Predictions for the next Dread Wringer kit?

Birb the Bird

Jan 30, 2024
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I see only 2 things happen: either a Reef Deco Tier kit or a Good S Blast Tier kit. There's also the rare chance of something good but not perfect good.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I see only 2 things happen: either a Reef Deco Tier kit or a Good S Blast Tier kit. There's also the rare chance of something good but not perfect good.
Let's hope it does get a good kit this time.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
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out of all the specials on sloshers, i think the most likely for dread are bubble, vac, or cooler

i think any kind of bomb would be really good for the weapon, but torp would be the most balanced for the weapon imo

having another cooler weapon in the game that can contest 3/4 of the most prominent ones would be really awesome, not to mention dread has insane paint

let's hope it doesn't get cursed with 210p


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
out of all the specials on sloshers, i think the most likely for dread are bubble, vac, or cooler

i think any kind of bomb would be really good for the weapon, but torp would be the most balanced for the weapon imo

having another cooler weapon in the game that can contest 3/4 of the most prominent ones would be really awesome, not to mention dread has insane paint

let's hope it doesn't get cursed with 210p
Anything but vac for Dread. Cooler or big bubbler can help the weapon!

Burst bomb or torpedo pls

DW vs Tri nouveau real

190p imagine


Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Torp is the sub I think people are most unanimously in agreeance would be the kind of thing Nintendo would give it on a good kit, but I could also see it getting mines. I can hope for cooler on it, it'd fill a nice niche for it that doesn't really exist yet, but I feel doubtful they would. We already have a lot of cooler weapons, and I think they may consider it too close to tri nouveau. So for the special, I'd say either bubble/vac for a supportive kit, or stamp/splashdown for an aggro one. I don't want any of those, but those feel like what Nintendo would give it.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
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honestly the only special i hope it doesn't get is crab, just because i want custom explo to get crab

and i'm ngl i forgot nTri existed, so maybe rain as a special? it would really help out dread's slaying power, as enemies would only need to be in the storm for 25 frames (less than half a second!) to get one shot in combination with both of the sloshes


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Torp is the sub I think people are most unanimously in agreeance would be the kind of thing Nintendo would give it on a good kit, but I could also see it getting mines. I can hope for cooler on it, it'd fill a nice niche for it that doesn't really exist yet, but I feel doubtful they would. We already have a lot of cooler weapons, and I think they may consider it too close to tri nouveau. So for the special, I'd say either bubble/vac for a supportive kit, or stamp/splashdown for an aggro one. I don't want any of those, but those feel like what Nintendo would give it.
Torp would be a nice sub for it to have or burst. Cooler would be good to have, but I sadly don't see that happening, so hopefully bubble, splashdown or zipcaster (but I know this one won't happen).


Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
My predictions is something like torpedo, inkmine, or autobomb. Obviously i dont want inkmine but like torpedo would be fun, and autobomb wouldn't be too bad. Finding a realistic special for this weapon is really hard cause it can kinda work with anything that isn't overly aggressive. Giving it another kit with an overly aggressive special is just bad game design so i doubt they'll give it zipcaster, kraken, hammer, or trip splashdown. giving it crab, booyah, or inkjet would be extremely fun. My like god kit i want is burst bomb inkjet, but that aint happening


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
IMO Torp + Storm/Wave would be a pretty cool 2nd kit imo, making it more of a "chill out, annoy short ranged enemy gamers and live forever" kind of mid-range instead of a "hi charger how ya doing over there here's some ink >: )" kind of mid-range with a sub to locate people to keep itself socially distanced while giving it a funny combo for fast kills and a special that helps the whole team fight in a given area but disproportionatly helps dread so if your team isn't with you for whatever reason you still have options to make impactful plays

but since the title of the thread says prediction wall + splashdown
i'd be chill with it given it's a kit that does a specific thing that the main weapon also does but the first kit already kinda has the whole "fight fight ooo you want to be aggressive" playstyle down even if it kinda sucks (+ splashdown on dread sounds cool)

I think the big N are going to look at the new specials, look at the like 3/4 aggro left to get kits (great job on balancing what you gave kits to nintendo sure is cool half the chargers and splatlings still have 1 kit a year and a half into the game) with range being kinda locked in for the obvious kit to give it and just slap splashdown on anything they can and no other bucket left really wants wall but dread is fine with it and wall + splashdown both encourage you to be aggro and threaten people so yeah sure

(also i think zip on dread would be cool as **** but bucket wants it for the same reasons and already has it and burst bomb would be way too broken to ever allow in the game (would be very fun tho) (source: s1 vslosher))

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