Map Tactics in Turf wars


Jan 9, 2016
I'm in need of some stage info and tactics, tips? Thank you, i need some help, that would be awesome ;)


Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
Which maps are you in need of help? What weapon are you using? What is your playstyle?

Generally speaking there are two schools of thought when it comes to Turf Wars:
1) Ink the base first then head to mid to engage the enemy
2) Charge to mid first and take it. Keep enemies out. Ink the base on respawn.

Personally, I think inking the base is the better strategy for several of reasons:
1) You charge your special quickly, having it ready by the time you get to mid.
2) You have more room to maneuver if you lose the first push to mid. I've had times where I arrived at mid after my team lost the first push and had to retreat, but didn't have options because large parts of the base weren't inked.
3) If you charge to mid by yourself the likelihood of you being in a bad numbers situation is high. I've seen it over and over again on Port Mackerel. The enemy rushes to our base, they leave their teammates behind, and get splatted because there are 3 or more of us still there. Unless you are a ridiculous player, charging in by yourself is a bad idea.
4) Ensuring that you have all your base covered can swing close games in your favor. I've seen it on both sides: one team is slightly better than the other, so they usually win mid but can't push to far in BUT they didn't cover their base. They keep rushing to mid to push in, but end up losing because large chunks of the base are uncovered.
5) Helps with travel routes to get back to mid faster. You should very rarely super jump - you will likely get splatted. So swimming is the preferred mode of transportation. If you have to ink parts of your base after respawn you are wasting precious seconds that your team needs you at mid. Also, if there is a route to mid that was left un-inked then you have to ink that on the way instead of just swimming.
*There are exceptions to this rule, but generally you want to ink the base upfront so you can engage the enemies easier*

So, that's my spiel about inking your base.

In terms of map strategies:
1) Recon each map before jumping in. Know the range on your weapon and where you can hit people. Know different routes you can take to mid. Be aware of any water hazards, moving parts, walls to climb, good flanking spots, and other ways to move around.
2) When playing, take note of routes other people take: do they always charge down the center? Do they try to flank? What patterns to people have?
3) Related to 1 and 2, what are some chokepoints that you need to control? How can you position yourself to protect those chokepoints. Examples:
- From the right sniper perch on Blackbelly you can shut down the entire right side. With a charger or jet squelcher you can hit approaching enemies as well as enemies on the central tower
- On Walleye, the left catwalk is a great place for enemies to drop down and flank, so keep an eye out for ink trails or enemies coming from THEIR catwalk (your right). Likewise the right ramp (your left) is a common place for enemies to push out, so keep an eye out there to stop flanks
- On Saltspray, the goal is basically to take the top AND the middle areas. You will win as long as you have these areas. This is actually a map where I tend to rush forward instead of inking the base because the top and middle are so important. Take the middle and defend it with all you've got. Call your teammates to you to help ink the top.
- On Moray towers, if they don't have a sniper you can ink the ramps first, or if there is someone already doing that you can rush to middle. If they DO have a sniper, you want to rush to mid as fast as possible and get on their ramp to deter the sniper. Watch the ramps and drop offs for people trying to flank.


EDIT: This video about angles/positioning is helpful, even if is not for Splatoon explicitly. Knowing these angles on each map is crucial. Recon and just noting people's patterns is a way to get good at angles.
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 24, 2015
Well, your question is somewhat vague, but I can give a few general tips for the stages.

  • The center area is the most active point and is dangerous. The small bump on your side is a good sniping point, as well as a good place to hold when playing defensively. Another good place for chargers is the opening if you take the left path, there is an opening that leaves you relatively protected. Meanwhile, I don't reccomend the bottom area, it is open to attack for the other team. With enough speed, you can jump the gap, although it leaves you vulnerable.
  • Use the trees as cover, they can block shots well and give you time to heal/charge ink.
  • Don't forget the large side paths. They give some turf to charge your special and allow you to flank the other team.
  • This map is relatively open, especially in the center. Keep your distance from foes that see you, or use Splash Walls and the center boxes for cover.
  • The second large box thing near your side of the map is a great point for chargers and other long range weapons.
  • Don't forget about the side-passage on your left, as it gives some turf and a great place to place beacons.
  • The side areas are a bit more crowded, and are a good way to take cover. Still, be on guard so nobody flanks you.
  • The two metal platforms after the grates and the entryway from the right corridor are great sniping points and places to put beakons. Use these to control the center, or even sneak to one of the opponent's metal platforms to control their side.
  • Speaking of the center, it is a giant chokepoint. Stay away from it when your team is weak, and use the thing in the center for cover. Meanwhile, if your team is strong and can control it, you might want to stay on a vantage point to defend the center.
  • Since long range weapons are so powerful here, dealing with them can be tricky. Long range shooters and blasters are good counters, while bombs and some specials can drive them of their platforms.
  • The center tower is KEY in turf wars. Controlling it gives pretty much all weapons a good advantage. The easiest way to take it from your foes are the Kraken and Inkzooka specials, as well as bombs.
  • That being said, flee from the tower when an enemy is approaching. It's better to live and take the tower later.
  • The left passage offers a good sniping point and beakon placement spot due to it's position and cover. Using it with a long range weapon can help take the central tower, and it is easy to flee and get back if an enemy approaches.
  • This is the laggiest course, so stay away from laggy players that move erratically.
  • The top area has much of the map's turf. Focus mainly on controlling it. The center area is a great place to defend it in, while the area itself is a great place to put beacons. If an enemy team is in control, wait for your teammates/specials to do a full out rush.
  • Two great sniping points are the two pillars between the central area and the top area. Both of these effectively defend the top segment.
  • With a bit of momentum, you can throw a sprinkler from near spawn to the lower platform. Doing this allows you to charge special and put pressure on your foes with little time spent.
  • Next to the moving platforms, there are two pipe formations. Inking and swimming up these is usually faster than waiting for the elevators.
  • The central areas are very crowded and hard to see around. Exercise extreme caution to avoid being flanked, while also flank any unaware foes.
  • Use the moving trucks to your advantage. They provide good sniping points, as well as help corner foes who have not inked the edges.
  • If you get spawn camped, try not to take the central path. It is usually easier to sneak past the foes on the upper path.
  • The area in the back is often overlooked, yet contains lots of turf. Cover it when you need your Special.
  • The grates provide a height advantage, but also make you more vulnerable and make it harder to cover turf. I recommend not using them unless you want to cross one of the large walls.
  • Being such a large, open map, it is easy to cover turf quickly. Check your minimap, as if you see someone inking your turf, it is often better to splat them then extend further.
  • The main section is made of two parts. Try to manage both with your minimap and focus on one that has enemies/enemy ink on it. The easiest way to go between is the walls on your side, but you can take the path through opponent territory if you feel risky.
  • Climbing up walls is the only way into your large portion of turf. You can use this, as if you focus on the wall being climbed, you can often splat the enemy with your main or sub weapon.
  • The gap is just wide enough to throw bombs or sprinklers over at some points, allowing you to support the other side.
  • Being made of many narrow passages, flanking is much harder. Bring a weapon that excels at straightforward combat.
  • Many of the walls can be used as shortcuts or as places to hide.
  • While jumping down, most weapons can shoot normally. Use this time to continue inking or strike from above.
  • Many of the gaps can be shot over by longer range weapons. Use this to shut the enemy team near their spawn. Also, sprinklers can help with hard to reach weapons.
  • Since it is hard to get to large patches of turf, Beakons excel here. Use them in hard-to reach, safe areas.
  • After the first two minutes, your team must defend both fronts where enemies can attack. Try to defend/attack each side with a similar number of team members to get the most turf possible.
  • Foes are more vulnerable on the ropes, which gives you a good time to strike.
Might do more stages later.
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jun 10, 2015
Some interesting facts:
  • Shots can travel through multiple Grating Floors, so on Hammerhead Bridge you can shoot someone through the ramps leading towards the middle without revealing yourself to the enemy.
  • On Camp Triggerfish it is possible to hit enemies hiding behind the uninkable walls on the catwalks by shooting at their feet fron weird angles.
  • On Museum di Alfonsino there's a wall on the right side of the base that long-range weapons can shoot over while staying almost completely safe (beware Inkzookas from the rotating platforms). It can cover part of the middle area reliably with lobbed shots.
  • I believe all walls are inkable on Moray Towers, so you can travel both vertically and horizontally (Krakenfall, anyone?).
  • Krakens can't chase you over grating floors; keep that in mind in any map that has them (but also keep in mind they can jump to reach a bit further than usual :confused:)

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