My Lag Experiment/Dealing with lag - How laggy can you make yourself?


Jul 28, 2015
Picture this: You come home from a long day and want to play the rest of the cool summer evening playing Splatoon, trying to get to S Rank. At A+ 62(ish), you are only a few wins away from making the rank up a reality and being able to start to practice in a team to push you abilities higher. You join a ranked lobby, it's Splat Zones... easy right? You join the lobby only to realise that it's empty, being the first into a lobby is cool because you can see people and their rank as they join in. The first player to join is a Japanese player...then another, and another and another, before the match starts.

And then all hell breaks loose.
Laggy match after laggy match, your rank starts to decline, falling to A, A- and then B+ being dragged down as you are hit by impossible 1v1 trades, being cross-mapped by rollers and enemy ink shots coming from dead bodies only to kill you.

That is what happened to me.

This was the basis of my experiment, I wanted to see whether these laggy matches were a product of my internet connection, my opponents/teammates, or some other source (distance between myself and others, quality of servers, etc.) So I decided to make my connection to the game as weak and patchy as possible.

I use a wired connection between my Wii U and my router, it's the only wired connection in my household that has the option of being connected wirelessly, so I started with disconnecting my Ethernet cable and playing over Wi-Fi. The result? Not much difference, same issues as mentioned above still happening, some few matches were relatively good, however that was to be expected.

Secondly I tried to take away as much bandwidth from the Wii U as possible by running a network intensive load on two of my PC's, both running multiple Youtube videos, and game of CS:GO and downloading steam games. I expected this to be a 'worst-case scenario' as no low-end home network would have multiple things like this happening at once. But what happened in the end was beyond what I had even imagined. Every thing that I had experienced, was happening to my opponents instead. It was quite fascinating to see this outcome as I thought going into it that this would only "level the scales". Here's a list of some dumb things that happening to be in matches during this experiment.

  • Inkzooka shots passing right through me.
  • Rainmaker shield explosion kills teammates further away from the Rainmaker but not me.
  • Opponents not noticing my presence in many cases ( it was almost as if I wasn't there).
  • All I had to do was shoot in the vague direction of an enemy to kill them in most cases, especially on Tower, where they were all stacked together.
  • An enemy roller ran right through me without killing me.
  • Charger shots, no matter if fully charged or not, would never kill me, regardless of distance or type of charger used.
  • 'Ghost shots' would come out dead opponents, but they would not kill. In one case, the ink swerved out of the way in order to miss me.
  • Being hit by enemy inkstrikes only for the game to teleport me out of them into safety.
  • Being able to swim through enemy ink, constantly.
But out of all of these the most intriguing thing to happen was the teleporting of teammates. Teammate Super Jumps would be really slow or fast, then they would teleport to their destination without the animation and they would sometimes teleport when just moving around. Nintendo does a very good job in making sure that there are no teleporting players in situations where there are lag, so this was very surprising.
My performance was also better, getting around 12-5 in the majority of matches, and being top of the team.

What do you guys think of these findings? Have some of these things happened to you? I would like to do this test again at a later date in a more scientific manner. Is there a way to limit my Wii U's network use/bandwidth from my router to create more scaling? Does anyone have any in-depth knowledge on Splatoon's netcode which could explain my findings? Anything can help! Thank you for taking the time to read my wall of text and any feed back would be amazing!


Pro Squid
Jul 1, 2015
Well I know that Splatoon is way harder on wired than on wireless.

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