How to avoid cheaters in Splatoon 1


Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2022
Have you noticed that when you leave a game you find yourself in a new Splatoon 1 game but against the same players who either did well against you, or who did really good against everyone while you didn't do as well? Some players are cheating to force people who don't do as good as them to play with them again. Here are some tips on how to avoid them cheating against you.

The biggest thing to know is to not start a new game immediately if someone has a lot more kills than you. If you wait about one minute, they will most likely be in a new game by then. Sometimes you may have to wait longer if it is taking a while to find players for games.

Another thing you can do is to switch modes. Normal mode is 3 minutes and Ranked is 5 minutes so when your new game ends the cheaters will be in a different game, barring knockouts, so you can return again. This can leave you offset from them for a while.

Alternatively you can visit Judd, order gear, test weapons, etc.

So what happens if the cheaters see this post and try to find me? All non-cheaters win! If they are chasing me then they are not cheating on others from the same game. If they chase me to the other mode (Normal/Ranked) then they are no longer cheating as they normally would.

Hope this helps make the game more enjoyable for you!


Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2022
Having earlier had a game with 5 cheaters, I wonder if cheaters actually realize how many people are cheating in Splatoon 1? Cheaters mostly bring me back because they have dominated me in some game. So what happens when I see 4 or more cheaters in the same game? They are getting a much harder game than they thought - but they did ask for it by cheating. I typically sit these games out by standing on the base and let them have that harder fight among themselves. I don't see a need to play a much harder game than I probably would have been matched with if they weren't cheating. Unfortunately I see 4 or more more cheaters more often that I would have thought. Seeing 6 or 7 cheaters in one game is rare although it does happen.

When you see 4 or more cheaters in a game, set down the remote and watch – see what happens when they have to play against each other without being able to harass you.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2022
I'm finding a lot more games with 5 or more cheaters, and it's harder to find a game with less than 3 cheaters. I guess a lot more non-cheaters are leaving the game for good. After getting 5 cheaters in back to back games of all different names, and seeing the number of games with 5 or 6 cheaters, I'm considering quitting also. I can easily ditch 3 cheaters with the methods above, but when there are 3 more waiting with different names nearly every time, the game is no longer fun. Is this the goal of cheating – to harass non-cheaters so much that they quit playing completely? What happens when there are no more non-cheaters? Do you just say “May the best cheater win”?

I'm disappointed that Nintendo would let this game end disgracefully like this. People who are getting harassed in nearly every game are not likely to buy a newer version to see if they will be harassed again or not. And they certainly aren't telling their friends to come see if they can be harassed too. Being a programmer, it doesn't seem like it is that hard to ignore the “play with friend xyz” codes (or whatever it's called) for those who are not in my friend list. That's all it would take to prevent people from harassing others.

Non-cheaters: The best you can do is not go into another game immediately in the same mode. This makes the cheater decide if they want to chase you or chase others who go into a new game immediately. Hopefully there aren't a lot more cheaters waiting for you in the next game. If there's too many, set down the remote and try again in the next game.


Full Squid
Aug 30, 2021
What I been doing is ban them, and it seems to work for now. It says that there's a low probability of meeting people bathed, but I did not meet any of them. Maybe de best thing is to share hacker's IDs so we can all ban them.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2022
Every non-cheater knows that blocking cheaters doesn't work. Even if it did, there's a limit to the number of users you can block so that list would need to be 5-10 TIMES as long to block them all. I have noticed a lot of cheaters that I previously recognized are not around any more or are playing less but there are others to take their place. The other cheaters are most likely those I was never matched with because I always saw the same people.

While I would like to think that the cheaters not around any longer saw these posts and didn't want to be viewed as a bully any more, but it's more likely they can't find enough people left to bully so they stopped playing. This started before Splatoon 3 was released, so while some may have tried that since then, the change was starting before that.

After being harassed more than usual every time I tried to play again recently, I think the number of non-cheaters is at an all-time low and I started to wonder why cheaters aren't getting bored bullying the same people all the time. Do they have such low self-esteem that they need to harass people they know are not as good to feel good about themselves? No one sees anyone as a good player for getting 10+ kills when they choose only to play against players they know are inferior to them.

I'm disappointed that cheaters would rather kill the game off instead of stop cheating. I also feel let down by Nintendo. A simple change could fix this but they haven't done that. Therefore I can't be confident that it is fixed in newer versions and I'm not going to spend a lot of money to see if I'm still going to be harassed the same. I find it strange that they have allowed this to be how users experience Nintendo for the past couple of years.

As stated above, there are still many cheaters who continue to bully people. Here are the ones I have noticed that still like to harass me the most. This is not a complete list, but only a start.

Luke (GoldenStaff4)
Luke (LPx_2k9)
yun.Tい- (makokahojun)
NO.01 (yuuta2003nise)
Dada (eeyore_thedonkey)
ECP United
The Gamer
Hey Fargan (FarganftVegetta)
cess (Cessyl)
Paul (Gambler733)
mom (Jay-Mom22)
Zionsie (ZionNRF)
じゆいちテ (juichim02)
aqua (smowycat)
SplatKid (collieod)
N-Y-C (chrisn718)
SnipeKillr (Jagger-our-Dog)
BlanCookie (blancookie73)
KALO (Kalo_2017)
MM (mmky26)
jojo (384511jorge)
りゆう (ryumama0625)
ロベルト カルロス (karurosuribera)
A i licia (Alicia_Gun)
boom boom
SquidS!ayer (squidslyr999)
コバエ (yasumey)
il (p1v230)
SAEBAROD (Saeba_Rod)
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Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2022
Here's some more cheaters that like to harass me:

poosie pie (Seany4444)
Jagman1982 (Slash1982)
テ は る き
[name is blank] (tsunarotch2)
やよい (570401A)
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Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2022
Here's some more bullies:

Tsur (tsur15)
かすしかいゐえwww (Yoshi_Mina_Minag)
#9836 (jd980306)
WINDOWS XP (Joao770)
Amo&Kami_P (ceo-sinrei)
Sophie (gopety)
ば-げ-お-? (yhkn614)
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Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2022
more cheaters:

りんご (yumiriko67)
kivin (kiviin54190)
ウ〇コテインテインω (yuito8cm)
ハハハのめかづ け# (habuhabuzya)
#Kimberly (CALLIE_AYO)
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Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2022
yet more bullies:

[name is blank] (curs0804)
(^_^) (mimirinarina)
Corduroys (curduroyking)
はに-しや-ろつと (akomam627)
eraserhead (zinon.nr2)
ハハ (tssmama)
Long (longtruong11618)
ナツツ (piko_tyan_mirai)
temp (berge1)
mine4eva (SweetKittyXX)
なぎ (gets123)
せいちやん (seya221)
Tad.O (mmlogo)
kkkannnna (fuuukn)


Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2022
and more cheaters:

タツキ- (sira.toto.1969)
ドリルせんのか~~! (ykssss)
とも (k_nmsytomo)
pelican (pelicaan)
Wahsaga (washaga)
flow (go-forward2003)
かえるさん (tadashi0726)
Sergio L R (peterparker100)


Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2022
next group of bullies:

Suzuhara (suzuSpain)
ゆ-んちやん♪♪♪ (ymkw12)
egginatoir (rdlabaj)
nurmut (nurmut1)
きんだ いちあつむ (myuu111)
ひだぶつ-- (jiko0805)
そうたろう (watason4545)
louis xv (wyndie01)

Are you getting the idea of how many there are yet? This list would probably be much larger already if I didn't ditch people after every game.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2022
and more cheaters...

マヅヤパ- (ajapaer)
freeman (nattif91)
Parker (ParkerNin75)
ミルクテイ---! (Yuchoon)
allan2018 (allanjohns2018)
ツイツタ->t2agu (spa_bot)
stinky (Ekstein)
シンヂGames (DORAKUE456098)
Wail_Man!! (System_Aberrant)
きのつのやいか⇒⇒⇒ (takuro491122)
☆kamikaze☆ (Disp10-9)
キコンたろう (Nao.A.Ryu)
さんこん (sankondaisuki)


Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2022
here's the next list of bullies. do you understand now why so many of the non-cheaters are leaving the game?

ANDI B (hertelein)
Michelle75 (laughinggirl96)
DJOJERBATM (Masterboubi)
ハウメマ [#] (haruto1678)
なんにもしてないよ! (zuyu1536)
そら (kei.m.0818)
Nanay (Nanay21)
Spartiate (BRN974)
M5 (tomoka3345)
なる# (runaHD)
こころのなかの3ごう (kiku63)
りゆういちろう (waka27ryu28)
marky (marky_s_2008)
Rzwo (Laser2)
ばば (KashiA-No)
ささかま (keita7575)


Inkling Cadet
Jun 2, 2015
Switch Friend Code
There's a world of difference between players who are unambiguously cheating and players who are simply good at the game. The active Splatoon 1 community is only getting smaller, too, so the players who remain will tend to be good, on average.

Not that there aren't people who are blatantly cheating - there absolutely are - but most matches are still legitimate. I couldn't see the game's population surviving at all if the problem was this out-of-control. Having run into a handful of players you've listed, I haven't seen any of them doing anything suspicious. What exactly is your definition of "cheating"?


Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2022

As I said above - they're manipulating the player-matching so they only play against people who they know they can dominate. The normal player-matching wouldn't rematch with someone for about an hour, but whatever they are doing is causing me to see them again in the next game, when I chose to leave the previous game. This happens with players who have killed me a lot in a game and they want to do that again. It doesn't happen with anywhere near the same frequency with players that I do well against. In the past when you left a game you wouldn't see that same person again immediately like they are causing it to match now. They are not cheating during the games, just picking who is in the games they play, which is still cheating. When you see multiple people on the other team that you know will kill you a lot before you even start, the game is no longer fun to play. That is why I came up with the ways to avoid them above and shared it with everyone.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 2, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I sincerely doubt this many people are intentionally manipulating matchmaking even if it was possible to do so. You're really just experiencing a game in population decline, where the matchmaker works with what it's given. If it makes you feel better, go for it, but you're better off trying to expose players who are blatantly cheating than listing off people who have as much control over the matchmaker as you do.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2022
I sincerely doubt this many people are intentionally manipulating matchmaking even if it was possible to do so. You're really just experiencing a game in population decline, where the matchmaker works with what it's given. If it makes you feel better, go for it, but you're better off trying to expose players who are blatantly cheating than listing off people who have as much control over the matchmaker as you do.

Either you are really good such that no one believes they can dominate you and thus they don't cheat on you, or as I suspect, your name is in the list above and you are trying to discredit this post.

You didn't state why you think people who dominate me find me again immediately while people who don't aren't matched again like that, which leads me to believe you are just trying to gaslight me.

Are you SnipeKillr, aka SquidProQo, and aka marky?


Inkster Jr.
Sep 12, 2022
Purgatory sector 1462-b-87-49
just think, this may be a good thing, especially if you;re competent with rollers, i believe its that they hate me so much they want to rematch to try to finally win against me, but, unfortunately for the "bullies", haha, roller go brr, but i do see your point, the matchmaking should be better.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 2, 2015
Switch Friend Code
To get this out of the way: no. I do not play under any NNID that is not my own, and I only play as Forma.

You clarified that, from the start of the thread, you were referring to match fixing. I believe that, in making this thread, you had good intentions and only want to protect this community from harm.
However, I have found absolutely no evidence that any third party tool exists to manipulate the game's matchmaking system itself - nothing that allows you to intentionally follow someone who isn't on your friends list through different lobbies. The best someone can do, ironically, is follow the same system you outlined of waiting or switching modes - if someone wants to switch their loadout, they have no choice but to do this! Your list has 134 people in it. Even if it was possible to fix matches, I find it extremely unlikely that that many people would go out of their way to target you, specifically. The more reasonable answer as to why you keep getting matched with these people is in the game's population numbers.
Splatoon 1's population right now is not high. The player pool at any given time of day ranges from decent to barely enough to sustain the game at all. It's high enough that it's still easy to find Turf War matches, but you see the same names a lot because those are the people who are playing the game, and to get enough people to start a match, it has to work with whatever players are online queuing for a match. If you and one of the people you feel is targeting you happen to queue at the same time the matchmaker is trying to create a match, even if you blocked them, it will have no other choice but to put you back together. This problem is worse in ranked - I don't know what rank you're at, but I know there's a lot of droughts throughout the day across every rank that make finding a match at certain times literally impossible. If you've been seeing these people more often in ranked than in turf war, this is exactly why.

I think your heart is in the right place, but it's not cool to accuse so many people of cheating when, like you, they're just trying to play the game.
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Inkster Jr.
Jan 11, 2022
Looks like Nintendo fixed something. Yaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyy! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

They fixed the bigger cheat, such that I don't immediately see all the same cheaters when I start to play and those cheaters can't immediately force me into another game. There is still another cheat though that people are using to find me faster than around an hour like in the past.

Here's what I noticed. I don't see the people who harassed me the most for more than one game in a row as much since the fix (yay!). I can actually play consecutive games in the same mode again without being harassed at times. This is highly unusual, and thus means it has been fixed (Thank you!). I have seen tons of players that I have never seen before. I always felt the cheating was keeping me with the same people and that there were lots more I never got to play with. Seeing these new players confirms that.

The few people who do find me, seem to find me again faster than they should. Luckily I don't think as many cheaters are using this cheat as the one that was fixed. When they use this other cheat, they are less likely to be on the opposing team from me than in the past, which is good. In the past it seemed like a cheater was against me about 75-80% of the time or more, but now it is more like a 50/50 chance. When they have found me again, it seems to be a one-off, I don't seem to see others that did well in that previous game like in the past. Also, teams seem to be better balanced now. Previously there were always a lot of S/S+-level cheaters on the same team more often than not against those they were cheating against (in“A-/A/A+”-level games in addition to “S”-level games). Now it seems like players are more evenly matched. And how do these S/S+ players stay in “A” or “A-” when they constantly win games? Is this a third cheat?

Sometimes blocking users seems to work and sometimes it doesn't. Maybe this depends on who is using the other cheat and who is not.

So I still see two problems.
  1. The other cheat is still allowing users to find people again faster than normal.
  2. Second, there is still something that is allowing cheaters to linger in lower levels in ranked mode to harass people even though they win so much that they should rank up to S-level more often than they do.

If these get fixed too, I think the game will be just as fun as it was a couple of years ago. Non-Cheaters: Until then, keep ditching the people who found you again with this new cheat by using one of the methods I first shared.

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