IMO, holding mid, which seems to go hand-in-hand with "defending your base" is the best strategy for turf wars. If you can keep the other team in their base (not necessarily at their spawn, but their base), then you will win. Now, a late game push into their base is good, but too often I see my teammates get bored/over-confident and push into the enemies base too soon.
Example, Ancho-V Games: obviously the middle area with the rising platforms is crucial, but once you control that area, it is necessary to defend it, don't just move on. Typically I stay on the ground and chuck burst bombs over to the enemies side. I won't always splat people, but it pushes them back. If someone is already stalking the mid, then I'll head to the right to ink part of their base with the high ground. But it bothers me to no end when 3 of my teammates cluster right under spawn just to be taken out with a special rush, leaving me to get ganged up on at mid. If this happens with 40 seconds left then we will often lose (unless I play out of my mind).
Defend mid and don't over-extend. If someone gets past mid and into your base you should go and splat them, lest they flank you and your teammates from behind. And for the love of everything that is inky, if someone is spamming booyah, it probably means they've died and you should watch your back/their X.
Sorry...this turned into a rant.
That's exactly the way I always thought about it! And I think you're right about either boredom or overconfidence. Paying more attention I've seen 3 different scenarios when the "Rushes" happen:
- My team seems to be ink happy, either charging specials, or painting the full base BEFORE establishing a defensive line. The enemy likely comes in in force at this point and takes over the base.
- My team seems battle happy and rushes right to the enemy spawn, either being ignored, or bowled over en route. The enemy comes in in force and takes over the base.
- My team does things right, takes mid, but instead of advancing slowly, the enemy vanishes and everything is silent in mid. Instead of digging in and waiting for an assault, my team decides to charge into the enemy base where they get easily picked off. Then the full force of the enemy comes, specials losed, taking out my defensive position in mid, and then takes over the base.
I saw exactly what you described in Ancho-V numerous times, and I play it exactly as you described you do.
And for the ranting record : I am so tired of getting attacked from the direction of my own base, in all maps, but especially in Depot. If I am watching the entire left hand side alone, and threatening, holding back a squid or two down there, I can only presume the rest of my team is watching the right hand side. But no. 75% of the time, they went to the right, and proceeded up to the enemy's base on the rear wall, where they of course got splatted. The enemy then comes up our base from that side, and gets me from behind while I'm sniping at their little decoy down in the bottom left. They do not wait until both the right AND left are secure and painted to advance to the enemy base, they just race up just one side, leaving the other one open. Great work watching my back while I watched yours, team! Because a Custom eliter/Custom Hydra can do SO well in CQC!
Piranha Pit is a deceptively large map, with multiple ways to get to where you need to be. This is a good thing in theory, since it means that a team can't just camp at the entrance and call it a day. In practice, however, there's nearly always an enemy charger up on the high grates/platforms near their spawn that'll keep anyone from getting beyond the upward conveyors, effectively camping us while the rest of their team gets busy. And nobody seems to have any way of clearing him out. (Lord knows I can't unless I'm rockin' the Octoshot.)
Recon is... well, it's good if you want to fire an Inkstrike exactly where the enemy is, to see if the squiddo you plan to Super Jump to is likely to be killed before you get there, and if you don't happen to be using a weapon with the Echolocator.
Speaking from experience, I've been one of those squidiots who mistakenly Super Jumps into an early death. In my case, it's because I'm trying to save time; I don't usually use Swim speed Up, so it's faster to jump to somewhere than swim there. I imagine for them it's the same.
As to the latter case, if I could guess, I'd say it's either A) they don't realize that the home base is under attack, or B) they want to cover the enemy base and work backwards from there. The former is what happens to me every now and then; the latter, well... I bet they think they're clever, heroically charging into the home base with their guns blazin' and perhaps a Kraken charged up.
The two ways they get around me on the sniping perch in Piranha is evasively running/inking past me, especially with loaded specials. Snipers have a hard time dealing with 3 targets at once. Or two sneaky ones. If I miss two shots, I'm in trouble. And of course getting me from below if they get there. Often they'll hit with an inkstrike, wail, or inkzooka, or suction bomb rush, or all 4 at once. :D
Recon is kind of worthless unless you super jump a lot. it doesn't have TOO many good traits, but if you're kitted up with a bunch of quick super jump mains like custom eliter I can see its value - jump to spawn to check enemy positions, then jump back to beacon. That would require a lot of map reading skill but I really should give it a try sometime. But I can't see forefitting some dmg up or ink recovery up or swim speed, or spc charge for it.
Jumping to other squids....I will sometimes do it when I think they're in a good position and time is needed to regroup, but it's so rare there's a safe, reliable place to jump. I've super jumped at the wrong place and time enough to not chance it unless I absolutely need to! ;)
And I do think it's the latter, the paint the enemy base and work backwards approach. They can pat themselves on the back after they're splatted. It does occasionally work - but it's got to be one out of ever 8 matches or so. The must think they're so amazing making it all the way to the completely abandoned enemy spawn.
I see it in Flounder all the time. We'll take mid, secure our half. Things are looking good, we have the high ground. THEN they all decide to paint the enemy base and hold a camp while they're at it. Sometimes it does work. Usually I watch mid fall back into enemy hands so there's our color, their color, our color. It's an even trade of mid for enemy base. The problem is we now have a 2-front war, and once the team gets splated, the enemy's defensive line is now mid and they can fill in their base while they hold us in ours. Nobody is content holding mid - they seem to always want the enemy base.
Imagine WWII if instead of capturing the beachhead at Normandy, the Allies just made a straight line through Normandy and made a beeline straight for Berlin as fast as they could get there! I hope these squids don't play Fire Emblem..... ;)