#JRPG2016 (Backlog challenge)


Senior Squid
Jun 8, 2015
In your base
With the just recently released Xenoblade Chronicles X, and the pending release of games like Persona 5, Final Fantasy XV, Genei Ibun Roku ♯FE, Mario and Luigi: Paper Jam there is just a lot of Japanese Role Playing Games coming out for 2016 to beat! So wouldn't that just make anyone's backlog scared of it's wits! That's why my friend, Fwibby and I have come up with a fun little idea.

Basically for all of 2016 we will both be playing and trying to beat as many JRPGs as we possibly can, and using the hashtag #JRPG2016 to share our thoughts, sorrows, and overall discussion on a bunch of great games from the land of the morning sun.

There isn't much to it than that, and anyone can join in on the discussion and make up their own rules for this. We just want people to have some fun while getting rid of their backlog, or I suppose replaying some nice games. It doesn't matter how many games you beat or what really falls into what, as we want everyone to set their own kinda of house rules with their own group of friends and loved ones.

There is only one base rule however: Got to be a Japanese developed game. I mean, you can't really call it #JRPG2016 when the J don't mean anything.

So won't you please join us! I promise there won't be too much grinding, I mean unless you're into that kind of thing.


Senior Squid
Jun 8, 2015
In your base
Just one more bump, and I wont bother ya. But seriously I would like to see more people take up this challenge. There really are a bunch of great JRPGs coming out for Nintendo, both 3DS and Wii U!



Inkling Commander
Jan 6, 2016
Tokyo, Japan
I actually have been thinking about taking up such a challenge myself. Earlier last fall I made a list of JRPGs I'd never played and set out to obtain and play them.
Progress has been slower than expected though, mostly because of Splatoon...

And actually, my main reason for this is because as a gamer I have played relatively few JRPGs at all, even though I am very interested. To illustrate, I have played exactly zero Final Fantasy games and zero Dragon Quest games and zero Persona games. These are all on my list and I know that alone is more than a year's worth of games.

Right now I am playing Tales of Hearts R (just finished Tales of the Abyss before that) after which I plan to play Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy 7, Persona 3, and Tales of Zestiria. Possibly a Hyperdimension Neptunia game as well, but I really want to get the classics out of the way.

Some JRPGs I HAVE played include:
Pokemon (obv)
Tales of... Symphonia 1 and 2, Xillia, Vesperia, Abyss
Baten Kaitos 1 and 2
Bravely Default
Fire Emblems (7 onward)
Paper Mario 1 and 2

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