Octolings vs. Inklings C.S. (Reboot)


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Names: Coral, Clam

Ages: 14 (Coral), 16 (Clam)

Gender: Male

Species: Octoling (Coral), Octotrooper (Clam)

Appearances: Coral wears a White Anchor Tee, the longer version of the Splatoon 1 Turf War shorts for boys and has two of his tentacles tied up into a topknot, he wields the Octo Shot. Clam is a Ringed Octotrooper who is Coral's older brother.

Allegiance: Inklings and the Octarians who escaped Octo Valley.

Enemy: DJ Octavio's Octarians, anyone who interferes with the continuation of the Octarian reunification.

Backstory: Clam was one of the tentacles cut by his father while Coral hatched from his mother's egg. Coral and Clam lost their parents before the second war between the Ringed Octarians and the Crimson Octarians had even started, the war was about escaping Octo Valley, but as they were fighting for freedom and to escape the Valley, the long process of reunification between the Ringeds and the Crimsons also started. However, some Crimsons are too loyal to DJ Octavio and as such, they will stop at nothing to rule Inkopolis with an iron fist which includes the newly formed friendly Octarian neighborhood. As such, General Anemone gave a mission to Coral and Clam to stop Octavio's loyalists from taking over Inkopolis.

Personalities: Coral is mostly a reserved Octoling and also a little too sensitive regarding the topic of his parents' death. Clam isn't afraid to engage in close combat with an enemy, unlike other Octotroopers, he is fast and doesn't need a machine to fight.
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Agent 507

Apr 24, 2018
Name: Joseph
Age: 17
Species: Inkling (Black)
Gender: Male

Allegiance: Inkopolis & it’s citizens/The New Squidbeak Splatoon


Bio: Joseph was abandoned at an orphanage in the darkest parts of inkopolis when he was merely a baby, the secret behind this orphanage was that it was actually a secret recruitment and training area for the New Squidbeak Splatoon order to hand select a few children, train them to become agents, and then send them out in a secret war against the Octarians (Pardon if I just butchered the entire splatoon lore, it’s been ages since I’ve gotten into it). Now, the war has dragged on to the very streets itself, causing havoc amongst the citizens of inkopolis, Joseph plans to do his part in pushing back these invading octarians and hopefully end this war once and for all.

Weapon(s): Rollers/Brushes.

Agent 507

Apr 24, 2018
Names: Coral, Clam

Ages: 14 (Coral), 16 (Clam)

Species: Octoling (Coral), Octotrooper (Clam)

Appearances: Coral wears a White Anchor Tee, the longer version of the Splatoon 1 Turf War shorts for boys and has two of his tentacles tied up into a topknot, he wields the Octo Shot. Clam is a Ringed Octotrooper who is Coral's older brother.

Allegiance: Inklings and the Octarians who escaped Octo Valley.

Enemy: DJ Octavio's Octarians, anyone who interferes with the continuation of the Octarian reunification.

Backstory: Coral and Clam lost their parents before the second war between the Ringed Octarians and the Crimson Octarians had even started, the war was about escaping Octo Valley, but as they were fighting for freedom and to escape the Valley, the long process of reunification between the Ringeds and the Crimsons also started. However, some Crimsons are too loyal to DJ Octavio and as such, they will stop at nothing to rule Inkopolis with an iron fist which includes the newly formed firendly Octarian neighborhood. As such, General Anemone gave a mission to Coral and Clam to stop Octavio's loyalists from taking over Inkopolis.

Personalities: Coral is mostly a reserved Octoling and also a little too sensitive regarding the topic of his parents' death. Clam isn't afraid to engage in close combat with an enemy, unlike other Octotroopers, he is fast and doesn't need a machine to fight.
Good to see clam and coral come back.


Inkling Cadet
Jul 30, 2017
Laying on my bed
Switch Friend Code
Shade is back!


Race: Basicly a inkling but turned into a unstable form that basically leaks ink.

Age: 16

Apearence: No real appearance, but is a inkling that is surrounded by some ink at all time. Can be seen as just a blob of ink with two white eyes staring out of it, or can be seen as a inkling with ink running off of him.

Backstory: Shade was a regular inkling until he was taken and infused with some dark matter through surgery because they we're trying to make a inkling stronger and faster than ever before. That dark matter at his core turned him into the unstable form he is now. He was used for testing dangerous procedures from the OGMO (Octavian genetic modification orginazation) because of his ability to reach with his inky blackness. But soon he started to become more aware of himself, and escaped to inkopolis. He stayed in the alley until he could turn into a inkling, then went out and tried to fit in. He was a little awkward at first, but eventually he worked his way up to ranked and enjoyed it a lot. The inklings liked him and helped him along. Even the shop keepers let him in before he was "fresh" enough. But then the incident happened. One day, he was playing in turf wars, just as normal. But then one of the inklings insulted him and the inkling pushed him too far. So far that he could barley think and went full rage mode. He doesn't remember what happens, next but the inkling had died and he wasn't respawning. He was banished from inkopolis and never came back. His current whereabouts are unknown

A direct copy pasta from the original RP


Pro Squid
Feb 25, 2019
Switch Friend Code
Names: Lana and Noah Pond, Via Rose, August Thames, Rebekah Sasaki
Ages: 15, 14, 14, 16, and 17, respectfully
Species: Octolings

Bio: Lana was one of many who defected from the Octarian Army. Upon getting to Inkopolis, she realized how much more friendly the atmosphere was, and that she could freely express herself, and realizing what was right, she changed sides. Noah soon followed, both worrying for his sister and seeing what the army really did. Via is a bit new, having just arrived from a training academy in Octo Canyon, and was tired of being separated from loved ones and having her feelings suppressed, so she joined her friend August at the surface. Rebekah was a former Elite soldier who came to the surface from an interest in Inkling culture and had no desire to go back since, with its friendlier people and more relaxed, culturally diverse environment.

Allegiance: Inklings

...too many characters or am I good?

Agent 507

Apr 24, 2018
Names: Lana and Noah Pond, Via Rose, August Thames, Rebekah Sasaki
Ages: 15, 14, 14, 16, and 17, respectfully
Species: Octolings

Bio: Lana was one of many who defected from the Octarian Army. Upon getting to Inkopolis, she realized how much more friendly the atmosphere was, and that she could freely express herself, and realizing what was right, she changed sides. Noah soon followed, both worrying for his sister and seeing what the army really did. Via is a bit new, having just arrived from a training academy in Octo Canyon, and was tired of being separated from loved ones and having her feelings suppressed, so she joined her friend August at the surface. Rebekah was a former Elite soldier who came to the surface from an interest in Inkling culture and had no desire to go back since, with its friendlier people and more relaxed, culturally diverse environment.

Allegiance: Inklings

...too many characters or am I good?
Approved, welcome aboard

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