(No longer searching)


Dec 31, 2016
  • Name: Clutch (or Casey, if you want)
  • Age: 24
  • Region: North America
  • Timezone: PST (west coast)
  • Rank: A-
  • Main Weapon: Dynamo Roller (Regular/Gold/Tempered)
  • Playstyle: Defensive, I tend to more naturally and effectively play a sort of goalie.
  • Splatoon 2: Yes, I'll be available to play Splatoon 2 as well. I have the Switch and have the game preordered.
  • Discord: Clutch#9763
  • Voice chat: Yes
  • Language: English
  • Availability: I don't have a job or school, so besides a few short commitments at various times of the week I'm available to practice whenever. My internal clock is broken and my sleep schedule is warped to unrecognizability, so my timezone hardly even matters.
TL;DR: I'm a relatively new and inexperienced squid--at both Splatoon itself and competitive gaming in general--looking for a competitive squad or clan with scheduled practice that can help me improve as a player.


I'm typically the kind of person who likes to wait and see and let opportunities come to me, but I've been a bit dissatisfied with what's shown up so far, so I'm taking a bit more assertive an approach. I worry I won't find a good squad for me anytime soon though because I'm in the awkward position of wanting the structure* and at least semi-seriousness* of a competitive squad, but I'm not that good at the game yet.

*When I say structured and serious, I don't mean like a dead-serious, all work and no play squad. I mean scheduled practice I can know when to show up for, instead of the captain randomly asking if anybody wants to private battle while I happen to be afk, and that shows persistent dedication to improvement.

Technically, I'm currently in a squad and am looking to switch squads. My current squad is a casual group of really nice guys, fun to play with, but I can't stand the lack of structure they have. I'm not even sure it's a bad thing about the squad, just something that doesn't work for me. I've already let the captain know I'm looking for a new squad and he's cool with it.

As for experience, I've had the game since Christmas and it's the first competitive game I've really played. I didn't even know I HAD a competitive side until last year. Maybe it's just that I've never before played a game I cared enough about to be good at**. I don't know. I've played mostly Turf War and Ranked Battle (solo queue), with a little bit of squadding with the casual squad and some private battles through Woomy Lounge. I've played in one tournament in which our squad had four straight losses, and I've played in like one scrim. Ever. Also, the scrim was after the tournament. Our squad entered with almost no team practice whatsoever. >_> I mean, it was tons of fun, but I felt like we could have done so much better.

**I played a little bit of Smash middle of last year, which is how I discovered I even had a competitive side, and I studied a little bit of competitive technique for it, but I never really made it past a beginner level.

My other experience is very limited. I've been playing video games since I was a kid, but I'd describe my playstyle in most games as cheap and easy: I usually play on novice mode, or play games that aren't hard. It's only since I discovered I even have a competitive side that I've discovered I'm even capable of enjoying a challenge. So all the feelings of competing--desire to win, desire to improve, salt over losing--are all largely new to me.

I did once play in a competitive guild in an MMO, that I don't like to talk about because things didn't end well with them, but my job within it depended more on showing up than being good. I was the scout in guild wars: all I had to do was stealth around the middle of the map and call over the voice chat when I saw the enemy guild trying to take the middle tower. I was horribly undergeared and almost never engaged in PvP combat, and my effort on the team counted for about 1/40th of our guild's ability, as opposed to Splatoon where my efforts count for 1/4th of the squad's ability.

Sorry to ramble on forever, just wanted to clarify things if people are interested. Well, I am a novelist, is it really a surprise I wrote one here? My hopes of finding a fit aren't that high, but I'm still crossing my fingers. Send me a message here, on discord (Clutch#9763), or twitter (@clutchedsquid) if you'd like to see about recruiting me or getting to know me better.

Thank you for your time.

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