Squid Savior From the Future
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- Dec 18, 2015
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I'm generally an "offensive defense" player. I play all weapons, main the eliters, carbon roller, luna. Getting into Hydra now. But I play everything. blasters, gals, everything. I generally rush out to mid, inking my trail out of base and/or inking vital trails for traversal of the base if, for example I'm using eliter. My teams, myself included try to each pick a different route out and quickly ink all the main trails in the base as part of that travel. Seems pretty standard. When I get to mid, I try to set up a defensive line, either inking in mid, or laying out a traversal grid around objects in mid to facilitate fortifying that position to stage an offensive position and hold mid against attack. Some maps like Dome might take a little different strategy where I'll try to flank mid as my team attacks from the other side, if I have a ranged weapon to make for a 2-front attack. But generally the above applies. Once that line is established and the team meets up (or usually just ignores me and mid and flies right into the enemy base to attack) I'll set up defensively, patrolling that area, fending off the attack waves trying to flank our base. This leaves me generally as one squid alone, and vulnerable, but I can generally hold that line alone for at least half a match before the enemy gangs up on me all at once and there's no saving that. While I hold the perimeter, I will fight aggressively, holding that defensive position and am generally successful with it. If our base seems pretty secure and the enemy distracted sufficiently by other events than raiding our base, then I'll go out and join the push (weapon pending) (that can lead to getting flanked, though, so I do so sparingly.)
I've noticed, at least in TW, though I saw it forming in ranked when last I played as well, a disturbing new meta forming. It pops up more or less sometimes, and more on some maps, but its been increasing. I noticed yesterday especially it's now the dominant form of play.
In the first 20-30 seconds of the match, the enemy team comes, in full force, specials charged, right into our base, often before we even get out to mid (maybe Opening Gambit in some cases I guess.) If we get to mid first, they just steamroll us straight through. They seem to be of superior skill as my whole team including myself get wiped out in this blitzkrieg. By the time we respawn the imediate area of our base has been covered in enemy ink and the enemy is camping throughout it. Any attempt to take any path from spawn yields getting splatted. At this point, the match is over. There is no getting out. If you can find them camping from on spawn and pick them off, they just respawn and jump to their teammates. The only way to take over is to sneak out (On Skatepark, Port, Depot, (Mall?), Warehouse, and even Piranha, doing so is exceedingly difficult undetected since the only way out is to paint your way out of what is now a solid enemy color map. They will know where you are and they have freedom of movement while you have only the trail you're sneaking out on. In the rare cases someone makes it out (usually me) my team continues battling at spawn rather than jumping to me, so I get picked off fast enough. Often times, it will consist of the 3 weaker players holding the spawn camp, and the enemy's "ace" out roaming for flanks and breakouts. No matter where you go, you're in danger. I've also noticed this strategy comes up most frequently when S+ or at least S players are involved.
Additionally, on other rounds, my team does not bother inking their own base at all, and they do not bother defending it. They just run to the enemy base over and over again. Unfortunately, in these cases, my team is clearly the inferior one as they get repeatedly splatted every time they head to the enemy base, while not apparently splatting many enemies.
In both cases, it seems like the "Zerg Rush" strategy is now standard at least in TW, maybe all of Splatoon, where both team's goal is to rush into the enemy base as immediately as they can race there, wasting no time to ink anything beyond charging a special. Whichever team has the more accurate shooters or the greatest volume of bomb rushes & bubblers will win that skirmish, and the rest of the round falls in place based on the outcome of the initial base raid. Even in rounds that don't end in an immediate spawncamp, I am the only one that seems interested in defending the base. Were I to follow my team we'd simply rush enemy territory again and again, letting them paint our base all the while. But is that now needed? Is it best to shed the support and defensive weapons and take only attack weapons that are good at lightening raids and focus purely on the quickest attack and spawncamp possible, leaving the base defenseless unless/until a spawncamp has been achieved at which point you finally paint it in the last 0:40? Is there a valid way to outmaneuver this strategy? It's become extremely frustrating to see time and time again. Part of the problem is a team that just can't shoot (even in a full spawncamp where none of us can leave the spawn area, I still end up with the best k/d, even if it is negative...) But aside from that, there has got to be away to avoid/escape this, and I can't accept the notion that base defense is not important and the enemy should have free reign.
I've noticed, at least in TW, though I saw it forming in ranked when last I played as well, a disturbing new meta forming. It pops up more or less sometimes, and more on some maps, but its been increasing. I noticed yesterday especially it's now the dominant form of play.
In the first 20-30 seconds of the match, the enemy team comes, in full force, specials charged, right into our base, often before we even get out to mid (maybe Opening Gambit in some cases I guess.) If we get to mid first, they just steamroll us straight through. They seem to be of superior skill as my whole team including myself get wiped out in this blitzkrieg. By the time we respawn the imediate area of our base has been covered in enemy ink and the enemy is camping throughout it. Any attempt to take any path from spawn yields getting splatted. At this point, the match is over. There is no getting out. If you can find them camping from on spawn and pick them off, they just respawn and jump to their teammates. The only way to take over is to sneak out (On Skatepark, Port, Depot, (Mall?), Warehouse, and even Piranha, doing so is exceedingly difficult undetected since the only way out is to paint your way out of what is now a solid enemy color map. They will know where you are and they have freedom of movement while you have only the trail you're sneaking out on. In the rare cases someone makes it out (usually me) my team continues battling at spawn rather than jumping to me, so I get picked off fast enough. Often times, it will consist of the 3 weaker players holding the spawn camp, and the enemy's "ace" out roaming for flanks and breakouts. No matter where you go, you're in danger. I've also noticed this strategy comes up most frequently when S+ or at least S players are involved.
Additionally, on other rounds, my team does not bother inking their own base at all, and they do not bother defending it. They just run to the enemy base over and over again. Unfortunately, in these cases, my team is clearly the inferior one as they get repeatedly splatted every time they head to the enemy base, while not apparently splatting many enemies.
In both cases, it seems like the "Zerg Rush" strategy is now standard at least in TW, maybe all of Splatoon, where both team's goal is to rush into the enemy base as immediately as they can race there, wasting no time to ink anything beyond charging a special. Whichever team has the more accurate shooters or the greatest volume of bomb rushes & bubblers will win that skirmish, and the rest of the round falls in place based on the outcome of the initial base raid. Even in rounds that don't end in an immediate spawncamp, I am the only one that seems interested in defending the base. Were I to follow my team we'd simply rush enemy territory again and again, letting them paint our base all the while. But is that now needed? Is it best to shed the support and defensive weapons and take only attack weapons that are good at lightening raids and focus purely on the quickest attack and spawncamp possible, leaving the base defenseless unless/until a spawncamp has been achieved at which point you finally paint it in the last 0:40? Is there a valid way to outmaneuver this strategy? It's become extremely frustrating to see time and time again. Part of the problem is a team that just can't shoot (even in a full spawncamp where none of us can leave the spawn area, I still end up with the best k/d, even if it is negative...) But aside from that, there has got to be away to avoid/escape this, and I can't accept the notion that base defense is not important and the enemy should have free reign.