how i would make splatoon a good game


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Ok so, there are a lot of problems with Splatoon 3, as you all know. As balanced as it is, there are tons of problems with the core gameplay that I'd like to see fixed. Going to list off what changes I'd like to see to make this game a lot more immersive and fun as an experience.

Ok so first of all, while the game is all about spreading ink, it's lead to numerous issues. Paint bot weapons, special spam, weapons that can't function on teams because they just get completely outpainted unless their teammates run boring painting weapons to compensate. Some weapons can't even consistently paint their feet while fighting and get stuck and it feels awful. The solution? Remove ink. No more inking the floor removes these issues, and frees up movement, taking away a restriction that slows down the game. The ZL button can be replaced with a sprint. It was always weird how slow inklings and octolings run, so giving them a sprint would make sense anyways.

So, what about specials then? Without the ability to paint the floor, how do you charge them? Simple. Getting kills will charge your special. This also encourages more interaction, weapons that passively charge their specials will cease to exist and they'll have to work and fight for their special pops.

I think splatoon also has a massive issue with weapon ranges. The thing is, most weapons in the game don't really have a way to contest long range stuff like chargers. Midline weapons have incredible matchups across the board because it's hard for close range weapons to compete, and being helpless and getting walled out feels awful. I think it'd be great if weapons were given infinite range to allow for more fair matchups between weapons. Hitscan too, so that they don't have to deal with getting their shots dodged. If a weapon is meant for short range, we can still tweak its accuracy to make that its primary function, but now chargers are no longer as frustrating to deal with.

With the projectiles now being hitscan, most weapons probably don't fit the game the same way. Splatoon has too many weapons as is, many with overlapping qualities. I feel like we can cut back to shooters, chargers and splatlings for an easier transition.

Turf wars are, in essence, world war roleplay in splatoon canon. Kind of the equivalent of airsoft. It feels odd how cheery and removed from the setting of war the game is. Weapons look like toys, non-threatening. I feel like the game should adopt a more war-themed look, with characters in traditional army clothing. Weapons should also reflect this change, inklings have found our guns and artillery, and admiring their efficiency, replicated them for their weapon designs instead of using random art supplies as weapons. The art theme doesn't work as well without ink anyways.

Share your thoughts below!

Mr. Gency

Full Squid
Apr 21, 2015
What if, hear me out, there were a bunch of players, stay with me here, like a lot, right? So imagine we had like one really big map to fit everyone in. Imagine this, we make it every squid for themselves, maybe splitting players into platoons so friends can still play together. Okay, so, we greatly limit respawning or restrict it altogether and make the win condition that the last player or team of players wins.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
What if, hear me out, there were a bunch of players, stay with me here, like a lot, right? So imagine we had like one really big map to fit everyone in. Imagine this, we make it every squid for themselves, maybe splitting players into platoons so friends can still play together. Okay, so, we greatly limit respawning or restrict it altogether and make the win condition that the last player or team of players wins.
this but add the ability to build our own cool bases please


Feb 18, 2019
Another issue is that skill expression in this game makes matchups really unfair. How could you just want to practice and become better with a weapon when you get constantly outplayed? That's why I think this game should have random critical hits. This ensures lower-level players are still able to have an impact on the game via a fair fight against skilled players - think of it like having a head start in a race. In addition, we could make the probability of random crits depend on their power level. The worse their power level, the more crits they can land - this truly ensures an even playing field when opposing teams have the same level of skill and prevents unfair luck from being exploited.

Yosi Spring

Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Programming Videogames
Sub weapons are also a bit too spammable in the current state of Splatoon. I believe they should have an ammo cap - say, you can only hold up to 6 splat bombs at a time. Though since they only have an explosion and don't paint, it'd be reasonable to call them grenades. Toxic mist has always been a useless sub weapon, so we could increase its utility by making the mist completely opaque (a bit more like "smoke" than "mist" maybe).

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