- That high dive sound is fantastic. I also like the sound of swimming for a long time, or the small sound of swimming slowly so that you don't get seen because you are being hyper alert and hear it.
- The final boss.
- Being in your own Ink and feeling "You're in MY world now!"
- Hiding in a wall below someone who is raining havoc on your team, appearing next to them and splatting them before they even knew you arrived.
- Holding on to a point for all you're worth but losing, when suddenly your allies appear.
- Losing a fight, and in your Splat-Cam seeing an ally come behind you and use the situation to their advantage perfectly turn it in your favor.
- Being saved by an allied Bubbler when all seemed lost. Or being doing the same for them.
- A game of Splat Zones so close you are actually not sure who had control when Judd called the game, and it was you. Same with Turf War, it's just not as rare.
- Jumping to a perfectly placed beacon and turtling up behind cover as the rest of your dead allies jump to you, replace the beacon, and counter-attack in unison.
- Saving a bad jump by defending your allies jump-marker with your very life, and succeeding.