I was going to start a new thread for "guilt trips induced by things you regret doing out of habit to noobs" but this thread serves the same purpose. :)
What's the thing each of you feel the most guilty doing by rote to a noob that you feel so awful for that you want to salt and sautee your squiddy self over?
Mine was on Kelp Dome TW today. I was playing around with various weapons (man I still suck at hydra) and then decided to cap it off with returning to Carbon which I've been trying to duo-main with chargers. A bit of practice so I dont get rusty. When the match started i went forward to the side section behind the ramp wall to paint, and saw a sniper laser. I ducked behind the wall and saw an inkling in a straw boater hat up on the grates with a splatterscope. There was another player with her with a splattershot. Both just seemed to be standing there, presumably camping for the roller that just ducked behind the wall. As I considered how to evade and counter, the sniper just kind of strolls away down the grate as though she must have just seen a mirage (in the circle of green ink painted in front of her eyes...) Cool, I only have to deal with the splattershot.
Near the end of the match, I'm coming around the mid tower and see this same cute little inkling girl in the straw boater, facing the ground, charger in hand, shooting over and over again at the floor, I"d say 1/4 charged shots. A floor that was already painted. Over and over again, standing smack in the middle of the main hallway circle around the mid tower in one spot.... Out of rote I fired off a few burst bombs....she ran to the other side of the tower. Out of rote, I sneak-evaded, swung around the other side, and slammed down the roller. Just as slammed my roller down I wished I could cancel the move, as I realized after she evaded my burst bombs and ran to the other side of the tower, in her cute little (useless to a charger except Custom Eliter with beacons) strawboater hat, she then proceeded to just stand in on place shooting the floor on the OTHER side of the tower as though that side was now safe, never expecting someone could follow here there, and there was me being a complete jerk triumphantly landing the killshot on the wounded little inkling endlessly shooting at the floor.
I feel like a total jerk that just ruined the joy of discovering chargers in Splatoon some little kid was having with their new Christmas toy :( That's the one I apologize for!
As a tribute and token of disgrace, I remembered the 1-slot "super jump speed up" strawboater was in my hat store today. I walked over and bought it and will wear it when I take out my splat charger/splatterscope - maybe eliter too, for at least a week in TW to atone. :):( (Plus the strawboaters are as adorable on inklings as they are on Animal Crossig Villiagers! :D)