Oh boy, introduction time I guess!
As of right now, I'm currently waiting for a confirmation to join your group, but I thought I also wanted to introduce myself, so you know who I am!
My name: Parelius, this is my in-game and real name. Giving out my real name is no biggie because who can search up "Parelius" in google and find me specifically am I right? (Any creeps out there, please don't)
Rank: Right now, I'm not ranked. I'm not really the type to play super competitive. But if I get some good splatoon friends, I could always go for it! I do love me some good ol' Turf War though.
Favourite Weapon: I used the Aerospray MG alot. but then I tipped over to the Inkbrush, so right now, Inkbrush is my favourite!
Favourite map: Hmmgg it's a tough one.. I'd say Starfish Mainstage and Moray Towers
NNID: I honestly don't remember which one, but I'm sure it's either Erlendnj or Parelius
Switch ID: SW-7428-2082-0136
I play alot of different games, from all genres! FPS, MOBA, MMORPG, TPS and the list goes on.
I played Splatoon a hella lot, ranked aswell. But as my insecurity about loosing my precious A+ grew, and my friends ditching the game, I haven't been competitive in a while. But as I mentioned, if I could form up a trusting team, I'd love to play more comp.
But as the time Splatoon 2 came closer, I thought it was time to close up my Splatoon career on WII U for good, and move on to the new one.
I'd love to play with some new friends, so don't hesitate in adding me and asking me to play!
(Quick question to Achamo, what's your *full* discord name, you know, with the numbers behind? Just so that I can add you)