Judd's Dictionary - Info on Tactics, Techniques, and etc *UPDATED*


Semi-Pro Squid
Nov 28, 2014
1st Update:
-Added new tactics
-Weapon techs and tactics have been finally added


One time I thought to myself: "If competitive Smash Bros has names for types of tactics and techniques, then why shouldn't competitive Splatoon?"

Since competitive Splatoon hasn't really kicked off yet, there isn't any community-made names for techniques, and tactics. So I have decided to create some for the community. Now, just for those who plan on reading this. I want you to know that you can abbreviate, alter, or just not use these names at all if you ever so desire to. Another thing to note is that I currently cannot show video examples of techs. I will be able to hopefully soon. One more thing. If you feel like adding another tech you've discovered or the community has found and it is not in this thread, feel free to tell me what it is so I can add it. You can even tell me the name it should be, and if some of the names of the techs I added seem silly, or not-fitting. Please tell me and request a new name! Same things goes with the definitions.

I have currently added tactics that have happened throughout matches.

Now on with the good stuff!

(If one has an *A it means that it is advanced)
Tactics and Techniques - Solo Inkling

Ink Retreat - Retreat from enemy fire or territory by swimming away in your teams path of ink.

Ink Scurry - Retreat from enemy fire or territory by jumping from small puddle to small puddle of your teams ink away.

Ink Sneak Attack - Attack an enemy by spontaneously jumping or popping out and attack.

Basic March - Advance in a forward motion shooting, rolling or flinging ink directly in front of you.

Cover March - Advance in a forward motion shooting, rolling or flinging ink everywhere in the area in front of you.

Defensive March - Advance in a forward motion shooting, rolling, or flinging ink all around you.

Improvised March - A route by the inkling with no specific purpose, and acts on any situation that happens or is given during the route.

Dominant March - Advance anywhere whilst covering as much turf as quick and efficiently as possible.

Advance - Move toward an enemy, enemy base, or to your current objective by walking or swimming.

Mixed Advance - Move toward an enemy, enemy base, or to your current objective by a mix of walking and swimming.

Flank - GO around an enemy or enemy territory and act on the current situation.

Map Flank - Advance through the alleys that are around the main area of the current map.

Wall Flank - Flank by swimming through ink on a wall.

Jump Flank - Flank by jumping to a teammate.

Trump Card Flank - While most or the entire enemy team is focusing on the other side or the center, the Solo Inkling goes to the enemies side and cover turf or do a desired objective.

Sub Spam - Spam Sub special.

Separation - Use the Inkstrike where a few enemy Inklings are together. This will cause them to run from the Inkstrike, and they may separate depending on which direction they escape.

Safety Counter - When in danger, use the Bubble ability to safe yourself before facing doom.

Kraken Rage - When in danger, use the Kraken to fight back quickly and efficiently.

Out of Squid - Also called OOS. A move that can be immediately performed on first frame out of squid form.

*A Splatdashing - A technique that can make you dash quickly in a blink of an eye. Quickly shoot at your feet, then swim through squid form quickly. The dash will give you a nice boost, then get out of squid form and then repeat.

Video example of Splatdashing:

*A Splatter Jump - Like Splatdashing, except with jumping instead of dashing.

Video example of Splatter Jump:

Tactics and Techniques - 2 to 4 Inklings

Group Advance (4) - Entire team goes to each inklings desired objective.

Partners Advance (2-4) - 2 or more of your Team's Inklings advance close together for a desired goal.

Relentless Assault (4) - Your entire Team gets close together and cover as much turf as quick as possible. This happens 98% of the time on both teams in the first 10 seconds of the match.

Relentless Defense (4) - The entire team are close together to cover the main or one of the Splat Zones in order to keep the Splat Zone in their favor.

Tireless Cover (2) - Two Inklings on the same Team stick together then camp. One covers turf, one focuses on defense or keeping both safe. Requires communication in order to pull off very well.

Tireless Charge (4) - The entire Team goes on the enemy side of the map and cover turf and keep getting early splatters on spawning enemies. This typically happens when one Team is doing very well to the point where 70% of the map is covered in said Team's ink.

Offensive Shell (2-4) - Two or more Inklings go on a high point of a map. One Inkling puts down a sprinkler for constant turf coverage and defense. While the rest stay and cover turf.

Ambush (1-4) - One or more Inklings go to a single enemy inkling or a group of enemy inklings and Splatter them or do a desired goal.

Immediate Halt (2-4) - Two or more Inklings are in an are where a Splash Wall can be used effectively. One Inkling sets down a Splash Wall on a place were the enemy team cannot advance through, and the rest cover turf and prevent the other team from advancing. This doesn't last long since the Splash Wall is around 10 seconds of use.

Danger Zone (3-4) - 3 or 4 Inklings are all in one area and set down Mines from a decent length from each other. It will create a temporary minefield for the other Team.

Disruptive Wave (4) - One Inkling has Echo Locator. That Inkling tries to spam it as much as possible so the other members can benefit greatly from it.

Group Trump Card (2-4) - 2 or more Inklings are together. One Inkling uses Bubble on quickly makes contact to other Team Inklings so they can have bubble.

Bully Tactic (2-4) - 2 or more Inklings use their Special Weapons, that are more projectile-like, at the same time to annoy the enemy team.

Retaliate (4) - The entire Team does badly, but then fights back till the odds are evened or till the entire Team got the enemy team in danger.

Plan B (2-4) - Two or more Inklings are doing badly, so they are doing a different approach or strategy.

Type of Team's and Matches

Ditto Team - Team where each Inkling uses the same weapons, or weapon type.

Artist's - Specific name for a Roller-only Team.

Mafia - Specific name for a Splattershot-type-only Team.

Sharpshooter's - Specific name for a Splat Charger-type-only Team. You will probably lose if you end up on this Team.

Ditto Match - Both Team has the same type of weapons throughout their Inklings.

Pirate vs. Ninja - Each Team has completely different weapons from each team.

Weapon Techniques and Tactics

Dynamo Swing - Fling the Dynamo Roller in a certain position against a wall to paint a think line across the wall.

Gamexplain's Tactic - Created by Gamexplain. You use a splattershot-like weapon with high fire rate and do a dominant march.

Snipe the Turf - Cover turf from a high point.

That's Judd's Dictionary fellow Inkling's! Luckily Judd told me that others can contribute to improving this Dictionary, and helping competitive Splatoon as a whole! Thank you for taking the time to read this! I plan on adding more as the Meta continues, but any help will go down in history!


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May 31, 2015
Good list of course, but it feels unnatural. Most of the competitive game jargon just appears gradually after the scene develops. I doubt most of this will be adopted...


Semi-Pro Squid
Nov 28, 2014
Good list of course, but it feels unnatural. Most of the competitive game jargon just appears gradually after the scene develops. I doubt most of this will be adopted...
There will be a point where full communication can be possible. Skype exist, and private rooms will exist eventually. Besides, I made this mostly for a source of techniques and tactics. It may seem a bit.... Dull, but I promise that it will eventually be a huge source of info. Hopefully it could become a sticky thread!


Inkling Cadet
Apr 27, 2015
AnchorTea, how'd you make it here from Villager boards? It's Makai Wars ahaha

Anyway I have to agree, we don't have to rush to name stuff, and it seems like splat dashing isn't as useful with weapons that aren't the splattershot, which most people have dropped for the Aerospay.
I dunno, we dont need to rush to name stuff


Inkster Jr.
May 30, 2015
AnchorTea, how'd you make it here from Villager boards? It's Makai Wars ahaha

Anyway I have to agree, we don't have to rush to name stuff, and it seems like splat dashing isn't as useful with weapons that aren't the splattershot, which most people have dropped for the Aerospay.
I dunno, we dont need to rush to name stuff
I'm Darklink401, also from Villager boards ;D

Also I think Slatdashing can be useful is situations of low ammunition and heavy pressure. Definitely a last-ditch escape option.

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