How I believe the ranked rotation should work.

Would you prefer the Ranked mode be random every match?

  • Yes

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • No

    Votes: 10 40.0%
  • I'd stop playing Ranked if that happened QQ

    Votes: 5 20.0%

  • Total voters


We all know how some people avoid certain modes of Ranked because they aren't good at it, we also some weapons and abilities are more dominant that others in certain Ranked modes. Lastly, said people who avoid Ranked modes are probably annoyed when their preferred mode doesn't appear (no ill will towards these people either).

I feel Ranked player should be effecient in ALL modes of Ranked, rather than one or two. Splat Zones was always my weakest, and recently that has been what I've been playing the most to change that. This will also add a layer of strategizing and set layout that has never been done before.

Make the Ranked mode you play...RANDOM! Keep 2 maps in rotation (3 would be better) and while everyone is spawning it will say on the screen what mode it is, that way if it's Splat Zones and you're a full Quick Respawn Luna Blaster, you're not gonna do as much good as you would if it were a Tower Control match.

I believe this would make people put a lot more consideration in to their build rather than having specific ones for specific modes.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I already consider Rotations a bad idea to begin with, this won't make it much better. Having random game-modes every round gives you so much less control and makes your option on picking gear+weapons much less meaningful because you don't know what's coming up next, leaving it to pure chance whenever your weapon will be effective.

If i see Rainmaker I'll almost always pick a Kraken weapon because it's excellent at intercepting or guiding the Rainmaker, but I'll think twice of getting it in Zones because the objective is far more spread out for it to make a meaningful impact. If i play charger and it's Tower, I'll always pick Kelp Splatterscope because Sprinkler+Wail means you can keep firing wails at the tower to chase the enemy team off, which you'll get constantly thanks to the sprinklers. I'll need a very good reason to pick Wail over Kraken in RM because Kraken has a lot more utility over Wail in RM on just about every single map.

If the objective is random, people will instead opt for weapons that play allright on every single mode meaning you'll get to see much less variety in weapons. In short, you'll see far more Luna than you can ever hope for if the game ends up adapting this rule.

I sort of get what you're aiming at(that Ranked should encourage people to become better on all modes, not just exclusively play one mode to rank up), but this just doesn't work.


I already consider Rotations a bad idea to begin with, this won't make it much better. Having random game-modes every round gives you so much less control and makes your option on picking gear+weapons much less meaningful because you don't know what's coming up next, leaving it to pure chance whenever your weapon will be effective.

If i see Rainmaker I'll almost always pick a Kraken weapon because it's excellent at intercepting or guiding the Rainmaker, but I'll think twice of getting it in Zones because the objective is far more spread out for it to make a meaningful impact. If i play charger and it's Tower, I'll always pick Kelp Splatterscope because Sprinkler+Wail means you can keep firing wails at the tower to chase the enemy team off, which you'll get constantly thanks to the sprinklers. I'll need a very good reason to pick Wail over Kraken in RM because Kraken has a lot more utility over Wail in RM on just about every single map.

If the objective is random, people will instead opt for weapons that play allright on every single mode meaning you'll get to see much less variety in weapons. In short, you'll see far more Luna than you can ever hope for if the game ends up adapting this rule.

I sort of get what you're aiming at(that Ranked should encourage people to become better on all modes, not just exclusively play one mode to rank up), but this just doesn't work.
Your post though is exactly what I was going for. I don't think it'd necessarily make it more generic, rather force people to think of new ways to play with whatever weapon. I actually use the Octobrush for all modes of Ranked, and it works for me (S 6X) however I'm sure other people would say the Octobrush isn't the best choice for a particular mode. I figured "I'll find a way to make this work". Right now it's bland because people are like "okay, this is the best to use for this mode" and you do get the cookie cutter teams.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one who'd play rank less because of this. Some stages are great fun on one mode and not enjoyable at all on another for me, so I'd likely not play at all when such stages are in the rotation.

And Elecmaw's right, you're assuming people are more creative than they are, plenty of games have people who just look up cookie cutter builds that are effective and use those without any further thought. Like you said, it already happens right now, and it would only get worse. It wouldn't force people to come up with new ways to play, it'd just turn the majority of players into Mario, and if you think it's bland NOW imagine matches that are just Splattershot variants.


Inkling Commander
Aug 9, 2014
As much as I don't like preset stages/modes to play on, I'd still rather have them than random matches. Randomizing the matches means your gear and weapon can't be optimized, leaving a win or loss up to chance. In its current state preset modes and stages are much more favourable for this reason. People have always complained about not being able to change gear/weapons in between matches, so randomized matches wouldn't sit well with a lot of players. At least we're able to decide if we even want to play or not based on the rotation. This is arguably infinitely better than just picking whatever gear and weapon you want and hoping it's good. We already have enough randomness in the game through Spyke(discounting gear editor), don't make it worse.


...........Oops! I fell asleep!
Jun 25, 2015
Octo Valley
yeah, I don't agree either.

you can say you should be prepared for anything, but even in competitive play the stages + mode tend to be planned in advance so you can optimize weapons, gear and such.

I use Octobrush for everything, so its not really cherry picking, but sometimes I like to go different weapons or gear that suits the specific stages. like you can use Opening Gambit on bigger maps but maybe its not as necessary on small ones. on TC I'll want to run Haunt rather than Ninja Squid. E-Litre is better for some stages and Splatterscopes for others. that sort of thing.

plus, having two stages at a time means you can keep repeating the same ones and practising your strategy on those stages. I got majorly good at Museum SZ one rotation by sheer repetition. its best not to spread yourself thin.

I wouldn't mind the stages being upped to 3 but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen :p


Jul 21, 2016
You could make it just like private battle, so that the map and mode are chosen randomly by the game itself. After that you have 60 seconds to adjust Gear/Weapons and cant leave the game.
Otherwise you´d have Tentatek/Luna/Dynamo/E.Litre only.
+just as in private, you can see your teammates´ weapons, so that you can avoid having for example three snipers on your team.
+voice chat or some kind of short messages would be great, like: "choose another weapon!" or "good luck!"

Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
This would be an interesting change that I’m neither for nor against. I agree that players should be efficient in all modes, and I’ve put in a lot of work to make sure that my former weakest mode (splat zones) no longer puts me at a competitive disadvantage. I also can and do take all of my mains (anything with the words “blaster”, “gal”, or “splattershot” and the Custom Jet Squelcher) into ranked regardless of the mode without really giving it a second thought. However, I do enjoy customizing gear abilities based on the mode, so I can see the points of the other posters on here. That’s the only drawback for me.

Still having 3 map rotations with the mode randomized would definitely keep things a lot more fresh, and also minimize the occurrence of any one map/mode combo that a single player may dislike. I also can’t see the change putting anyone at a competitive disadvantage since the new rule would affect everyone equally. While there may well be some instances of turning players into Mario in the mid-tier ranks, more skilled players know their weapons well enough to be able to use them effectively in any mode.

So bottom line: I’d miss stacking massive speed ups in RM, but would enjoy the variability and minimization of having to play Hammerhead SZ. It’s a wash…


Senior Squid
May 11, 2016
It's an interesting idea in fact, 'cause I love picking a weapon on a mode where I can't play with it.
That would make matches more unpredictable so you had to think of a strategy or not go full lone wolf.


Senior Squid
Jun 6, 2016
I like Toonfish's idea, with Ranked battle being more similar to private battle. If the stages/ modes were chosen randomly, and we were given the option to change gear and weapons, I would play Ranked much more.

While there may well be some instances of turning players into Mario in the mid-tier ranks, more skilled players know their weapons well enough to be able to use them effectively in any mode.
What does this "turning players into Mario" mean?


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I like Toonfish's idea, with Ranked battle being more similar to private battle. If the stages/ modes were chosen randomly, and we were given the option to change gear and weapons, I would play Ranked much more.

What does this "turning players into Mario" mean?
Characters in video games are constantly balanced by their skill in various statistics. Slow but strong, fast but weak, and so on. And then there's the well-rounded characters, average or decent in all stats but excelling in nothing either. They're usually a safe choice for beginners or experts alike, but many players find that character type boring.

Mario is the well-rounded character in every game he has ever been in over the last 30 years where there is a choice of who to play. So some people (like myself) have taken to referring to jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none characters as Marios, because he is THE well-rounded character in video games.

Enjoy your overly long explanation!


Senior Squid
Jun 6, 2016
Characters in video games are constantly balanced by their skill in various statistics. Slow but strong, fast but weak, and so on. And then there's the well-rounded characters, average or decent in all stats but excelling in nothing either. They're usually a safe choice for beginners or experts alike, but many players find that character type boring.

Mario is the well-rounded character in every game he has ever been in over the last 30 years where there is a choice of who to play. So some people (like myself) have taken to referring to jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none characters as Marios, because he is THE well-rounded character in video games.

Enjoy your overly long explanation!
Thanks for the overly long explanation! That's what I was thinking when I read your post, but I wasn't sure if I was right.
(And sorry for getting the thread off topic)


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
You're welcome! Mario mania can be problematic or even destructive for competitive games. Let's face it, the balanced characters/weapons/etc. are invaluable, but it's the specialists that define matches.


Inkster Jr.
Aug 14, 2015
i also believe that everyone should be efficient in all modes, but i only play rainmaker because i dislike splat zones and tower control xp. i think your idea is great only if nintendo creates a new mode called Rankless Battles. so you can play all modes without harm to your rank. The best idea imo is what ToonFish said about the PB style.


Senior Squid
Jun 6, 2016
i also believe that everyone should be efficient in all modes, but i only play rainmaker because i dislike splat zones and tower control xp. i think your idea is great only if nintendo creates a new mode called Rankless Battles. so you can play all modes without harm to your rank. The best idea imo is what ToonFish said about the PB style.
This is probably the best idea I've heard. Don't know how I didn't think of it XD
You'd probably want to call it something other than "Rankless" though...


Inkster Jr.
Jul 27, 2015
Nintendo designed the game to have weapons that are better or worse depending on the map and mode. So you can't force players to pick without knowing what they are about to play. So I think the rotation should be completely random. However, once the game picks the map/mode, each time, then you pick your load out. Just like it's done in privet matches. #ideasforsplatoon2


Sep 4, 2016
Interesting that a few people are saying splat zones are their weakest because they're definitely my strongest but also they're just the most fun to me.
I do fine in tower control and rainmaker though I find rainmaker to be a little boring at times and I tend to not bother with it, I'm sure others feel the same way about other modes too. So I can't say I really agree, above all I value having fun and this kind of mechanic would definitely put a damper on that.

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