In your opinion, what would you say is the most improved main weapon in this game's life cycle?


Inkling Cadet
Apr 4, 2018
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In light of the recent patch, since we're at the end of this game's life cycle as far as new content goes with irregular balance updates. I'll go first and answer the question in the topic. In my opinion, it's either Zap or the Splattershot Pro. Zap was already a very good main weapon, but it was just too similar to Splattershot in terms of its stats other than its fire rate and damage. Now it's more mobile, slightly more accurate and stands out a lot more. As far as the Pro goes, it's in a way better spot that it was at launch. Its paint was garbage, and it was pretty undertuned all around. Now in addition to the paint buffs it got slightly better accuracy and damage. What are your thoughts?


Inkling Cadet
Mar 26, 2024
I'm thinking between Snipewriter 5H or dapple dualies Nouveau. Pen at launch was ok. Nothing really special, but that was until a buff that made it do 68 damage per shot, less ink consumed per shot, and the increased movement speed, and the weapon was shot into being one of the best weapon in the game although I do feel that a meta shift was also the reason Pen became a top tier.

As for dapples the main weapon buffs it got was a big help for it, and it defineatlly improved it a good bit, but I feel that the biggest changes to happen was reef slider getting giga buffed in benefited a lot of slider weapons, but for dapples the slider buffs made it much more threatening. This weapon went from a low tier to a high tier, in such a short time, and it's crazy to think about it.


Full Squid
Oct 27, 2024
Wiper's house
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I agree with vidkight, I think pencil is prolly the most trash to top tier weapon out there. BUT I also think wiper is up there in terms of one of the much better weapons from launch (not biased I swear). The paint buff it got early on was the thing that really sent it from possibly viable to viable. It also got a lot of other buffs, the bigger ones other than the paint one was the two frames it got towards it's charge slash. The other was technically not a direct buff, but the recent hammer buffs is absolutly bumping EVERY hammer weapon up a few spots, if not tiers. Wiper being the biggest winner with this buff.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
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I think Dappies gets the honor. It's been buffed soooooo many times in the game's lifespan and is a pretty respectable high tier now. And that's not even including the buffs to Reefslider and to a lesser extend Tacticooler.

Pencil is a solid contender as well, but also thinking about how Pencil got buffed makes me upsetti
I'll give Pencil one thing tho, it's version history is almost as funny as Ballpoint's. Props.

Smash Arena

Pro Squid
Dec 11, 2014
Dapple Dualies for sure, I remember loving them in 2 and then feeling that they weren't as effective when I started playing 3. Over the years Nintendo has strengthened them to be a mainstay weapon for me again. I also see them all the time in both casual and high-rank games.

In fact, I would say that Dapples are a very well-designed weapon. They are easy to pick up and play at a low level thanks to their good paint output and being able to quickly splat opponents in regular firing mode. Conversely, they are difficult to master when it comes to safe spacing and properly using the dodge rolls/turret firing mode.


Inkling Commander
Jul 31, 2024
Northern Inkadia
what about them
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In light of the recent patch, since we're at the end of this game's life cycle as far as new content goes with irregular balance updates. I'll go first and answer the question in the topic. In my opinion, it's either Zap or the Splattershot Pro. Zap was already a very good main weapon, but it was just too similar to Splattershot in terms of its stats other than its fire rate and damage. Now it's more mobile, slightly more accurate and stands out a lot more. As far as the Pro goes, it's in a way better spot that it was at launch. Its paint was garbage, and it was pretty undertuned all around. Now in addition to the paint buffs it got slightly better accuracy and damage. What are your thoughts?
tenta - from being unusable to otay!!

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