can fight the enemy off from. After you beat them back, you've got a few seconds to advance and set up a defense. A proper blitzkrieg is rapid advance > defend > rapid advance > defend, so on and so forth. This works great if you can coordinate it and the people bringing up the drag watch for flankers.
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Inkster Jr.
Sep 26, 2015
This one is map specific but it works most of the time. On Triggerfish when you are above the enemy base (back where you need to climb the 1 min walls to get to) if there is an enemy sitting back defending I toss an Inkstrike right in front of me on the low ground and then immediately go for it. You will drop down during the Inkstrike. This covers your decent, masks your location, and gives you a decent amount of ink to swim around in. The vast majority of the time the defender will immediately begin inking over the turf, revealing his location. From here you can either splat the defender or quickly leave and begin inking the opponent's side. Keep in mind that if you choose the latter the defender will probably chase after you. In the unlikely chance the defender instead stays hidden it is best to rush towards the back of their base (near the rocks) so that you can use the totem pole wall to help you when he finally reveals himself.
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Joseph Staleknight

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 9, 2015
East Coast USA
Switch Friend Code
I found the best way to use the Hydra (and possibly the Heavy Splatling as well) is to take cover before charging up. The little nooks with the grates over them just before the center of Hammerhead work as relative "safe spots", as do the rotating displays in d'Alfonsino and the side alleys in Urchin. Once you have a full charge, you can then pop out and hit foes without needing to worry about the delay.

Meanwhile, Carbon Deco's Seeker Rush works wonders when I drop Seekers from high places to splat unsuspecting enemies. Flounder Heights is especially good for that tactic because of the apartment towers in the center.
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Pro Squid
Aug 24, 2015
Whenever I'm playing tower control, and the enemy has the tower I chuck a splash wall onto it, limiting the ways they can escape and blocking their shots, works really well on bits like the over water bit near spawn on triggerfish, as they can't jump of to safe land, and the way they'd wanna be shooting is blocked off aswell.
If I'm echolocated sometimes what I'll do is take my self away from the choke point or objective, luring enemy's away than getting the splat on them.
When I'm using a roller and I fall from a height I flick it and press it against the wall, making an easy way back up.
I use beacons in places easily seen to lure the enemy out so they destroy it, and sneak attack 'em.
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Jun 4, 2015
Jumping while shooting with shooters increase the spread of your bullets. On some shooters (splattershot especially) it can really help ink turf faster. It's horrible for combat, though.

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