Squid Social [May 29, 2017] Splatoon Pickup LAN Games (Cary, NC)


Inkster Jr.
Feb 12, 2017
Hi all,

East Coast Gaming in Cary, NC currently has a weekly Smash 4 event on Mondays. The TO for these events has set aside some space for us to start experimenting with Splatoon LAN play!

For now, there won't be any official brackets or entry fees: we'll just arrange and play some Splatoon 1 pickup games. Attendace at these pickup events will help gauge interest for recurring Splatoon 2 events in the future. If we get enough interest over the next few months, I will start reserving dedicated times for Splatoon 2 tournaments once it's released, so if you'd like to see a local Splatoon 2 LAN competitive scene in the Triangle, be sure to show up!

When: May 29, 2017, 7:00 PM

Where: East Coast Gaming
218 Nottingham Dr
Cary, NC 27511

What I'm bringing:
- 1 Wii U + 2 LAN adapters + copy of Splatoon
- 2 Monitors
- HDMI cables
- 9 ethernet cables
- Ethernet switch large enough for a 4v4 setup
- Laptop for bridging internet connection and enabling LAN play
- Capture card for recording and (possible) streaming
- Enough power strips for a 4v4 setup (18 ports total)

What you need to bring for a full 4v4 setup:
- Wii U consoles with copies of Splatoon. Let me know if you can bring a setup and I can track them here:
- Setup #1: remmah
- Setup #2:
- Setup #3:
- Setup #4:
- Setup #5:
- Setup #6:
- Setup #7:
- Setup #8:

- LAN adapters. Having a LAN adapter is essential, as it allows us to play locally without any lag.
- LAN adapter #1-2: remmah
- LAN adapter #3:
- LAN adapter #4:
- LAN adapter #5:
- LAN adapter #6:
- LAN adapter #7:
- LAN adapter #8:

- Monitors/TVs
- Monitors #1-2: remmah
- Monitor #3:
- Monitor #4:
- Monitor #5:
- Monitor #6:
- Monitor #7:
- Monitor #8:

Sound fun? Let me know if you can help by bringing gear or just showing up!

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