Need someone to help build 1v1 format


Jun 25, 2015
Hey all!

I've been wanting to form a 1v1 tourney format, and potentially have it pick up in popularity to become a standard type of tournament for Splatoon. By 1v1 I do not mean with the regular ranked modes, I'm talking about a "First to get splatted" format. I already wrote up very general rules/ideas of what to consider, but I do not have everything set in stone yet, which is why I'm making this post.

I am looking for someone, preferably somone who has experience making tournaments or has a really solid grasp on Splatoon and its mechanics. This person will help me form the 1v1 format and will become TO/Staff during a tourney if we ever manage to get one going.

If you are interested, I encourage you to take a look at the google doc hyperlinked above or shown below and read it thoroughly to get an idea of what I have in mind, and maybe come up with ideas or suggestions for me to change if/when we work together! You can post below in the thread if you are interested or find me on popular Splatoon Discord servers (LUTI, NSTC, Splat Central, so on), I have the same name (WowItsCharles) and you can message me there. Let me know the following:

Do you have experience with making tournament rules, if so which tournaments:
How familiar are you with Splatoon (When you got it, how much you play, how much you are active in the community):
Why do you want to help form a 1v1 Ruleset/Tourney:
Are you able to voice chat (Probably not required but it might make discussing things easier):

Thanks all and I hope this format can get developed and make its way into popularity!


Link to Google Doc of general Rules/Things to consider for 1v1 Tourney:


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Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Still a little iffy on the detail since I've only analyzed parts of it but maybe one thing you can do it segment each of the battles into the classifications and then have the players ban weapons based off the weapons in said group
For example:
Generalize on battle as a charger type battle then have the player work on decoding on which weapon would be the best to use in the given set
Making it fair and that each player had their choose something their comfortable with interest that field
Cons: shooters are a broad category to choose from so splitting this into long, mid, and short range shooters in order to save time

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