Meet the Team - They took ar Jerbs


Apr 20, 2016
Why hello there, fancy meeting you here. I'm known to most as Jenelle, and some Jerboodles.
I'm a 22 year collage graduate born and raised in Southern California.

I've pretty much grew up around video games, especially Nintendo. Hell I even had a pair of prescription Nintendo glasses as a kid. Having watched my dad sit there and play Ocarina of Time for hours, The Legend of Zelda quickly became my favorite game series, and still is to this day. Recently I've gotten reaaallyy into the Fallout series.

I'm a pretty big fan of food, there is always time for good food. Fortunately there's a butt-ton of good food in SoCal and I'm extremely thankful for that.

Currently working at a super chill interior design firm, with dreams of being an 3D environment artist at Blizzard.

My hobbies include, binge eating snacks, arting, watching dumb **** on the internet, and putting together costumes and costume props.

Don't really know what else to say. If you're curious about anything just ask!

Jeez writing about yourself is hard....

Here's a pic of my dog with eyebrows.


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