Just can't figure out what weapon I want to main, also tips on accuracy?


Inkster Jr.
Sep 8, 2015
I've been using the tentatek splattershot confidently for a good few weeks now, up until I climbed to A+ where it was much harder to maintain due to the abundance of krak-on rollers and more experienced players. I feel like I suck so much, but then again it might just be a bad day, I don't know for sure. I switched to the forge splattershot pro which I would LOVE to main due to it's amazing design (in my opinion), balanced stats and good special, only issue with this weapon is how slow it is and how accurate you have to be when you use it, accuracy is one of my weak points, and I've been trying to patch it up but i just can't, I really wish I could aim like SrbDUDE or something, I just blow. I was always top of my team until I reached A+, didn't realise how different the skill gap is between the ranks! Anyway, any tips on how to improve accuracy? Man I suck. :-(


Banned (6 points)
Jun 27, 2015
Accuracy is something you have to learn and get good at. Try to main a roller, even though range is lacking, they don't require much accuracy to be effective.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Feb 8, 2014
I am still figuring out my main weapon. Don't worry, things like this might take a lot of time. For the longest time I played mostly charger weapons, but the low fire rate/poor ink coverage (in certain maps) started bothering me, so I switched to rollers, since they are good for covering turf as well as killing other players. I also enjoy playing the N Zap weapons and I really wish I could get the hang of the Ink and Octrobrushes, but every time I play them, I feel like I have two left hands and end up hindering my team's potential.

For ranked, I enjoy using the Luna Blaster, since it kills with ease and it looks really awesome.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
To determine what type of weapon you might be interested in we need to know your playstyle preferences, for example:
  • Do you like being up-close to the enemy or keep your distance?
  • Do you prefer raw power or higher rate of fire?
  • Do you prefer to go for splats or just paint the world?
  • Do you like to play offensively or defensively?
  • Do you like being mobile or holding your ground?
For accuracy, it really comes down to acquired skill and the weapon you're using (there's not much that can be done to be accurate with an Aerospray or a Brush). I'll leave the more experienced players to give their suggestions, as I'm not the best shot around here by a long shot ;)


Sep 20, 2015
Florida, USA
It's all about your playing style, which takes time to really figure out. It wasn't until I was well over level 20 when I found out that I prefer a defensive style of playing. So have fun and let loose! Try and use specific tactics and habits that appeal to different playing styles. See which one felt more comfortable or brought more success to your skill level and gear capabilities.

Keep in mind that any weapon, except perhaps charger types, can be used to experiment playing types. Once you figured out or have some good understanding of what you want in the playing feild, test out weapons in the shop and see which couple of weapons help out with this style (keeping mind of subs, specials, and stats). If you need a guide for which weapons to look for and try out, Smoothshake made a nice analysis of the weapons, so you can look at that.

Sadly for accuracy I can't really help you. It's something you get better with over time, but I can try and give a couple of tips.
1) Keep a steady hand. A flimsy thumb will you get you splatted
2) Don't freak out too much when someone confronts you. Get your war face on. Be determined to survive.
3) To get a better vantage point, seek high ground. If you're 1v1ing someone, JUMP! It's harder for your foe to aim at you and pointing down makes it easier to aim.

Good luck and happy splatting!


Pro Squid
May 14, 2015
3) To get a better vantage point, seek high ground. If you're 1v1ing someone, JUMP! It's harder for your foe to aim at you and pointing down makes it easier to aim.
Don't do this unless you like having Aerospray accuracy.

Pro/Forge is probably one of the best weapons to learn aim with but you have to focus on it. Drill, practice, and pay attention to your aim while playing. Also make use of squid form to reposition and realign your aim.

You may or may not want to adjust sensitivity.


Pro Squid
Jul 4, 2015
I'm not an FPS player whatsoever, so i know 100% where you're coming from with the Aim difficulties, but just like learning Wavdashing in SSBM/PM, or How to use a Fightstick, or Any kind competitive game that far establishes a Novice-Intermeddiate-Advanced spectrum; Practice, Practice, Practice. Muscle memory, Reflex, losing 100+ times and learning/adapting. It's all you can do. Though, trust me wheb I say it really does oay off.


Full Squid
Sep 30, 2015
I main the Tentatek Splattershot, because it is good for any situation and doesn't have any big disadvantages. I only wish that it has Kraken instead of Inkzooka.

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