New AT: Dual mining


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Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
So I have mentioned this on the best and worst sub before but I still feel it deserves it's own post, dual mining is a pretty simple tech that if preformed correctly will allow you have a mine up 4x it's original radius.

Because of the inkmine patch back in 2.7 we gain the ability to replace a currently placed inkmine in another area, making it easier to defend yourself from close range attacks and making this "worst sub" a little more viable.
However I feel that dual mining might make this one of the best weapons in the game aside from the splash wall

You see the inkmine has the same radius as a suction bomb but because of it signal flash it can easily be spotted an dodged ahead of time, this also makes it possible if you press RB again as the flash begins to have two inkmine on the field at the same time (though I do believe it is possible to have three if motion go off quick enough + sub saver).
This allows you to place trap which force inkling to hump off ledges into another inkmine on maps like museum de alfonsino. Even better it allows you to both all end of the tower in tower control, and have a huge blast that covers more range than any other sub in the game.

Most inkmine tools can use this with stealth jump to splat multiple enemies grouped up in a single area. This is also a good counter to carbon rollers and rush down player who while chasing you will get caught between these two inkmines.
Lastly by placing one under the rainmaker before it explodes you can force the carrier to jump into a inkmine and buy your team the need time to begin a push

Anyways hope you guys can make use of this simple but satisfying tech.


Pro Squid
Apr 30, 2016
Sorry, but this still feels very situational at best. Suction bombs have almost the same blast radius, plus all the other benefits it has like being throwable.


Semi-Pro Squid
Jun 24, 2015
The ink radius isn't the same as its lethal range and at best (the suction bomb also has a larger lethal range), you'll catch someone in a trade because of how vulnerable you're leaving yourself when laying that second ink mine. In fact, it'd be better to just back up and get the person with your main weapon anyways.


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Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
@Magnus0 yes suction bombs can be throw and have the same blast radius, however as a new squiffer user there are things you can do with the inkmine aside from random placement and tower control so this is to honestly encourage more creative inkmine usage.
Yes for dual mining you are at risk for jumping but if you place and inkmine on a ahead and place another one as it goes off they try to rush you or dodge the inkmine most time they are splatted with minimal damage to you, if done right.
Also you are forgot to included the falloff of both inkmine aoe damage and I have been able to do this before carbon rollers take me out.
Overall I am trying to say in order to be good with this sub you have to commit to hard reads and now when and where to place this sub ahead of time


Lord of the Squids
Aug 15, 2015
Switch Friend Code
You cannot use Mines aggressively as they cannot be thrown. Trying to dump a mine next to somebody's feet, watch it run away into your other mine is a situation made much easier with this alternative: just shooting the squid in the face with your main weapon. This also goes with the issue of having the enemy right where you need them just as your other mine is about to go off, and a bigger question is if the enemy will let you do it (tip: they won't).

The reason why they stay and will remain trash is because mines can only stay active for 10 seconds before they explode on their own. I've said it numerous times, but mines would actually be useful if they had the same logic as the sprinkler, as in it stays indefinitely until user dies/lays new mine/somebody steps on it. This would actually give it a function, as a low maintenance sub to catch flanking attempts. As it is right now, the only thing it can do is to trap people caught in awkward positions, and generally everything the mine can do other subs can do better.

Most people that i've seen who have mines just drop them on the tower or on a ledge and hope for the best.


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Site Moderator
Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
@Elecmaw yes I do agree that would be a whole lot better than the inkmine meta we got now and I fully support and beg splatoon 2 to be able to do this or buff the inkmine in some way to make it more formidable
However my play style is a little different since I doI try to be creative with my inkmine style and because of this my new squiffer k/d are usually 16+ splats (with 5+ deaths) and half of splats I get or more are from my unique inkmine style
For example try to
-step in enemy turf and slowly hoping to the edge of you turf with an inkmine nearby
-placing inkmine slightly outside of small aisle or slightly in of a ledge since enemies have no where to jump to without being cornered
-using inkmines to push people out from behind cover into a clear line of sight
-placing inkmine while tuning away to force player to either move back or go into another inkmine via dual mining
-right under ledges where inkling are jumping down
-super jump in over time and suicide mine the enemy team to buy time and splat grouped up players
-under the rainmaker as they go to pop it in order to stall and splat impatient foes
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Inkling Cadet
Jun 7, 2015
dual mining feels pretty situational but mostly useful against blasters.

since being closer to them is actually the safest place to be, it's fairly easy to swim in and place a bomb at their feet, fake a charge shot to bring them over, then abandon the charge and place another bomb for the kill.

but most of the time it seems less situational and uses less ink just to combine an inkmine with an uncharged/semi-charged shot.
when they bomb is activated, they go into flight mode and can't afford to swim "trickily," so they're pretty easy to hit.


the other situational trick with "dual mining" is to wait until RIGHT BEFORE your nearby mine (that an enemy is nearby but not necessarily going to trip) starts going off and then place another mine. you'll technically have two mines on the ground at the same time and the second one can startle opponents into making a mistake (if they move towards it).


they're both very situational though...
even though i get kills with them, it's often more just for shock value or intimidation.

inkmines are way better than they used to be, but i just wish there was... a LITTLE more of SOMETHING.
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