Japanese Slang



I figured this required a seperate subject from the Japanese Learners thread because this is a completely different type of Japanese. I find it's hard to think of slang even in my native tongue let alone Japanese, but here are some I have thought of that you might find useful and Japanese classes won't teach you. I'll assume you have some knowledge of Japanese so I will refrain from using any romaji because that is very detrimental to any language. It may not necessarily be slang but also more modern terms and phrases people use.

二次元(にじげん) 2D vision, typically used to describe someone who has more interest in fake (2D) characters than real (3D)

二てん伍次元(にてんごじげん)2.5D vision. This is where you have an interest in real people that are unobtainable, like idols for example. Seeing as this is fairly common it's not an insult.

三次元(さんじげん)3D vision, someone who likes real people who are obtainable, like classmates, co-workers, etc. Anyone you can meet on a regular basis.

いた気持ちいい(いたきもちいい)a combination of the words いたい(hurts) and 気持ち(feeling) and いい(good). Basically means good pain, so if your back is sore and someone gives you a massage, even though it hurts, it still feels good. I guess this could also be used in more ero situation www

頭パンクする(あたまパンクする)Translates to "I've punctured my brain", commonly used when someone studies too much and can't fit any more information inside.

既読スルー(きどくスルー)This is more situational modern Japanese slang. There is an instant messaging program called LINE that everyone in Japan uses. When someone has read your message a little "read" appears near it, to let you know they've seen you messages. Very common when playboys try to pick up girls at random and are given their LINE ID girls will "KS" them, it translates to "look through" meaning the guy will have know they have read their message, but they never reply, as in the girl just looked right through him as if he was invisible. I guess it could apply to guys doing it to girls, but definitely not common.

空気読めない(くきよめない)"can't read the air", this is used to descibe someone who can't understand the feeling...like if someone walks in to a room of people who aren't fond of them and they just stare at them and they are like "hey what's up!?" Well, they are KY as they don't understand how everyone else feels about them. There is also another version called SKY (スーパー空気読めない)which is the same thing to a larger extent.

other cute tid bits

If you are a fan of 初音ミク (Hatsune Miku) here are a few things you maybe didn't know. Her name Miku means "future", however the word for future is ”未来” is pronounced みらい, however the kanji for Miku can be the exact same characters just pronounced differently as every kanji has 2 pronounciations.

In Miku games you will also notice a heavy use of 39 which means Miku, 3 being 三 and 9 being 九, being prounouced as Mikyu.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Slang is the destruction of comprehension. We could speak the same language a hundred years from now and be totally unable to comprehend what future people are saying because the slang will be completely different :P Interesting stuff here.

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