hot takes


Semi-Pro Squid
Jul 2, 2023
I genuinely miss the old Mahi TC. It was one of my favorite maps and it's gone forever.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jul 28, 2014
Switch Friend Code
For all the problems S3 maps have, the way that people overhype S1 maps ain't it either. Bluefin convinced me y'all have your nostalgia goggles on too tight.

I know it won't happen, but I sincerely hope S4 moves on from Splatfests and does something else entirely. Not just because I hate losing access to ranked, but because I'm tired of the sheer amount of toxicity it fosters in the playerbase, and I feel it's gotten so much worse as of late. After seven years the event itself has gotten stale, and I just don't care about doing it anymore. Do something new.


Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
does anyone have any HOT takes? possibly RED HOT takes?
Pencil is the worst reworked weapon in this game. It is literally either the worst weapon in the game, or the most broken thing on the face of the earth. It should never been added


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
cooler should be removed from the game it smells
From your pov: the special gives you almost nothing to do and requires you to, off cooldown, stop playing the game and paint for special so it can be cycled onto your team as much as possible to get max value. There is no such thing as timing cooler as the best time is the moment you get it, placement is one-dimensional and uninteresting and using it is just pressing r where your team is / your side of the objective
From your team's pov: it gives them uninteresting buffs that are fine i guess but not as fun as something like an inkjet chipping people for you or a vac being used to keep you alive and requires other specials to enable you to get in anyway so it's not even fun like "woo missiles was popped we get to fight things"
From your opponents pov: Nothing they can do to you matters, you can jump out in 2 frames so it's almost impossible to kill you, you move at mach 3 even through patches of enemy ink so it's hard to not just get run over if they can get in so the best move if they have cooler and you don't is to not play the game. wooooooooo. Also 100% special saver is so dumb. You kill 3 people and they throw 2 specials at you the moment they respawn and your push instantly loses all momentum.
From an analysis pov: the special makes the game so much less interesting to think about. Like "hmm what kind of comp would be good here" 2 fronts 1 entry special bot 1 cooler. that's the comp that would be good here. always. It also makes positioning less interesting because if you mess it up you just press x mash the dpad and press a and it's fine if you want to try and do more interesting positioning then "stand near each other and move forwards together" some people don't get cooler so you're throwing, plus it makes weapons generally more homogenous because your weapon either gets its special and fights, fights whenever it can do so without feeding or is a dedicated anchor and you should've picked pencil lmfao
but if the special isn't impactful and consistently grabable then you'd rather just have another special that has a more direct and reliable threat behind it and cooler sucks and is never picked in comp


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
cooler should be removed from the game it smells
From your pov: the special gives you almost nothing to do and requires you to, off cooldown, stop playing the game and paint for special so it can be cycled onto your team as much as possible to get max value. There is no such thing as timing cooler as the best time is the moment you get it, placement is one-dimensional and uninteresting and using it is just pressing r where your team is / your side of the objective
From your team's pov: it gives them uninteresting buffs that are fine i guess but not as fun as something like an inkjet chipping people for you or a vac being used to keep you alive and requires other specials to enable you to get in anyway so it's not even fun like "woo missiles was popped we get to fight things"
From your opponents pov: Nothing they can do to you matters, you can jump out in 2 frames so it's almost impossible to kill you, you move at mach 3 even through patches of enemy ink so it's hard to not just get run over if they can get in so the best move if they have cooler and you don't is to not play the game. wooooooooo. Also 100% special saver is so dumb. You kill 3 people and they throw 2 specials at you the moment they respawn and your push instantly loses all momentum.
From an analysis pov: the special makes the game so much less interesting to think about. Like "hmm what kind of comp would be good here" 2 fronts 1 entry special bot 1 cooler. that's the comp that would be good here. always. It also makes positioning less interesting because if you mess it up you just press x mash the dpad and press a and it's fine if you want to try and do more interesting positioning then "stand near each other and move forwards together" some people don't get cooler so you're throwing, plus it makes weapons generally more homogenous because your weapon either gets its special and fights, fights whenever it can do so without feeding or is a dedicated anchor and you should've picked pencil lmfao
but if the special isn't impactful and consistently grabable then you'd rather just have another special that has a more direct and reliable threat behind it and cooler sucks and is never picked in comp
oh my god


Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Giving dread wringer +1.5 lines of range would be one of the best buffs you can give it balance wise. It makes the main weapon feel much stronger but it still has it obvious weaknesses. This makes it have about the same range as blob or slightly less than explo. It would make the weapon feel a lot more defined and less like a copy and paste of vslosher. If needed, they can nerf its ink consumption and endlag. This makes it so that it's advantages over Slosher feels better but it's disadvantages feel either the same or slightly worse
1,5 lines is WAY too much. maybe 0,75 lines. The main weapon is already not bad, its the kit that sucks. I do think it should get a range buff, since it barely has more range than normal bucket rn, but 1,5 lines would make the main weapon totally broken


Jan 30, 2024
The idea of timed events like challenges is really good in theory just horrible in execution. Having timed events gives people reason to come back to the game but they have to be actually playable lol. If challenges happened like every weekend, it would give casual and comp players something to look forward to during the weekends without having to check twitter everyday for the next challenge date which I think would make them MUCH more appealing. Lots of challenges are also pretty basic which I don't think is bad but having to wait over a month just to play one you want and not X-battles 2.0 is beyond stupid and having one set challenge that changes maps throughout the weekend would be way more convenient and better for the mode as a whole.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Dynamo Roller is one of the most skilless weapons when good, I want them to keep it down by being undertuned

Just a terrible weapon design, trade machine


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
also so many s1 maps are overhyped

hammerhead s1 isn't even a good map lmao but i see people saying its crazy good like, did yall play splatoon 1, it sucked to play on as 60% of weapons in the game

WIP Riley

Full Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
People got so used to the bad tetris layout maps that now that we have maps that are objectively better (bluefin) people refuse to play them for 1 or 2 flaws, a standard that's nor applied on the tetris maps

"But this map has one way points, and the lockout is bad" you just described 90% of the maps in 3 and bluefin is just Slightly better

The fact we have maps like flounder and museum but in tournament we play barnacle is so so so stupid
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Apr 3, 2016
Here is my semi-hot take to yeet into the discourse;

While I do agree Cooler needs a nerf, I'd argue a large reason for its overall strength is that it's the only special of its kind in the game. Nothing else gives a team benefits comparable to what Cooler does. I won't advocate for Ink Armor to return, but a new "buff" special might be what's needed to make the cooler less prominent. The only struggle there would be stacking the two together IMO, so stats need to be balanced to where there impactful but not insanely so.

Mr Sark

Inkster Jr.
Jan 31, 2024
Splatoon 2 is better than 3 and probably will be after all patches. The devs have ruined way to many kits in splatoon 3 that most weapons feel unplayable. The only good specials that don't feel like they need to be heavily reworked are inkjet, inkstorm, crab, strike, and booyah bomb. Splatoon 2 also just feels better to play on a fundamental level. Splatoon 3 just feels worse to play online which doesn't make any sense when all they had to do was take splatoon 2 as a base and improve off that, which it seems they didn't. Splatoon 3 feels less polished and thought out than splatoon 2.

And the paint looks better in splatoon 2


Jan 30, 2024
United States
Switch Friend Code
If nintendo wants salmon run to be a competent mode on higher levels, they need to fix the performance issues. Granted the switch is a 7 year old system, but trying to fend off so many boss salmons when they game is dipping in fps makes it that much harder to win lol. I am not very good a salmon run
ch harder.


Senior Squid
Apr 29, 2016
barnacle and dime is the worst map in the entire splatoon franchise (exaggerating but not really)
aesthetically i absolutely love the idea of a map in a mall, and it does look pretty great (although underwhelming) but the layout is so damn small that every match on it (ESPECIALLY TURF AND ZONES) ends up just being
>go to mid as fast as humanly possible
>spawncamp the other team for 3-5 minutes straight
at least on other spawncamp-heavy maps like brinewater, it's fun to camp the other team. every time my team ends up in the other team's spawn i get bored and start inking mid, waiting for the other team to push forward so that i have something to fight.
the only thing that i can give barnacle is that tower is kiiiinda fun on it (barely), and clams layout is actually pretty good, but everything else is just downright miserable to play on for me
(note: i'm also a brinewater enjoyer so maybe my taste in maps just sucks but like. cmon it can't just me be right)

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