Introducing The League [name WIP]; an alternative to the endless stream of tournaments

Match format?

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Ink dweller

Inkster Jr.
Nov 7, 2015
If we want to bring in more teams, we need to promote this website to miiverse. There's two problems that come with it. The first one is that there's a risk of people reporting us because we're promoting an "external website". The second is that we might bring some casual teams. A team like Cyberbullies, or Paradise may not enjoy a match with an A- ranked team. We could avoid that rank problem by separating divisions by team rank average. But that would require at least 16 teams


Jun 17, 2015
If we want to bring in more teams, we need to promote this website to miiverse. There's two problems that come with it. The first one is that there's a risk of people reporting us because we're promoting an "external website". The second is that we might bring some casual teams. A team like Cyberbullies, or Paradise may not enjoy a match with an A- ranked team. We could avoid that rank problem by separating divisions by team rank average. But that would require at least 16 teams
Once again, we will not be seeding anyone based on rank. Please don't worry about how the divisions will be seeded and let us handle that (with community input) once we reach a point that there is enough interest to move forward.

The idea is to let everyone play at their own level so don't worry that we are going to let you play against Cyberbullies.


Pro Squid
May 29, 2015
I think this idea is good overall, but I think the timing is off. In my opinion tournaments work out fine as of right now. I understand people might get burnt out, but I have two points to that. 1. You don't have to play in every tournament. 2. Competitive gaming takes dedication. It takes a lot to run a team and strive to be the best, but If you really want to play this game and be the best competitively you're gonna have to deal with playing it a lot. On my end I have found entering Blooper Ink with 5-6 people available and switching out every round takes a lot of stress out of it.

That's not to say that I don't think there are too many tournaments. I do. If we could somehow find a balance between tournaments (maybe twice a month) and a league system I think it could be very beneficial to the community. The sole problem is organization, but if we can pull it off, go for it. But I don't think it should replace tournaments entirely.
Literally noone is saying we shouldn't have tournaments, what we are saying is that leagues are not only easier to manage for teams, they are altogether a better system for growing our scene, without flooding tournaments and having low quality matches.

Yes, being competitive takes dedication, however it isn't about (in my case) Cyberbullies sitting a tourney out, it won't really hurt us, but if a lot of good teams start burning out, suddenly noone really cares about a tournament that is missing Paradise, NSTC, TSB, OFF, ND, and then we could have(and have had) tourneys won by good teams when noone else signs up.

The idea is to consolidate quality matches and quality content in order to grow the spectator scene, because that is what we as a community have to focus on, we want people to watch matches, and it will help if those matches are high quality. A league gives us the opportunity to hype up a match or matches a week in advance, it allows teams to come up with strategies and will overall escalate the quality of play, while allowing teams to field their best possible rosters(due to less time commitment) and have more consistent commentary and analysis (due to less time commitment and more opportunity for players like myself to cast games after/when I'm not in a match).

We must consolidate if we hope to grow, all these tournaments are great but when I as a spectator can't come onto the board and figure out which tournaments are casting/have streams, or can't really get any feel for a team or feel invested at all in a match, it means I'm not likely to keep watching or be hooked on high level splatoon. Surely you can understand where I'm coming from here.


Good TOs are Capitalists
May 20, 2015
SCL prefers not to consider itself an endless stream of tournaments, but instead a trickle. Of cocaine. High quality cocaine.

But it's true, an endless stream of consistent tournaments, while overall nice, does not make a community grow. It's publicizing and the scene that makes stuff popular. That's what a league is for. By setting up high quality matches, tournaments with top teams, and trumping up publicity as much as it can by working with tournaments (and making their owns) as well as good and well-liked teams, is what gets the people who aren't already into the competitive side to jump in and give it a go. People aren't convinced to join in because of high quality tournaments (even though I wish they were :( ). Nor are they convinced to join in in high numbers because the game by itself is good. What does convince them to join in higher numbers tends to be a few things

1. Their friends are joining in. A scene that's already really big can sort of feed off of itself, though if things don't stay interesting people will start leaving faster than they join, and it will die all the same.
2. An atmosphere that makes people excited. People will search for glory and happily jump into the scene to simply become good and have a good time, if it looks exciting.

No matter how good a tournament is, it's not exciting to other people unless it gets out there. I know this firsthand: People get hyped as **** in SCL, especially towards the end, and it's overall a pretty hotblooded tournament series that gets people high on action and then ends fairly fast (hence cocaine). Booyah Battle and other tournaments are also very exciting. But only to people who are in the tournaments or are already into watching it: IE, the people in the scene already. Those aren't the ones we're trying to win over if we want to grow the scene. We have to win over the players who aren't in the scene, and to win over those players we have to communicate all that hype that's in the tournaments we have and the ones we will have to them so that they get the same effect we do when we're checking out our streams and our commentaries. To do this we can do several things

1. Put high emphasis in advertising the streams during the tournaments. This is literally the baseline for about everything. More people watch tournaments, more people want to make teams to play tournaments. Having solid commentary and trying to push viewer streams as much as we can, with a league or without one, is what leads to more people getting into it
2. Set up high profile matches. We obviously can't rely on tournaments to get people hyped. What we need to do is set up high profile matches between high profile teams. Bo7 games, blown up and put up on many streams with good commentary and pushed to people looking into the scene. We need to use this commentary and these games to show that Splatoon is an exciting, interesting competitive shooter that we all know that it is. That first word is key *exciting*. Exciting is what sells, so if we want to turn the eyes of people we would want to turn the eyes of to make splatoon come out as a legitimate option for competitive shooters, then we need to set up exciting matches and get people to pay attention to them and talk about them, preferably not only on SBoards.
3. Good options for new teams to play in. Let's face it, as fun as it is to watch TSB win another tourney, we need to make sure lower teams have their chance to shine. Make tournaments aimed specifically at them after the community grows some (and we have the numbers), and honor rookie teams that do really well. While the high profile matches between the top teams is what gets people into the scene, honor and glory given to the smaller teams is what keeps newer teams from being discouraged and from ultimately leaving the scene. SCL has dabbled with 'rookie tournaments' before, and it's an idea I have held off on in part because the community needs to grow some. But we will be the first to push such things if this league helps the community take off.
4. Work with already established things to help push the name farther and become better recognized. The more we're talked about, the more high names will give us glances. It's at that point that our high levels of tournaments and general hype in the growing community, as well as outreach and the stir we make to others outside will let people higher up see that we are a worthwhile investment.

Essentially, what we need, as a big part of this league, is SplatMedia. Something to push the splatoon scene to people like a business pushed a product, and to get the community to grow and people new to the community to stay.


Literally noone is saying we shouldn't have tournaments, what we are saying is that leagues are not only easier to manage for teams, they are altogether a better system for growing our scene, without flooding tournaments and having low quality matches.

Yes, being competitive takes dedication, however it isn't about (in my case) Cyberbullies sitting a tourney out, it won't really hurt us, but if a lot of good teams start burning out, suddenly noone really cares about a tournament that is missing Paradise, NSTC, TSB, OFF, ND, and then we could have(and have had) tourneys won by good teams when noone else signs up.

The idea is to consolidate quality matches and quality content in order to grow the spectator scene, because that is what we as a community have to focus on, we want people to watch matches, and it will help if those matches are high quality. A league gives us the opportunity to hype up a match or matches a week in advance, it allows teams to come up with strategies and will overall escalate the quality of play, while allowing teams to field their best possible rosters(due to less time commitment) and have more consistent commentary and analysis (due to less time commitment and more opportunity for players like myself to cast games after/when I'm not in a match).

We must consolidate if we hope to grow, all these tournaments are great but when I as a spectator can't come onto the board and figure out which tournaments are casting/have streams, or can't really get any feel for a team or feel invested at all in a match, it means I'm not likely to keep watching or be hooked on high level splatoon. Surely you can understand where I'm coming from here.
I find this to be a high quality post in relation to burnout and the need to consolidate and push things. Tournaments already do a pretty good job of working with each other's timetable. We need to take that a step further and do joint options for tournaments and streams so that we can both tap into each other's audience.
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Full Squid
May 30, 2015
Literally noone is saying we shouldn't have tournaments, what we are saying is that leagues are not only easier to manage for teams, they are altogether a better system for growing our scene, without flooding tournaments and having low quality matches.

Yes, being competitive takes dedication, however it isn't about (in my case) Cyberbullies sitting a tourney out, it won't really hurt us, but if a lot of good teams start burning out, suddenly noone really cares about a tournament that is missing Paradise, NSTC, TSB, OFF, ND, and then we could have(and have had) tourneys won by good teams when noone else signs up.

The idea is to consolidate quality matches and quality content in order to grow the spectator scene, because that is what we as a community have to focus on, we want people to watch matches, and it will help if those matches are high quality. A league gives us the opportunity to hype up a match or matches a week in advance, it allows teams to come up with strategies and will overall escalate the quality of play, while allowing teams to field their best possible rosters(due to less time commitment) and have more consistent commentary and analysis (due to less time commitment and more opportunity for players like myself to cast games after/when I'm not in a match).

We must consolidate if we hope to grow, all these tournaments are great but when I as a spectator can't come onto the board and figure out which tournaments are casting/have streams, or can't really get any feel for a team or feel invested at all in a match, it means I'm not likely to keep watching or be hooked on high level splatoon. Surely you can understand where I'm coming from here.
I think I came off the wrong way. I wasn't trying to bash this system, I think it has potential. The post's title led me to believe this would replace the tournament system completely, to which that I would be against. If we can have both systems working in harmony, BOOM, great competitive scene for both the player and spectator.

A league does give us a great opportunity. My biggest concern is a lack of organization. It's one thing to organize a single tournament or event, but a whole 2 month season can be a doozy. Again, an amazing idea, but execution needs to not be rushed. It also means that teams that sign up can dissolve in the middle of a season. That is much worse than a team missing a tourney or two. Tournaments might be a longer commitment on one day, but not nearly as much as two months. Do we really want to make teams commit to something like that so early in the scene?

Yes, tournament pages need more organization as well. I remember the first string of tournaments not having a date anywhere to be seen :P
My other point is this. We have time to grow. As long as we keep playing and loving our game for what it is the community of competitive splatters will grow. We don't need to push or force too much. Yes some teams are burning out of tournaments, half of that is their faults. But at the same time, so many new teams are finally understanding the system we have.

Again, all I'm for is the growth of the scene.

1. Put high emphasis in advertising the streams during the tournaments. This is literally the baseline for about everything. More people watch tournaments, more people want to make teams to play tournaments. Having solid commentary and trying to push viewer streams as much as we can, with a league or without one, is what leads to more people getting into it

Essentially, what we need, as a big part of this league, is SplatMedia. Something to push the splatoon scene to people like a business pushed a product, and to get the community to grow and people new to the community to stay.
I agree. We need a central place where splatoon can be streamed. Not to turn people away because i'm mentioning smash, but the smash community has had a few main streamers that people can keep going back too (ex. VGBootCamp) . VGBC has been the main streamer for so many international smash tournaments.

We need a team of people, people who are consistent and love the game. They would be in charge of streaming as much competitive splatoon as possible. A SplatMedia sounds great. A Central place people can go to to watch splatoon. Inkstorm was the only tournament I have been able to watch (mostly cause I'm busy playing/getting destroyed :P) But inkstorm was a really good high quality stream. We need that, but more consistently.
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Jun 17, 2015
@Krozo this is exactly what we want to offer. But as said, this thread is to find out if there is interest in it. We're not rushing anything and we haven't gone into detail yet because this thread is not the place for that.

So far there have been mostly positive reactions and that is great. But there are a lot more teams out there that have kept quiet so far and we can't really know if those teams would be interested. So i hope we keep spreading the word and get some more teams hyped so that the group we gathered can start working out the details :)


Full Squid
May 30, 2015
@Njok Awesome! That's what I like to hear. I've heard a lot of "guys hurry! let's Esports now!" on squidbords from the very beginning. I just hope people know how to take it slow and organized.

Anyways, I can't wait for the future of this and the community in general. I just love playing this game.


Full Squid
Jul 7, 2015
@Krozo this is exactly what we want to offer. But as said, this thread is to find out if there is interest in it. We're not rushing anything and we haven't gone into detail yet because this thread is not the place for that.

So far there have been mostly positive reactions and that is great. But there are a lot more teams out there that have kept quiet so far and we can't really know if those teams would be interested. So i hope we keep spreading the word and get some more teams hyped so that the group we gathered can start working out the details :)
Maybe a survey(more complete than just the forma question) would do the thing... This same thing is happening in the Spanish community and I think people have a high interest, but maybe are a bit passive to participate, just as when tourney sign up happens, the thread of the furom is not as high as the participants.


Inkster Jr.
Apr 23, 2015
The league format is something that worked out really well for years since the very begining of Mario Kart Wii, on the MK community. It always been the "main event". Dash Team would rather compete in a league with one match per week, instead of an infinite flood of tournaments.

Although, tournaments are great too for splatoon, so I guess the two formats can co-exist!


Sushi Chef
Apr 23, 2015
the West
how do i vote and what does BOx BO3 BO5 and TOs mean?
You just click on the option you want in the poll above the OP (original post), and click the "send" button i believe was the name of it.
Bo3 = Best of 3
Bo5 = Best of 5
TO = Tournament Organizers (they are the leaders of the tourney and are responsible for keeping it running smoothly

Now when you talk about Bo3 you can either do Bo3 GAMES (squad 1 vs squad 2 play against each other and first to win 2 games wins)
---Now, when Squad 1 wins 2 games they therefore win the SET. and normally that would be the end of the MATCH. However if you have Bo3 of Bo3 SETS then Squad 1 only has one set under their belt, and and so need to win one more set, which means they win the MATCH.

BoX ( X = any number. Basically the number hasn't been decided yet. It could be 3, 5, 7, etc.)

Games < Set < Match


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Oct 6, 2015
I'm new to all this tournament stuff sooo

What's seeding what's calamari cup and all those other modes and what's source A-D


Sushi Chef
Apr 23, 2015
the West
I'm new to all this tournament stuff sooo

What's seeding what's calamari cup and all those other modes and what's source A-D
Seeding is what tournaments do to make sure the best teams don't play each other really early in the tournament and knock each other out when everyone knows they could've both been in finals. Usually it's based on past tournament performances . So you assign the top 2 teams in splatoon Seed 1 and Seed 2 (you can seed all other squads as well like 8th seed, 9th seed etc.). You then put them on opposite sides of the bracket to make sure that if they do as predicted they'll meet up in Finals. They do this with all teams, and it is usually supposed to not be subjective and more on the their results.

Calamari Cup is the name of a tournament. Like SCL, Booyah Battle. Inkstorm is a tournament circuit tho @KTKres

Not sure what you mean for the other 2 questions you had.
modes.. I think I can guess your question.
There are Game MAPS = flounder heights, kelp dome, etc.
There are Game MODES= SZ (Splat Zones), RM (Rainmaker), TC (Tower Control)
Game TYPES = Maps + Modes. Example -> SZ Flounder Height, TC Bluefin Depot, SZ Blackbelly, etc


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Oct 6, 2015
Seeding is what tournaments do to make sure the best teams don't play each other really early in the tournament and knock each other out when everyone knows they could've both been in finals. Usually it's based on past tournament performances . So you assign the top 2 teams in splatoon Seed 1 and Seed 2 (you can seed all other squads as well like 8th seed, 9th seed etc.). You then put them on opposite sides of the bracket to make sure that if they do as predicted they'll meet up in Finals. They do this with all teams, and it is usually supposed to not be subjective and more on the their results.

Calamari Cup is the name of a tournament. Like SCL, Booyah Battle. Inkstorm is a tournament circuit tho @KTKres

Not sure what you mean for the other 2 questions you had.
modes.. I think I can guess your question.
There are Game MAPS = flounder heights, kelp dome, etc.
There are Game MODES= SZ (Splat Zones), RM (Rainmaker), TC (Tower Control)
Game TYPES = Maps + Modes. Example -> SZ Flounder Height, TC Bluefin Depot, SZ Blackbelly, etc
What I meant what a at the top there was a poll and the options were A-D


Sushi Chef
Apr 23, 2015
the West
ah, yah there are 4 options they are considering to use when they release the The League (whatever the name should be), basically just pick your fav


Full-time TO
Site Moderator
Event Organizer
Jun 6, 2015
The Squidhole
Calamari Cup is the name of a tournament. Like SCL, Booyah Battle. Inkstorm is a tournament circuit tho @KTKres
Okay, I'm not exactly sure of the context and what is needed, I'll go ahead and explain what we're doing.

There are 3 InkStorms. These tournaments give teams EndGame Circuit Points. The points are counted from placement in the tournament and are awarded for teams in their top 2 placements of the 3 tournaments. The top 8 teams from this circuit will compete in the eSPL, which may or may not lead into playoffs.

The eSPL will be a closed league. This plans on being an open league. I plan on working with them to make sure that teams have the ability to play in both if need be.

If anyone else needs me, I'll just be lurking around for the time being. I'll catch up on this thread eventually.


Sushi Chef
Apr 23, 2015
the West
Okay, I'm not exactly sure of the context and what is needed, I'll go ahead and explain what we're doing.

There are 3 InkStorms. These tournaments give teams EndGame Circuit Points. The points are counted from placement in the tournament and are awarded for teams in their top 2 placements of the 3 tournaments. The top 8 teams from this circuit will compete in the eSPL, which may or may not lead into playoffs.

The eSPL will be a closed league. This plans on being an open league. I plan on working with them to make sure that teams have the ability to play in both if need be.

If anyone else needs me, I'll just be lurking around for the time being. I'll catch up on this thread eventually.
yaaaah my b. i should've mentioned that I wanted confirmation that it's a tournament circuit.

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