How does TTek div compare to TKRK div (X Rank)?


Jul 1, 2023
Switch Friend Code
Recently, I achieved 2200 XP on zones in NA division, but I do know that most, if not all good players are in the other division. Is 2200 XP harder in JP than NA? If so, is it even a notable statistic to write home?

Regardless of the answer, next season I'm definetly joining the other division, I have really good wifi...


Senior Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Barely touched X last season and have yet to do so this season, but from my experience between the two, NA division starts to get a little more difficult in the 2200 range, but everything sub 2300 is usually like playing Series. JP is kinda harder, but at the same time isn't; players will certainly be better at 2100+, but you're also getting those same better players, where as NA will more likely create unbalanced matches (of course, this will also depend on what time of day you're playing in NA).
People are generally going to be a little better on the JP side, but it doesn't feel that much more difficult until you start getting near 2300. Before that, I'd say that it's actually a little easier to play Support in JP, since you will actually get reliable Slayers most matches; if you are a Slayer in the JP server, you are gonna have to put up a better fight if you want to win encounters.
Connection between the two doesn't seem to have a difference for me, there will be a player or two who's actions register a couple or so frame late more often, but hardly ever game breaking. Granted, I would get matched up with JP players in Splatoon 2 most of the time, and since the games pair players based off their ping, it could just be my experience, so take it with a grain of salt.


Feb 10, 2024
From a long-time friend of mine actively trying to pursue Top 10 in Tentatek:

After playing this rotation, my opinion of Tentatek Division is that it’s a coin flip about which team is worse at the game than the other, any fundamentals I have don’t matter when people are just incapable of playing their weapons (I had to watch a wiper backline for 5 mins)

Do with this information what you will.


Aug 17, 2017
I did Tentatek division since the game released except for last season I did Takaroka. I think it’s hard to compare because so much has changed with that recent patch.

My experience with Takaroka was not that impressive. For reference, I had been averaging around 2500-2600XP in Tentatek.

A lot of people in Takaroka put up impressive X scores, but don’t be fooled into thinking switching to that server will give you an instant +100-200 point boost. My scores were actually lower for a couple reasons.

One reason is after reaching about 2400, I could not find games. I read on Twitter that the matchmaking is still both based on weapon pools and regions. From what they said, even if you join the Takaroka div, if you’re a charger from North America, the game will want to put another charger from North America on the other team. A lot of times this wasn’t possible, so I just wouldn’t get a game. With the patch introducing longer wait times before giving up and more flexibility with the weapon mirroring, this problem might not be as bad. But in my experience it was either I don’t get any games or if there’s someone from my region who is a top player with my weapon class, I will be matched against them every game. It got a little annoying being knocked down from a 2500XP to a 2300XP just because I can’t beat a guy who is 3000XP and I can’t get any opponents except for them. (I should note I do still have problems finding games in Tentatek. Maybe twice a week I’ll queue for half an hour and be unable to find games. Takaroka was still worse with that. Tentatek also has a smaller player pool so I do see the same players pretty often there as well, but it doesn’t feel as mandatory.)

The second thing I didn’t like about it was the lag. I’ve noticed increase latency in this game since the demo and I don’t understand why it isn’t talked about more. It’s such a notable downgrade from Splatoon 2. It is frustrating getting hit by a player while I’m moving and they are aiming at where I was a second ago and not where I am now. It is frustrating to fire a Zooka shot right at a guy, nothing happens, and when I fire the second shot at him, the kill confirmation from the first shot finally appears. Yes I have good internet and yes I’m playing wired. These things happen in Tentatek region too, but not as often. Takaroka region it was multiple fights every game. I guess top players have just adapted to this from what I watch, but my brain has a really hard time trusting what the game can/should do on a delay rather than react to the sounds and visuals that I’m experiencing in real time.

I initially thought I’d stick with Tentatek to aim for a top 10 badges and switch to Takaroka to aim for new XP high scores, but with the scoring system change it’s easier to climb than it used to be and I’ve already hit a new best XP score in Tentatek. It’s still a climb for a top 10 badge so I don’t know if I’ll get it, but if I don’t I’m close enough that I think maybe I’ll just try next season. I’m actually really undecided on what I want to do, but I will be very disappointed if I try Takaroka again and my experience is how it was before.

As far as the players, Takaroka just has more. That means more better players, but plenty of others as well. I definitely encountered some brain dead teammates on that side as well. It also doesn’t help knowing that many of them don’t like seeing westerners in their lobby because we are laggy to them.

My dream is they get rid of this divisions nonsense altogether. Between Anarchy Series, Anarchy Open, Challenges, and 2 X Rank regions, the player base is so fragmented into different queues whereas before all we had was X Rank alone or League only with friends. Those were all of your ranked mode options. If so many of us are having issues finding matches barely a year after release, things are going to look dire in the future.


Apr 25, 2019
Philadelphia, PA, USA
Switch Friend Code
My dream is they get rid of this divisions nonsense altogether. Between Anarchy Series, Anarchy Open, Challenges, and 2 X Rank regions, the player base is so fragmented into different queues whereas before all we had was X Rank alone or League only with friends. Those were all of your ranked mode options. If so many of us are having issues finding matches barely a year after release, things are going to look dire in the future.
Hard agree, it just lead to players who don't make the switch having an even worse experience. People decided that risk of lag was worth it for more consistent matches, so... the original X system from 2. If they wanted divisions, they shouldn't have given us the option to switch.


Aug 17, 2017
Just an observation, I don’t know if Side Order brought a lot of players back or they stealth patched matchmaking again, but weeks ago if I was playing at odd hours, I’d often have to queue a few times to find games and when I did, it was all top 500 players. Now, I barely time out and my lobbies are no longer exclusively top 500. A very stark difference.


Pro Squid
Jan 29, 2024
Just an observation, I don’t know if Side Order brought a lot of players back or they stealth patched matchmaking again, but weeks ago if I was playing at odd hours, I’d often have to queue a few times to find games and when I did, it was all top 500 players. Now, I barely time out and my lobbies are no longer exclusively top 500. A very stark difference.
if i had to guess it's probably side order + end of szn, i doubt they stealth patched


Aug 17, 2017
if i had to guess it's probably side order + end of szn, i doubt they stealth patched
I tend to agree because why not just tell us, but that’s a brutal indictment of the player base if before DLC I’d have to wait that long to find 7 other people who want to play X rank.


Pro Squid
Jan 29, 2024
I tend to agree because why not just tell us, but that’s a brutal indictment of the player base if before DLC I’d have to wait that long to find 7 other people who want to play X rank.
I think it's moreso end of season than anything

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