Hypothetical New Weapons


Inkster Jr.
Aug 10, 2017
Post your favorite ideas for new weapons, subs, and specials here!
To get you started:
Double barrel brella: A brella that takes longer to shoot but can store up to 2 shots at once
Float Bomb: A bomb that floats straight instead of arched.
Turret: A turret with a rotatable shield( Similar to shielded octarians) and a gun that fires splatling shots but with no charge.


「Pavor Nocturnus」
Mar 16, 2016
Ol' grumpy me is still wishing for a hypothetical horizontal fling option for the Dynamo. For those who played the first game, you know that rollers used to just fling horizontally, also when jumping. Now this sounds like a crazy idea but I'd absolute love to have a choice somehow? I mean, the fling is slow enough to make it something like: Simple tap => horizontal, Long tap => vertical.
You may now shoo me away because you've always wished for Dynamos to die out, I know, I know. :D

But now to the hypothetical new weapons. Tough one. I mean I'd have plenty ideas that might work in fiction but not ingame. Throwing weapons as a main weapon? Cool story, but what about ink coverage and balancing? A splat bow? Now we know how that worked for Hanzo, so...nah.

I'm digging your idea of a small turret, maybe as a placeable special with auto-lock on to enemies? Basically a destroyable object like sprinklers, but I'm afraid even if stationary it be pretty OP.

Other than that I'd be better off at the "what kits would you like to give your main weapon of choice" department than on designing new weapons altogether, I'm afraid.


Squid Savior From the Future
Apr 23, 2015
A thread like this already exists (I can't find it right now.), but I'd love to have a fishnet type weapon. Scoop up and throw ink.


Full Squid
Aug 19, 2017
Loving the idea of a Float Bomb. It could be as simple as a Splat Bomb tied to a balloon that pops if it floats for long enough or hit with ink, either yours or the enemy's. It could work great with a long-range weapon.
I'd like to see a bow and arrow eventually. It could be a combination of the Sloshing Machine and a Charger, where it shoots an arcing arrow and the longer you hold the button the further the range.
Another potential weapon would be a spray bottle, another charger-like weapon. A tap shot shoots a wide spray of ink with little forwards range but charge it and it becomes a more condensed spray straight forwards.


Inkling Cadet
Oct 4, 2015
Squid Launcher
The inkling places a fireworks launcher on the ground, and loads a capsule with a tube attached. The tube connects to the inkling's ink, which they enter in squid form, then swim up into the capsule. Inside, you can aim into the sky and choose the strength of the launch. Once finalized, the launcher fires the capsule across the map. The process of launching, if the direction and velocity of the launch are chosen quickly, should take about 5 seconds. When the capsule lands and comes to a stop, exploding in a small non-damaging puddle of ink, the inkling is left in the puddle. This sub requires and consumes the entirety of a player's ink tank, and once landed, they must wait an additional 2 seconds to start refilling it.
This sub is meant to function like a super jump that can be used to enter enemy territory for sneak attacks. It does not leave a jump marker. However, because it takes such a long time, can be misfired due to a mistake in aim or velocity, and leaves you without ink for a few seconds, it can be very risky.

Ink Buddy
The inkling throws a special ink container at their feet. Spreading a puddle of ink around them, a glowing inkling shape grows out of the ink. The ink buddy is equipped with a splattershot, though he cannot use a sub or special. He will stay in your ink, patrolling and appearing to shoot at enemies that enter his range. He will not purposely ink the ground, you will have to either deploy your buddy in a good spot or create pathways for him to reach the rest of your ink. He cannot be given ink armor, but he can be affected by enemy tenta missiles, point sensors, and autobombs. He is considered an object for object shredder purposes; he has the health of a normal player, but will die if he takes any damage from a player with object shredder. He explodes in enemy ink when destroyed. If you use the ink buddy special again while you already have an ink buddy, the old one will be destroyed and replaced at your current location.
This is meant to function like having an octoling form the single player mode. He can't push with you, and is only effective in helping to defend an area that you've already thoroughly inked. Think of him like an improved ink mine.

Agent Z

Inkling Commander
Jul 24, 2017
Squid Launcher
The inkling places a fireworks launcher on the ground, and loads a capsule with a tube attached. The tube connects to the inkling's ink, which they enter in squid form, then swim up into the capsule. Inside, you can aim into the sky and choose the strength of the launch. Once finalized, the launcher fires the capsule across the map. The process of launching, if the direction and velocity of the launch are chosen quickly, should take about 5 seconds. When the capsule lands and comes to a stop, exploding in a small non-damaging puddle of ink, the inkling is left in the puddle. This sub requires and consumes the entirety of a player's ink tank, and once landed, they must wait an additional 2 seconds to start refilling it.
This sub is meant to function like a super jump that can be used to enter enemy territory for sneak attacks. It does not leave a jump marker. However, because it takes such a long time, can be misfired due to a mistake in aim or velocity, and leaves you without ink for a few seconds, it can be very risky.

Ink Buddy
The inkling throws a special ink container at their feet. Spreading a puddle of ink around them, a glowing inkling shape grows out of the ink. The ink buddy is equipped with a splattershot, though he cannot use a sub or special. He will stay in your ink, patrolling and appearing to shoot at enemies that enter his range. He will not purposely ink the ground, you will have to either deploy your buddy in a good spot or create pathways for him to reach the rest of your ink. He cannot be given ink armor, but he can be affected by enemy tenta missiles, point sensors, and autobombs. He is considered an object for object shredder purposes; he has the health of a normal player, but will die if he takes any damage from a player with object shredder. He explodes in enemy ink when destroyed. If you use the ink buddy special again while you already have an ink buddy, the old one will be destroyed and replaced at your current location.
This is meant to function like having an octoling form the single player mode. He can't push with you, and is only effective in helping to defend an area that you've already thoroughly inked. Think of him like an improved ink mine.
Awwww I want an Ink Buddy!

Drew Sebastino

Inkling Cadet
Aug 9, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I've been hoping for a spray paint "flame thrower" type weapon since the first game. Unfortunately, the Aerospray has the best design for one. I'm glad we've finally got a proper shotgun at least, even if the result is a bit underwhelming.


Semi-Pro Squid
Aug 12, 2016
Post your favorite ideas for new weapons, subs, and specials here!
To get you started:
Double barrel brella: A brella that takes longer to shoot but can store up to 2 shots at once
Float Bomb: A bomb that floats straight instead of arched.
Turret: A turret with a rotatable shield( Similar to shielded octarians) and a gun that fires splatling shots but with no charge.
Raider. I've posted this idea before.
It's a charger that charges slightly quicker than the Splat charges, uses little ink, and stores charge for a while. However, like the Bamboozler, it cannot one-hit-kill no matter what. UNLIKE the Bamboozler though, a fully charged shot does 99.9 damage. You can't one-shot enemies unless they've stepped in ink or have been worn down by an ally. It also has shorter range than the Splat charger and fires thinner shots. It could be an interesting support weapon that isn't as niche as the Bamboozler. Sub could probably be Ink Mine, and Spec could be Bubble Blower.

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