Join the Squid Spud Squad, A Casual/Competitive Open Clan!


Jul 15, 2018
The Squid Spud Squad, or S3 for short, is a casual and semi-competitive Splatoon 2 Clan. However, unlike other groups, we are a completely "open squad,” which means that you don’t need to apply or pass any sort of tryouts to get in, and there are no time commitments or minimum rank you have to be to be to join.

As long as you have a Nintendo Switch, Splatoon 2, and speak English, you are welcome to join S3! That’s it! S3 is considered a semi-competitive squad because we have a competitive division that is slowly starting to form. But there’s no hard distinction between “casual” and “competitive” players. We just like playing Splatoon 2 with friends and having a good time.

If you would like to join S3, click here!

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