Meeting Splatoon Players IRL


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
Ohio, USA
Switch Friend Code
Disclaimer: Any names mentioned aren't real names. Also I live in a small city of about 40,000 for context.
So my friends all know I play Splatoon a lot because I'm always talking to them about it and they see me using "Splatoon Reddit" during our school breaks together. My friend group is all nerds, so most of my friends have also played Splatoon 2 or 3, but they usually just beat the story mode and get to B rank, with one of my friends getting to S rank with Tetras in S2.
So one day I'm sitting in choir class before stuff has really started, and I see my Asian classmate and friend (we'll call him Hiro) watching a video about Side Order on his computer in Japanese. I ask him if he plays Splatoon, and he says he does. I say, "Cool, what rank are you?" He looks confused, so I say again "Your Rank? Or X-Power I guess?" He recognizes X-Power, and says "Oh, 2000." So apparently Hiro who I had known for about half a year at this point was a 2000 x-rank player in Tarroka.
Does anyone else have an experience like this of meeting Splatoon players "in the wild?"

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