Permanent Inkbrush Discussion Thread


Speedrunning Inkling
Site Moderator
May 6, 2015
Hello friends
So it's been a few hours since the Sheldon's Picks Vol. 1 dropped and one of the new weapons is the Permanent Inkbrush. I came here expecting a discussion going on but saw nothing so I'm here to start one myself. It's kit is Splat Bomb and Kraken which is a blend of both of the Octobrush kits but instead on the Inkbrush. This kit is something the Inkbrush has needed for a long time. The Inkbrush has suffered from it's kits being either a good sub and bad special or bad sub and good special but now, it has both.

Played it for several hours and I'm in love with it. The ability to space people out with the shortest ranged weapon is great then have a Kraken to apply even more pressure. Inkbrush is also one of the best inking weapons and so it can charge it's Kraken real fast.

Anyway, I'd like to see people's thoughts on the weapon so feel free to say some stuff.


Inkster Jr.
Sep 26, 2015
For a long time everyone has known that for an inkbrush to be good outside of turf war it needed either burst or splat bombs and a good special. I was hoping for something more like burst bombs and killer wail but with the changes to burst bombs this set may be more effective now. It steps all over the octobrush's toes but man is it fun to play. Much like the Jr. you use splat bombs frequently as they are your ranged option. The main weapon itself still hits like a wet noodle but is highly mobile and turfs like a dream. Most of your splatting power is tied in your sub and special. It charges kraken faster than anything and can use the brush run to set up quick kraken flank. I've been bombing and keeping turf when the kraken isn't charged, and looking for an opportunity to flank when it is. Also if you have enough ink toss a bomb right before you kraken. You can use it to cut off an escape route while you charge in the splat. Kraken also brutal when used from above. Flick a few times and then hit the special. Your kraken descends with a blanket of ink that traps enemies. I love it.


Inkling Commander
Sep 28, 2015
I'm absolutely in love with the Permanent Inkbrush. I've always used the Inkbrushes for Turf War and stuck to Octobrushes for Ranked but I think that I will begin using the Permanent Inkbrush competitively. The Splat Bomb/Kraken combination has been extremely useful to becoming more aggressive with the Inkbrush. It's still a mostly supportive weapon but the Kraken gives it the ability to hold its own during a close ranged fight without having to heavily rely on its teammates for help.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Haven't took it to rank yet, but may in due time. It makes me seriously consider an alt account where I play only inkbrushes in rank, whereas my main account is multiplie weapons.

Not sure if I'm feeling it all that much as the splat bombs are very draining. And I keep forgetting I have a kraken! But it is amusing to pull the usual inkbrush antics like infiltration and blockade running with the surprise splat bomb tossed in. Players aren't conditioned to it yet.

And it's been adorable watching players who never or hardly ever used an inkbrush try to weild it. Many building their kraken and fight with that. Yet they were often so cute flailing I'd let them splat me or toy with them.


Pro Squid
Jun 10, 2015
Just reposting what i typed in the other thread.

I've only really played with the Perma Brush so I'll give my 3 cents on it. Having used both the previous ink brush variants extensively and even dabbled with the octobrushes, I must say this brush is definitely a funky one. The one thing the ink brush was missing was a range option, and we finally have it in the form of splat bombs. Unfortunately the brush it's self is still fairly weak however it can gain special quickly making it so that you almost always have a kraken ready which is saying alot for a special that requires 220p. This brush in the right hands will be terrifying; I tend to go 12+ and 3-7 on my own k/d respectively. I can't wait till I have more time with it in the lab so I can fully understand the tricks I can do with it.

I feel like it's strength really lies in the splat bombs and their roll physics. I've caught people so many times with a properly placed bomb. My personal build that I'm currently working on organizing is focused on ink saver sub. I try to run enough to allow me to throw two bombs on a full tank. This allows me to use the splat bombs a a pseudo main similar to how people use burst bombs but of course mot to that extremity. Being abe to throw a bomb far being an enemy then roll one right in his face is too funny considering they have almost nO options at that point. (Nvm the next part, just me gushing about actually having range now) yesterday on museum and triggerfish I actually zoned a couple of SSPs out of my teams area by spamming the splat bombs. Literally the best feeling in the world for an ink brush is knowing they can zone one of the longest ranged, non charger weapons in the game. Knowing whether to throw one or two bombs at a time, knowing how to roll the bombs, angle them and bounce them off of surfaces is definitely key to my style as is knowing when you can get a kill with the brush itself. oh yeah, krakens there too.. use it to kill squids or as a panic button.


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
Under a rock in Texas.
I'm loving it too! Such a fun weapon ^w^
Though I never played with the inkbrush much before so I'm on of the bad ones.
Currently using this setup for it:
Probably change it once I learn how to use the weapon more properly. What do y'all use on it? :D


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Hmm, I feel like ordering gear from you.

Depends on the brush and what playstyle I'm going for at the moment. But I almost always wear ink resistance shoes--but this is just me. Whether rank or turf I'll often be on a personal basis with bad ink. Swim speed up is always useful no matter your setup. Quick respawn is a useful crutch while you learn how to dodge, annoy, and out think everything.


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
Under a rock in Texas.
Hmm, I feel like ordering gear from you.

Depends on the brush and what playstyle I'm going for at the moment. But I almost always wear ink resistance shoes--but this is just me. Whether rank or turf I'll often be on a personal basis with bad ink. Swim speed up is always useful no matter your setup. Quick respawn is a useful crutch while you learn how to dodge, annoy, and out think everything.
xD those are actually my only pures, most of my other gear are naturals and I don't have much overall (thankfully a new splatfest is happening soon so I can work on that later on)
feel free to add me, my NNID is NeonLuigi
Might not be on much this weekend since bravely second comes out tomorrow though.

It's a ton of fun running around slow firing weapons, though my dodge skills are pretty lacking so I'll practice that more


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
xD those are actually my only pures, most of my other gear are naturals and I don't have much overall (thankfully a new splatfest is happening soon so I can work on that later on)
feel free to add me, my NNID is NeonLuigi
Might not be on much this weekend since bravely second comes out tomorrow though.

It's a ton of fun running around slow firing weapons, though my dodge skills are pretty lacking so I'll practice that more
GAAAH! I still have to finish Bravely Default!

It was part of my New Year's resolution, but one of my buddy's found a WiiU Splatoon/Sm4sh bundle for me and... well... my resolution has been on a detour. xD


Pro Squid
Jun 10, 2015
I'm not sure if it's just me or not but since the Perma was released I'm starting to see more vanilla and nouveaus in ranked around S and S+. As a matter of fact one literally chased me through the duration of our game.

It also seems like there are alot less octos running around, and I haven't seen a single octo nouveau yet... I'm confused.

Cake or Death

Full Squid
Apr 1, 2016
So we've established it's a really good Inkbrush but the big question is whether the Permanent Inkbrush is worth bothering with when we have the Octobrush. How does it stack up in comparison?

On paper the Permanent Inkbrush looks great. The Octobrush's kit means it has to be played in a sneaky support/ambush roll, and now that the same kit is on an Inkbrush it means that you'll be able to move around the map a hell of a lot quicker.

The downside to the Permanent Inkbrush is that it's still just an Inkbrush at the end of the day. It doesn't splat opponents as easily as the Octobrush; you're pretty much forced into never engaging an enemy ever, whereas the Octobrush's power means you can at least hold your own in those situations. With the Octobrush and wearing 2x Damage-Up Mains or 6x Damage-Up Subs you're guaranteeing a 2HKO on other Inklings, a 3HKO if they're running Defense-Up. Inkbrushes struggle to compete with that power.


Pro Squid
Jun 10, 2015
Considering the design of the game, im not exactly sure if we should be thinking 'which to use' when well most likely need to use both ink brush and octo depending on map/mode but ill bite and try to answer the question anyway.

A huge thing to take into account would be that the octobrush is statistically a 3hko since its base is 38.0(?) and it cant reach 50.0 damage no matter what; likewise the ink brush is statistically a 4hko with base damage at 28.0 and maxes out at 33.3 but both of these weapons are wonky in that they can pass that through their design since they spit out multiple globs of ink per swipe, 5 for the octo and 3 for the ink brush(they really should give the ink brush 4 but im not gonna get into that now) which can potentially make the octo a 1hko and the ink brush a 2hko... It happens, and the enemy gets salty when it does. The main issue with the ink brush vs the octo brush would have been its range but since we have the Perma now, thats not completely true anymore.

The ink brush always acceled at everything over the octo, except for killing power and range; ink brush was always faster and fluid and even gains special faster. Looking at the kits, the vanilla octo has beakons and kraken while the nouveau ditches the panic kraken in favor of zooka and splat bombs. Ink brush on the other hand has the best of both worlds in the range/panic button department while also being able to gain its special faster.

I honestly think it depends on the player. the Perma is definitely viable and useable now so it all really boils down to player preference; Would you rather a little extra range and power split into 2 sets at the cost of speed and mobility? or would you rather have a less reliable range option, a panic button and speed all in one set at the cost of power and base ranged attacks?


Speedrunning Inkling
Site Moderator
May 6, 2015
Perma Inkbrush is by far, without a doubt the most viable Inkbrush however it is an Inkbrush. One advantage it does have over Octobrush is the ink output as Inkbrush is one of the top turfing weapons and so at the end of the day, Inkbrush might be able to charge Kraken faster (will test later) and then it having Splat Bombs is also nice.

I won't be replacing Octobrush as my main with this but I can see myself using this in tournaments for some fun and to prove some people wrong :)

Cake or Death

Full Squid
Apr 1, 2016
I think if I were to the the Permanent Inkbrush something like Quick Respawn and Quick Super Jump might be good to have as you're going to be trading splats a hell of a lot, and maybe Ink Recovery/Ink Saver (Sub). I use Cold Blooded when I use the Octobrush so I'd use it with the Permanent Inkbrush too.


Pro Squid
Jun 10, 2015
Idk, may just be personal preference but i wouldnt play this līke an octobrush. It doesnt have the range or power for that playstyle.

Im telling you guys, the sub saver/double splat bomb build is godlike haha. Running it relieves the stress of the main weapon so much and changes the dynamic of the weapon.

Of course you can run whatever you want, tis but a suggestion.
Last edited:


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Yeah, I don't believe an inkbrush should be played as you would an octobrush. Some of the same gear? Sure. But your playstyle would still need to change/adjust for the weapon difference.

And I'm coming around on giving an inkbrush splat bombs. You're a nuisance enough as it is, but now you can randomly toss out a grenade or two while zooming or sneaking around the entire map? I almost have to bid my sprinkler harassment adeiu for a while.


Apr 18, 2016
It needed the upgraded kit so it could really apply pressure on the opponents. I used to be an Octobrush main because of the Kraken Special and the Beacons weren't a bad sub. But now that this is out, I switched weapons for the fact that it's much better than either of the old Inkbrushes and has a lot of potential in the right hands.


Apr 21, 2016
since I've started using this brush I've actually been able to increase my rank from B- to A- in just a few days, in rainmaker you quickly lay down a path for your team mates to help pop the shield, its great for guarding the tower and guarding the zone or snagging quick kills to take the zone, all around a great weapon in my opinion, one of my favorites


Full Squid
Apr 14, 2016
Definitely a great weapon. I don't personally own it, but it's stats bring me to believe that this brush will bring me many victories in ranked.

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