Is this just me?

Benjamin Hellcat

Inkster Jr.
Jul 15, 2015
Reading the game is what I am currently working on now. Normally the weapon composition tells a lot about how your opponents and teammates play style will be.
Yes. When it shows the teams in the beginning I try to figure based on the map and game how certain players might play it ( sniper, aggro, etc) and adjust my play accordingly.


Inkling Commander
Jun 4, 2015
I had a very rough time with the game, too, yesterday. Finally after almost 2 weeks of Turf War and Splatfest with friends I wanted to play a round of ranked mode again and try to finally improve my A- rank. Tower Control was in rotation with two maps I didn't play yet in TC, so that looked promising and I jumped right into it. My play felt fairly good, but guess what ruined my day - I got disconnected FOUR TIMES IN 7 ROUNDS. Always around the 2-minute-mark in the match, twice when my team was winning. I stopped at A-/4, because I didn't want to drop down there. When I played Turf War afterwards I didn't get a single disconnect... that sucks.

@Benjamin: You weren't the only one yesterday. Ranked mode seems to have it's issues at the moment...


Semi-Pro Squid
Jun 8, 2015
So lately I've been having a really tough time. I try so hard to do good and win game and no matter what I wont. Just today I went from around A+ 60 to A 60. Why is this happening to me? It's starting to get immensely frustrating as well. I find myself shutting the game off with my blood boiling very often. Is this just me? I feel like everyone else is having a way easier time getting good with this game. Do I just suck now or what?
Went from A+99 to A-30, but I guess that's kind of normal since I'm playing/learning charger and I can't carry bad team mates the same way I would with my main weapons. Now I'm dat dude that finishes the game 5-3 or 6-2 while the rest of the team is in double digits. I'm hoping someone is carrying me while I learn these dam E-liters - I've only had maybe 5 games in the last 20 where I got into double digits myself and I only truly carried 3 of those games.

Chargers are hard man, specially when I'm used to rolling


Inkling Cadet
Jun 15, 2015
Don't take it to heart. Your team just sucks and there's sadly nothing you can do about it. It's not you that is bad. It's your teammates. Remember that.
This is often true, however if you aren't hard core carrying your team every game, I wouldn't say its only the team's fault. People always say this but, the other players on your team could be saying the same thing about you. One time I went 24-4, yet my team still lost with the other "good" player on the opponent's team having 12 kills. This is a situation where it was literally just my garbage team.


Inkling Commander
May 31, 2015
You got a bad day on your hands, man. Don't let it get you down. Believe in you, turn the game off, do something else you like doing and come back tomorrow. And I recommend in that time you don't think about what you did wrong in Splatoon either, just have a good time doing something else. Sleep on it and tomorrow you'll do way better, I promise.
100% this, focusing too much is a big killer. I have found when I dedicate a bit too much time on the game and not on other things that my performance usually is not so great. When I do other stuff (and actually focus on those things) than I can actually play the game, with a level head. My performance nonetheless goes back to its normal self, the one I thought I lost, with some new tricks. So just taking your mind off things helps. :D


Inkster Jr.
May 23, 2015
The trend over time would be that the average skill level in higher ranks will increase. If you are not improving at a constant rate in the game, you will definitely lose ranks over time. The game is young and the skill caps have not been reached yet.


Inkling Commander
Jul 5, 2015
I dropped from B+ 90 to C Rank because I am stubborn. There are some maps/modes that you either arn't used to or just not good at.

My rank tends to go up in Tower Mode. However, for me, no matter what mode, if Aroma Mall is in rotation my rank is more likely to go down then up. While I prefer not to take advantage of the modes/stages I am good at because I don't care THAT much about my rank..Aroma Mall is a stage I avoid. That stage in rank encourages my rage and unfortunately you can't buy new Wii U gamepads.

The silver lining that I use when I fall hard is that if I am not climbing I have little to lose and thus can try other weapons. I went from using 1 weapon, the Aerospray (lol >_>), to using around 5 weapons (all non-charger guns) in ranked. It literally depends on the type of stage and mode which of the 5 weapons I will use. So far a new weapon, has been what recovers me from my falls.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 17, 2015
I dropped from B+ 90 to C Rank because I am stubborn. There are some maps/modes that you either arn't used to or just not good at.

My rank tends to go up in Tower Mode. However, for me, no matter what mode, if Aroma Mall is in rotation my rank is more likely to go down then up. While I prefer not to take advantage of the modes/stages I am good at because I don't care THAT much about my rank..Aroma Mall is a stage I avoid. That stage in rank encourages my rage and unfortunately you can't buy new Wii U gamepads.

The silver lining that I use when I fall hard is that if I am not climbing I have little to lose and thus can try other weapons. I went from using 1 weapon, the Aerospray (lol >_>), to using around 5 weapons (all non-charger guns) in ranked. It literally depends on the type of stage and mode which of the 5 weapons I will use. So far a new weapon, has been what recovers me from my falls.
Moray Towers is that map for me. It just doesn't work lol. I went from A+ 99 down to A something because the rotation decided to give me Moray Towers TEN TIMES in a row. Lost every time because I was HOPING for Walleye Warehouse (my personal best map ever <3)


Inkling Cadet
Jun 1, 2015
Long Beach, California
For me it's all about finding the right weapon for the map/mode. Whenever I go on ranked I lose a few but switching weapons usually solves that. I recommend the weapons in my signature.

EDIT: If you are getting desperate try some noob strats:p. In other words find a really easy technique that annoys you and use it on your opponents.


Inkling Cadet
May 27, 2015
Your shower
Well, this hasn't gotten any better tbh. I'm trying really hard to do things right and improve. But I see little to no improvement within the past month or so. I just don't understand why I'm having this hard of a time improving at a video game.

Here's a list of notes I've made:
-be positive
-stop jumping as much
-be safe
-mix up approach
-play less aggressive
-don't fight if they are looking towards you
-shoot where they will be, not where they are
-analyze how better players play
-map knowledge
-learn weapon limits
-think more about the situation

Any thoughts?


Inkling Commander
May 31, 2015
Sounds about right(@Citrus). Staying positive is one of the more important ones, or at least avoiding getting frustrated.
If you feel you are at a standstill in your skills, try something new. It could be anything, weapons, gear, playstyle, practice differently.
I remember in the first month I was pretty amped up to get better and improve. That feeling has slowed down for me, which is probably why I am not thinking as critically or looking for ways to improve myself as I once did. Maybe taking a break from the game for a bit may help bring back some drive to get better. You may even be better when you came back.

Just keep on learning and applying the things you learn into your playstyle is a big one. If you aren't learning , others are. As time goes by, they chip away at increases in skill and you are left at the same place. The gap between skill is thus increased. People who are not seeing great improvement are probably learning the game at the same pace as the rest, resulting in the appearance of not much improvement. (Just a Theory) So learn, learn more and do it faster is all I can think of. Citrus already stated some key things to learn in the previous post. It is a conscious process, improvement does not just happen by playing all day. This goes for anything, if the technique is wrong or flawed, than you are only working on bad habits. FOCUS, but not too much focus that it engulfs your mind.


Splatin' through Inkopolis with my woes....
Jun 1, 2015
Tbh, I really think this is the opposite of what I should be thinking. Yes, teammates often are not great, but blamingcthem all the time isn't good. I should always try to find anything that I do wrong in a game, and learn from it.
Sometimes it is matchmaking though, not going to lie. It's not good to ignore your gameplay and weaknesses but I have been A+ on a team of Bs against all A ranks, also been on teams of all or most of (3 players) the same weapon. Or you play a map like Moray or Arrowana and don't get on the team with a charger (or a team that knows how to take one out/avoid it). Sometimes the algorithm is just off and match after match puts you on weird combination of teams (even after leaving and entering a new room). That is when I usually turn off my game and go play something else for a while until map changes. Not that those matches are impossible to win but you can't deny, the odds are stacked against you even if your game is spot on.

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